Agilent Catalog 2

G1964-20050, AJS spray shield

G1947-60551, APCI Enablement Kit, LTE, L/F

G1946-68702, APCI nebulizer accessory kit

G2428A, APCI nebulizer needle

G1960-20030, APCI nebulizer needle

G1946-68704, APCI needle replacement kit

BHT-4, Big Hydrocarbon Trap, 1/4 in, 250 psig

BMT-4, Big Moisture Trap, 1/4 in, 250 psig

RMSN-4, Big universal trap, Nitrogen, 1/4 in, 300 psig

RMSN-2, Big universal trap, Nitrogen, 1/8 in, 300 psig

9300-2576, Bottle, 125 mL, clear, borosilicate glass

392027000, Calibration gas chamber, 1/pk

9300-2575, Cap, for fluorocarbon carbon, 33 mm

393753005, Capillary assembly, 600 µm id

G1946-80054, Capillary cleaning wire

G1964-80659, Capillary, 6-inlet, 0.61 mm x 90 mm, 1G, hexabore resistive capillary for the Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quadrupole LC/MS, samples up to 10x more ion rich gas from the source

G2440-60200, Channel electron multiplier assembly, ceramic

G2441-80010, Channel electron multiplier assembly, ceramic

G1960-80103, Channel electron multiplier, low gain, for LC/MS

5190-1401, Cleaning powder, dielectric capillary, for ion transfer capillary cleaning

05980-60051, Cloth, lint-free, 23 x 23 cm, 100% cotton, 15/pk

1460-2717, Contact Spring BeCu

G1947-20029, Corona needle (each)

G1947-60103, Corona needle holder assembly, TOF 62XX series

3050-1167, Curved Washer

6040-0809, Diffusion pump fluid, 18.5 mL, 2 required for Agilent 5975 and 5973 Series

G2571-80103, Electron multiplier horn, high gain

5191-4192, Emitter, 10 µm, with silica-tip, uncoated

G1978-60060, End cap assembly, Multimode

G1982-20111, End cap, nano

G1946-68703, ESI nebulizer kit. Includes needle holder, ferrule, and ESI needle

G1946-80160, Fast HED high voltage supply

G1960-80060, Fast Switch Capillary, 0.6 MM

G1946-20213, Ferrule, for nebulizer needle, graphite-filled polyimide, 0.3 mm

0100-2051, Filter element, 5 µm, 5/pk

5190-7004, Filter element, HEPA, NW25/40

G3911-30000, FS ion injector, 0.6 mm id, 180 mm

G1946-20301, H.T. Capillary cap

393781401, Ion guide assembly

G1964-80112, Ion injector, 1.2 mm id x 90 mm

G7604-60001, Ion injector, 180 mm, 0.5 mm id, dielectric

G7604-60000, Ion injector, 180 mm, 0.6 mm id, dielectric

G3911-30001, Ion injector, for Ultivo and MSD iQ

G1958-68000, Jet Stream heater replacement kit. Includes clean heater core, nitrile gloves, 2.5 mm Allen wrench, screened heater assembly, instructions

5005-0109, LC/MS preventive maintenance kit, 6495D

G1946-60157, LC/MSD tool kit

1460-2716, Locking Spring, Stainless

0515-1602, Machine screw, 6 lobe socket, flat head, M2 x 0.4, 6 mm long

1000-1541, Magnifier, pocket scope, 40x, Al alloy

5183-2014, Maintenance Kit, LC/MS Nitrogen Generator

G2581-80301, Micro-ion E-gauge, analog

G1964-80661, Multicapillary inlet ion drift tube, 6 capillaries, 0.59 mm x 90 mm, 120M

G1960-20310, Narrow bore capillary cap

G1946-20202, Neb O-ring retainer

G1946-20175, Neb square nut

GT430-20470, Nebulizer adjustment fixture

G1960-67470, Nebulizer adjustment kit

G1946-67037, Nebulizer assembly, APCI, tested

G1946-67098, Nebulizer assembly, ESI, tested

G1946-67260, Nebulizer assembly, microflow

G1958-60137, Nebulizer needle kit, 316 stainless steel, includes needle holder, ferrule, and ESI needle

G1960-20032, Nebulizer needle, ESI

G1958-67098, Nebulizer support assembly, ES, tested

G1946-20274, Needle holder, flanged

5183-2003, Nitrogen Gas Generator

2740-0001, NUT-HEX-DBL-CHAM 10-32-THD .109-IN-THK

390596009, O-ring baked 0.348 od

2140-0826, Obsolete. Replaced by 0960-3409

G1958-68100, Obsolete. No replacement recommendation. AJS Ceramic Insulator Upgrade Kit

3150-0559, Particle beam frit pack 10/pk

5190-9008, Performance maintenance kit, LC/MS, for 1 MS40+ pump, Jet Stream equipped

5190-9009, Performance maintenance kit, LC/MS, for 2 MS40+ pumps, Jet Stream equipped, in Agilent 6490 LC/MS with iFunnel

5190-9006, Performance maintenance kit, LC/MS, for Edwards pump

5190-9007, Performance maintenance kit, LC/MS, for MS40+ pump, Jet Stream equipped, single bore capillary instruments

8710-0004, Pliers, needle nose

5190-1443, QuickPick LC/MS PM kit. Includes oil, oil mist filter, N2 purifier, coil spring, rotor seal, LC filter

G1997-67011, Replacement filament for G1997A ExD cell

0100-1854, Rotor seal, Tefzel, for p/n 0101-0920 valve

0100-1855, Rotor seal, Vespel, for p/n 0101-0920 valve

G1946-20089, Skimmer 1

G1946-20087, Skimmer 2

393750103, Skimmer, 0.9 mm hole for 0.5 mm capillary

393750102, Skimmer, 1.7 mm hole, 500MS, 1/pk

G1956-20302, Skimmer, high throughput, 1.6 mm

G1969-20302, Skimmer, high throughput, 2.0 mm

393733701, Spray plate

393755401, Spray plate support

G1946-20157, Spray shield (end cap)

G1958-20050, Spray shield, small

5080-5400, Swabs, cotton, 100/pk

9301-1291, Syringe adapter

G1972-60025, Target plate for AP-MALDI LC/MS

0100-0969, Tee, 1/16 in, 316 SST, low dead volume

G2581-80875, Tip seal replacement kit, for Agilent TriScroll-800 dry vacuum pump

8710-1622, Torx driver, T15

8710-1615, Torx driver, T20

8710-1930, Tubing cutter, for plastic/PEEK tubing

0890-1921, Tubing, 0.03 in ID, 1/16 in OD,1.5m PEEK

8710-0806, Wrench, open-ended, 1/2 in and 7/16 in

8710-0510, Wrench, open-ended, 1/4 in and 5/16 in

0100-1619, Zero dead-volume union, stainless steel 10-32 coned female

0890-1727, 3/4 in Hose tubing CM

6040-0798, Agilent vacuum fluid 45 gold, 1 gallon

6040-0834, Agilent Vacuum Fluid 45 Gold, 1 Liter

0100-0549, Clamping ring, NW 20/25, stainless steel, filter extender tube, for the Agilent Quiet Cover

0100-1597, Co-seal, NW 20/25, filter extender tube, for the Agilent Quiet Cover

5190-7004, Filter element, HEPA, NW25/40

2710100100, Filter, exhaust, for DS series vacuum pump

G1960-80039, Filter, oil mist, for MS40+ pump

1400-0563, Hose clamp, 0.625, 1.5 diameter, 0.56 wide, stainless steel (SST), used with series 7200 gas chromatography/mass spectrometry systems

6040-1361, Oil for vacuum pumps, petroleum-based, 1 L (Replaced by P/N 6040-1444)

1535-4970, Oil mist filter for Edwards E2M18 vacuum pump

3162-1056, Oil mist filter kit for Edwards E1M18/E2M28 vacuum pump

3162-1057, Oil return line

5190-9008, Performance maintenance kit, LC/MS, for 1 MS40+ pump, Jet Stream equipped

5190-9009, Performance maintenance kit, LC/MS, for 2 MS40+ pumps, Jet Stream equipped, in Agilent 6490 LC/MS with iFunnel

5190-9006, Performance maintenance kit, LC/MS, for Edwards pump

5190-9007, Performance maintenance kit, LC/MS, for MS40+ pump, Jet Stream equipped, single bore capillary instruments

G1946-00034, Rough pump oil pan

5067-4699, 1290 infinity pump service kit

5061-5896, Abrasive mesh, 30 µm aluminum oxide, 5/pk

8660-0852, Abrasive mesh, 8000 grit (2 µm)

393706201, Abrasive powder, aluminum oxide, 100 g

8660-0791, Abrasive powder, aluminum oxide, 15 µm, 1 kg

6040-0834, Agilent Vacuum Fluid 45 Gold, 1 Liter

8899999000, Applicators, cotton-tipped, 1/pk

8710-1570, Ball driver, 1.5 mm

G1946-80054, Capillary cleaning wire

G1315-68712, Cell repair kit for standard flow cell, for Agilent diode array and multiple wavelength detectors

G1314-65062, Cell screws, 2/pk for G1314-60086

05980-60051, Cloth, lint-free, 23 x 23 cm, 100% cotton, 15/pk

9310-4828, Cloth, lint-free, 23 x 23 cm, 100% cotton, 300/pk

3162-0083, Copper wool, box

79883-68703, Flow cell window/screw assembly (2/pk)

G1314-68705, G1314A VWD accessory kit

8650-0030, Gloves, nylon, large, white, 1 pair

8650-0029, Gloves, nylon, lint-free, small, 1 pair

79883-68700, High pressure flow cell repair kit

8829944000, High vacuum grease

G4212-68001, Inline pressure relief valve kit

G1946-60157, LC/MSD tool kit

1000-1541, Magnifier, pocket scope, 40x, Al alloy

G1960-67470, Nebulizer adjustment kit

8710-1220, Nut driver, 5.5 mm

2140-0826, Obsolete. Replaced by 0960-3409

1535-4970, Oil mist filter for Edwards E2M18 vacuum pump

5190-9008, Performance maintenance kit, LC/MS, for 1 MS40+ pump, Jet Stream equipped

5190-9009, Performance maintenance kit, LC/MS, for 2 MS40+ pumps, Jet Stream equipped, in Agilent 6490 LC/MS with iFunnel

5190-9006, Performance maintenance kit, LC/MS, for Edwards pump

5190-9007, Performance maintenance kit, LC/MS, for MS40+ pump, Jet Stream equipped, single bore capillary instruments

G6500-88088, Preventative maintenance kit, CTC PAL autosampler

G7167-68730, Preventive Maintenance Kit for 1260 Infinity II Multilsampler

G7167-68720, Preventive Maintenance Kit for 1290 Infinity II Multisampler, with dual needle option

5190-1443, QuickPick LC/MS PM kit. Includes oil, oil mist filter, N2 purifier, coil spring, rotor seal, LC filter

5181-1258, Retainer ring, 10/pk

0100-1855, Rotor seal, Vespel, for p/n 0101-0920 valve

G1310-68742, Seal Wash PM kit for 1260 Infinity/Infinity II Pumps

5181-8863, Source cleaning kit

G1314-65050, Standard flow cell kit

5080-5400, Swabs, cotton, 100/pk

G1099-60566, Tool kit and source cleaning supplies

5182-3466, Torx driver, T10

8710-1622, Torx driver, T15

8710-1615, Torx driver, T20

6040-0289, Vacuum grease, 25 g tube

G1315-68713, VWD and DAD/MWD semi-micro cell repair kit

G1314-65054, VWD high pressure flow cell kit

G1314-65052, VWD micro flow cell kit

G1314-65056, VWD semi-micro flow cell kit

G1314-65061, VWD standard D-type flow cell kit

393010801, Wrench, for transfer line and analyzer alignment, for Agilent 220-MS Ion Trap

G1946-85021, 5M Ammonium Formate Solution

G2453-85050, Acetonitrile LC/MS grade 1 L

G1969-85001, API-TOF Reference Mass Solution Kit

G1978-85000, ESI + APCI LC Demo Checkout Kit

G1969-85000, ESI-L LCMS Tuning Solution

79883-68703, Flow cell window/screw assembly (2/pk)

G2453-85060, Formic Acid - 99.5% purity

79883-68700, High pressure flow cell repair kit

8500-2236, High purity water (4 L bottle)

G1969-85026, HPLC Flushing Solvent. (For China: Hazardous product will be shipped from another warehouse. The corresponding invoice will be provided by Agilent China Shanghai Legal entity)

59987-20033, LC/MS checkout standard, electrospray

G2425A, LC/MS Performance verification standard, for APCI negative ion. (For China: Hazardous product will be shipped from another warehouse. The corresponding invoice will be provided by Agilent China Shanghai Legal entity)

G1946-85004, LC/MS Performance verification standard, for positive mode, Reserpine. (For China: Hazardous product will be shipped from another warehouse. The corresponding invoice will be provided by Agilent China Shanghai Legal entity)

G1969-85003, LC/MS reference mass standard kit, ES-TOF biopolymer analysis; Contains 7 x 2 mL ampoules, 1 each with 5 mM purine, 1 M ammonium formate, 0.5 mM HP-0285, 0.1 mM HP-0321,0.2 mM HP-1221, 0.2 mM HP-1821, 0.5 mM HP-2421

G1969-85010, LC/MS tuning mix - low concentration

G1969-85020, LC/MS tuning mix - Low Concentration

G2432A, LC/MS tuning mix, for APCI/APPI, 100 mL

G2431A, LC/MS tuning mix, for ESI (Ion Trap), 100 mL

G2421-60001, LC/MS tuning mix, for ESI, 100 mL

393210201, LC/MS tuning standard kit, 500 LC/MS, 1/pk

5191-4549, LCMS Grade Formic Acid - 98-100% Purity

5191-6449, QTOF LC/MS ESI-X Tuning Mix

G1314-65050, Standard flow cell kit

5043-1988, Elbow, 90 deg., 1 inch barb to 1 inch NPT, PP

5043-1954, Flex Bench-MS waste bin fixation

G6015A, InfinityLab Flex Bench MS

G6015B, InfinityLab Flex Bench MS, with power strip

5043-1245, InfinityLab shelf assembly for up to 3 external valve drives

5043-1750, InfinityLab shelf assembly, for InfinityLab Flex Bench family products

5043-1735, InfinityLab storage drawer, for InfinityLab Flex Bench family products

5043-1725, InfinityLab tray, for InfinityLab Flex Bench family products

G3215A, Mass Spec Bench

8121-2258, Power cord cable assembly, 18 AWG, 3 conductors

5043-1289, Replacement hardware kit, for InfinityLab Flex Bench

5043-1950, Waste bin for Flex Bench MS

5191-5101-001, InfinityLab Acetonitrile for LC/MS, 1 x 1 Liters

5191-5101, InfinityLab Acetonitrile for LC/MS, 6 x 1 Liters

5191-5111-001, InfinityLab Methanol for LC/MS, 1 x 1 Liter

5191-5111, InfinityLab Methanol for LC/MS, 6 x 1 Liters

5191-5121-001, InfinityLab Water for LC/MS, 1 x 1 Liter

5191-5121, InfinityLab Water for LC/MS, 6 x 1 Liters

K1200-00855, Apparatus 3/7 inline filter housing, PEEK (for use with Full Flow filters)

17-4120, Filtertip, PE (polyethylene), 10 µm, 100/Pack

17-4100, Filtertip, PE (polyethylene), 2 µm, 100/Pack

17-4130, Filtertip, PE (polyethylene), 20 µm, 100/Pack

17-4140, Filtertip, PE (polyethylene), 45 µm, 100/Pack

17-4110, Filtertip, PE (polyethylene), 5 µm, 100/Pack

17-4040, Full Flow Filter, PVDF, 10 µm, Green, 100/Pack

17-4045, Full Flow Filter, PVDF, 10 µm, Green, 1000/Pack

17-4050, Full Flow Filter, PVDF, 35 µm, Yellow, 100/Pack

17-4055, Full Flow Filter, PVDF, 35 µm, Yellow, 1000/Pack

17-4003, Full Flow Filter, UHMWPE, 1 µm, 100/Pack

17-4000, Full Flow Filter, UHMWPE, 10 µm, Blue, 100/Pack

17-4005, Full Flow Filter, UHMWPE, 10 µm, Blue, 1000/Pack

17-4001, Full Flow Filter, UHMWPE, 10 µm, Blue, 50/Pack

17-4010, Full Flow Filter, UHMWPE, 35 µm, White, 100/Pack

17-4015, Full Flow Filter, UHMWPE, 35 µm, White, 1000/Pack

17-4011, Full Flow Filter, UHMWPE, 35 µm, White, 50/Pack

17-4004, Full Flow Filter, UHMWPE, 4 µm, 100/Pack

17-4020, Full Flow Filter, UHMWPE, 70 µm, Red, 100/Pack

17-4025, Full Flow Filter, UHMWPE, 70 µm, Red, 1000/Pack

17-4021, Full Flow Filter, UHMWPE, 70 µm, Red, 50/Pack

12-3217, Adjustable Gauge Kit for 4.75" cannula without cannula, for VK 7000, 7010

12-3218, Adjustable Gauge Kit for 7.75" cannula without cannula, for VK 7000, 7010

12-3223, Adjustable gauge kit, for 4.75 inch cannulas, for 708-DS, 709-DS

12-3224, Adjustable gauge kit, for 7.75 inch cannulas, for 708-DS, 709-DS

12-3222, Bent cannula with Luer Lock and Adjustable Gauge, for sampling from 500 mL in 1L vessels, 7.75 inch, for 708-DS, 709-DS

12-3216, Bent cannula with Luer Lock and Adjustable Gauge, for sampling from 500 mL in 1L vessels, 7.75 inch, for VK7000, 7010

12-3221, Bent cannula with Luer Lock and Adjustable Gauge, for sampling from 900 mL in 1L vessels, 4.75 inch, for 708-DS, 709-DS

12-3215, Bent cannula with Luer Lock and Adjustable Gauge, for sampling from 900 mL in 1L vessels, 4.75 inch, for VK7000, 7010

12-3210, Bent cannula with Luer Lock, for sampling from 500 mL in 1L vessels, 7.75 inch

12-3200, Bent cannula with Luer Lock, for sampling from 900 mL in 1L vessels, 4.75 inch

12-3219, Bent Cannula with Luer Lock, PEEK, for low-volume sampling

17-3306, Cannula extension kit, 500 mL (for use with one 4.5 inch cannula)

17-3317, Manual sampling cannula, for VK7025, 7030

17-3330, Resident probe sample cannula, 500 mL, for 708-DS, 709-DS

17-3335, Resident probe sample cannula, 900 mL, for 708-DS, 709-DS

17-3320, Return cannula, 2.25 inch, 900 mL, for VK7000, 7010 manifold

17-3314, Return Cannula, for VK7025, 7030

27-6520, Return Probe, 2.75 inch, for BIO-DIS

17-3300, Sampling cannula, 4.5 inch, 900 mL, for VK7000, 7010 manifold

17-3305, Sampling cannula, 6.5 inch, 500 mL, for VK7000, 7010 manifold

17-3307, Sampling cannula, 8.12 inch, for 2L vessel, for VK7000, 7010 manifold

17-3313, Sampling Cannula, for VK7025, 7030

27-6500, Sampling Probe, 5.5 inch, for BIO-DIS

11-1014, External cuvette holder cover, 10 mm

11-1012, External cuvette holder, 10 mm, for fiber optic

11-1301, Flow Cell, 0.2 mm pathlength, for Cary 50/60

11-1302, Flow Cell, 0.5 mm pathlength, for Cary 50/60

11-1315, Flow Cell, 1 mm pathlength, for Cary 50/60

11-1300, Flow Cell, 10 mm pathlength, for Cary 50/60

11-1310, Flow Cell, 2 mm pathlength, for Cary 50/60

11-1305, Flow Cell, 5 mm pathlength, for Cary 50/60

11-1425, Fiber Optic Probe, (tip not incl.), for VK7000/ VK7010, 708-DS, 709-DS

11-1429, Fiber Optic Removable Tip, 1 mm pathlength

11-1440, Fiber Optic Removable Tip, 10 mm pathlength

11-1430, Fiber Optic Removable Tip, 2 mm pathlength

11-1445, Fiber Optic Removable Tip, 20 mm pathlength

11-1435, Fiber Optic Removable Tip, 5 mm pathlength

17-6000, Purple/white Marprene replacement tubing, Pack of 8, for 810 Peristaltic Pump

17-6005, Purple/white Viton replacement tubing, Pack of 8, for 810 Peristaltic Pump

27-0127, Replacement tubing kit, App 3/7 (for use with 1/4-28 inline fittings), for BIO-DIS and 8000 Sampling Station

27-0126, Replacement tubing kit, App 3/7, (for use with inline Luer Fittings), for BIO-DIS and 8000 Sampling Station

K1001-01195, Resident sampling kit, 6-position, 500 mL, for 708-DS

K1001-01193, Resident sampling kit, 6-position, 900 mL, for 708-DS

K1001-01196, Resident sampling kit, 8-position, 500 mL, for 708-DS

K1001-01194, Resident sampling kit, 8-position, 900 mL, for 708-DS

1005-1694, Return tubing, from 8000 valves, 6-position, used with 8000 series Autosampler

1005-1688, Sample manifold tubing/cannulas, return, 1L, 3x3 configuration, for VK 7000, 7010 and 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1693, Sample manifold tubing/cannulas, return, 1L, 4x2 configuration, for VK 7000, 7010 and 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1671, Sample manifold tubing/cannulas, return, 1L, 4x4 configuration, for VK 7000, 7010 and 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1785, Sample manifold tubing/cannulas, return, online UV, 4x4 configuration, for VK 7000, 7010 and 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1687, Sample manifold tubing/cannulas, sampling, 1L, 3x3 configuration, for VK 7000, 7010 and 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1692, Sample manifold tubing/cannulas, sampling, 1L, 4x2 configuration, for VK 7000, 7010 and 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1670, Sample manifold tubing/cannulas, sampling, 1L, 4x4 configuration, for VK 7000, 7010 and 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1780, Sample manifold tubing/cannulas, sampling, 2L, 4x4 configuration, for VK 7000, 7010 and 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1784, Sample manifold tubing/return cannulas, online UV, 8 lines, 4.5" cannulas, used with 8000 Autosampler and 7000, 7010 testers

1005-1696, Sample tubing, pump or filter changer to 8000, 6-position, used with 8000 series Autosampler, 806 and 810 Peristaltic Pump, and 808 Filter Changer

1005-1674, Sample tubing, syringe pump or filter changer, 8-position, used with 8000 series Autosampler

1005-1729, Sample tubing, syringe pump to filter changer, 8-position, used with 8000 series Autosampler, 806 Syringe pump, and 808 Filter changer

1005-1695, Sample tubing, to 8000 valves, 6-position, used with 8000 series Autosampler

1005-1673, Sample tubing, to 8000 valves, 8-position, used with 8000 series Autosampler

33-9019, Silicone tubing, 0.125 inch ID, 25 feet

1005-1793, Tubing assembly, Barbed Fittings, 12x12, for BIO-DIS

1005-1894, Tubing assembly, Double Flared, Male to Male, 72 inch, 6-position, for 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1893, Tubing assembly, Double Flared, Male to Male, 72 inch, 8-position, for 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1954, Tubing assembly, Female 1/4-28 to return cannula, 8-position, for BIO-DIS and 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1952, Tubing assembly, Female/Luer to sample cannula, 8-position, for BIO-DIS and 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1892, Tubing assembly, Flared, Male to Female, 72 inch, 6-position, for 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1891, Tubing assembly, Flared, Male to Female, 72 inch, 8-position, for 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1672, Tubing Assembly, Flared, return tubings from 8000 Sampling Station valves, 8-position

1005-1722, Tubing Assembly, Flared, syringe pump to filter changer, 6-position, for 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1791, Tubing assembly, Male Luer Fittings for 810 Peristaltic Pump, 12x12, for BIO-DIS

1005-1953, Tubing assembly, Male/Luer to Male 1/4-28, 8-position, for BIO-DIS and 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1920, Tubing assembly, sample and return cannulas, 6-position, 1L, for 708-DS

1005-1922, Tubing assembly, sample and return cannulas, 6-position, 2L, for 708-DS

1005-1921, Tubing assembly, sample and return cannulas, 8-position, 1L, for 708-DS

1005-1923, Tubing assembly, sample and return cannulas, 8-position, 2L, for 708-DS

11-1320, Tubing kit, dual path length, Pack of 9, for Cary 50/60

17-6038, Tubing, Colored PTFE, .032 inch ID, 6 Lengths of 50 feet, for 3x3

17-6030, Tubing, Colored PTFE, .042 inch ID, 6 Lengths of 50 feet, for 3x3

17-6031, Tubing, Colored PTFE, .042 inch ID, 6 Lengths of 50 feet, for 4x2

17-6035, Tubing, Colored PTFE, .042 inch ID, 8 Lengths of 50 feet, for 4x2

1005-1787, Tubing/Cannulas Assembly, sampling/return, 6-position, for VK7025, 7030 and 8000 Sampling Station

1005-1786, Tubing/Cannulas Assembly, sampling/return, 8-position, for VK7025, 7030 and 8000 Sampling Station

17-6010, White silicone replacement tubing, Pack of 8, for 810 Peristaltic Pump

17-6050, Adapters, to connect PTFE to Peristaltic pump tubing, 24 in pkg.

17-6070, Nut and Ferrule, 1/4-28, for 1/16" ID tubing

3090-0160, Tubing connector, union fitting (male-male), used with 850DS Autosamplers

33-9013, 1.5 mL, 12x32 mm, Vial Tray Row, for 400-DS

33-9002, 4 mL, 15x45 mm, Vial Tray Row, for 400-DS

17-5040, Calibration Tubes, 10ml, 8/Pack

17-5001, Glass Tubes, 16x100mm, 250/Pack

17-5020, Glass vial, clear, 12x32 mm, with cap PTFE/silicon septa, 100/Pack

17-5030, Glass vial, clear, 15x45 mm, with cap PTFE/silicon septa, 100/Pack

33-9010, Glass Vial,12x32mm ,Pre-Crimped for 400-DS, 100/Pack

17-1050, Sampling Tray, HPLC, 12X32 mm, used with 8000 series Dissolution Sampling Station

17-1065, Sampling Tray, HPLC, 15x45 mm, used with 8000 series Dissolution Sampling Station

17-1000, Sampling tray, open test tube, 16x100 mm, used with 8000 series Dissolution Sampling Station

17-1010, Sampling Tray, Open Tube, 15x100 mm, used with 8000 series Dissolution Sampling Station

17-1015, Sampling Tray, Open Tube, 15x85 mm, used with 8000 series Dissolution Sampling Station

K1900-00075, Test Tube, 22.5ml, 16x150mm, used with Bio-Dis and App7 testers

33-9044, Dissolution Cell, 10mL, Amber, for 400DS

33-9000, Dissolution Cell, 10ml, for 400-DS

33-9043, Dissolution Cell, 5ml, Amber, for 400-DS

33-9005, Dissolution Cell, 5ml, for 400-DS

12-5000, EaseAlign Vessel, clear glass, 1000mL, for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5000V, EaseAlign Vessel, clear glass, 1000mL, Verified (includes Certificate), for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5040, EaseAlign Vessel, clear glass, 100mL, for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5070, EaseAlign Vessel, clear glass, 2000mL, for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5050, EaseAlign Vessel, clear glass, 200mL, for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5055, EaseAlign Vessel, clear glass, flat bottom for Enhancer Cell, 200mL, for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5200, EaseAlign Vessel, clear plastic, 1000mL, for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5010, EaseAlign Vessel, low actinic-red, 1000mL, for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5010V, EaseAlign Vessel, low actinic-red, 1000mL, Verified (includes Certificate), for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5041, EaseAlign Vessel, low actinic-red, 100mL, for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5075, EaseAlign Vessel, low actinic-red, 2000mL, for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5051, EaseAlign Vessel, low actinic-red, 200mL, for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5090, EaseAlign Vessel, low actinic-red, 4000mL, for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5500, EaseAlign, PEAK Vessel, clear glass, 1000mL, for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

12-5505, EaseAlign, PEAK Vessel, low actinic-red, 1000mL, for 705-DS, VK7000/7010

33-9001, Heater Element with Cable Assembly, 10mL, for 400-DS

27-5010, Inner sample glass tube , for for 100 mL outer media tube, for BIO-DIS

27-5110, Outer media tube, 100 mL, for BIO-DIS

27-5120, Outer media tube, flat bottom, 1000 mL, for BIO-DIS

27-5100, Outer media tube, USP, 300 mL, for BIO-DIS

27-5130, Outer Tube, 50 mL, for BIO-DIS

G7972-47000, Outer tube, calibrated, 50 mL, class B, for BIO-DIS

27-5005, Standard inner sample glass tube with caps, for 300 mL outer media tube, USP, for BIO-DIS

27-5000, Standard inner sample glass tube, USP, for 300 mL outer media tube, for BIO-DIS

12-1500, TruAlign DVH clear glass Vessel, with collar, 1000mL, for 709-DS

12-1500V, TruAlign DVH clear glass Vessel, with collar, 1000mL, Verified (includes certificate), for 709-DS

12-1501, TruAlign vacuum formed (Molded) Vessel, 1000mL, for 708-DS

13-0010, TruAlign vacuum formed (Molded) Vessel, 1000mL, Verified (includes Certificate), for 708-DS

12-1452, TruAlign vessel, 250 mL, for Chinese Pharmacopeia, for 708-DS

12-5149, TruAlign vessel, clear glass, 1000mL, for 708-DS

12-5149V, TruAlign vessel, clear glass, 1000mL, Verified (includes Certificate), for 708-DS

12-5145, TruAlign vessel, clear glass, 100mL, for 708-DS

12-5157, TruAlign vessel, clear glass, 2000mL, for 708-DS

12-5157V, TruAlign vessel, clear glass, 2000mL, Verified (includes Certificate), for 708-DS

12-5170, TruAlign vessel, clear glass, 200mL, Flat Bottom, for Enhancer Cell, for 708-DS

12-5147, TruAlign vessel, clear glass, 200mL, for 708-DS

12-5152V, TruAlign vessel, low actinic-red, 1000mL, Verified (includes Certificate), for 708-DS

12-5158, TruAlign vessel, low actinic-red, 2000mL, for 708-DS

12-5158V, TruAlign vessel, low actinic-red, 2000mL, Verified (includes Certificate), for 708-DS

12-5148, TruAlign vessel, low actinic-red, 200mL, for 708-DS

12-5152, TruAlign vessel, low actinic-red,1000mL, for 708-DS

12-5146, TruAlign vessel, low actinic-red,100mL, for 708-DS

12-5153, TruAlign, PEAK vessel, clear glass, 1000mL, for 708-DS

12-5153V, TruAlign, PEAK vessel, clear glass, 1000mL, Verified (includes Certificate), for 708-DS

12-5159, TruAlign, PEAK vessel, clear glass, 2000mL, for 708-DS

12-5154, TruAlign, PEAK vessel, low actinic-red, 1000mL, for 708-DS

12-5035, TruCenter Vessel, clear glass, with collar, 1000 mL, for VK7025/7030

12-5035V, TruCenter Vessel, clear glass, with collar, 1000 mL, Verified (includes Certificate), for VK7025/7030

12-5034, TruCenter Vessel, clear glass, with collar, 200 mL, for VK7025/7030

12-5033, TruCenter Vessel, clear glass, without collar, 200 mL, for VK7025/7030

12-5039, TruCenter Vessel, DVH, clear glass, 1000mL (exclusively for VK 7030)

12-5039V, TruCenter Vessel, DVH, clear glass, 1000mL, Verified (includes Certificate), exclusively for VK 7030

12-5120, TruCenter Vessel, low actinic-red, with collar, 1000 mL, for VK7025/7030

12-5125, TruCenter, PEAK Vessel, clear glass, with collar, 1000 mL, for VK7025/7030

12-5130, TruCenter, PEAK Vessel, low actinic-red, 1000mL, for VK7025/7030

27-6010, Vessel carrier, 1000mL vessel, 1x3 layout, set of 3, for BIO-DIS

27-6005, Vessel carrier, for outer media 100 mL tube, 7x2 layout, set of 3, for BIO-DIS

27-6000, Vessel carrier, for outer media 300 mL tube, 7x2 layout, set of 3, for BIO-DIS

27-6050, Vessel carrier, for outer media 50 mL tubes. 7x2 layout, set of 3, for BIO-DIS

12-0469, EaseAlign Evaporation Cover (low/loss), for 705-DS, VK7000,7010

12-6320, EaseAlign Evaporation cover, low actinic - red, for 705-DS, VK7000,7010

12-6305, EaseAlign Evaporation Cover, Basket, for 705-DS, VK7000,7010

12-6310, EaseAlign Evaporation Cover, DDM, for 705-DS, VK7000,7010

12-6300, EaseAlign Evaporation Cover, for 705-DS, VK7000,7010

12-6315, EaseAlign Evaporation cover, for use with 100/200 mL vessel, for 705-DS, VK7000,7010

12-6311, EaseAlign Evaporation cover, low actinic - red, with DDM opening, for 705-DS, VK7000,7010

12-6370, Evaporation cover cover plug, black, fingertip removal, for 708-DS, 709-DS

1200-1012, Evaporation cover plug, white, for use in place of DDM, for 708-DS

12-6353, Evaporation cover, dual sampling, for VK7025/7030

27-1510, Evaporation cover, for 100 mL tube, for BIO-DIS

12-6330, Evaporation cover, for use with EaseAlign, solid cover for non-vessel positions

12-6328, Evaporation cover, low-loss hinged, for EaseAlign centering rings

12-6329, Evaporation cover, low-loss hinged, for use with resident probes

12-6327, Evaporation cover, low-loss split hinge design

K1005-05218, Evaporation cover, low-loss version, for 708-DS

12-6352, Evaporation cover, manual sampling, opening for Japanese sinkers, for VK7025/7030

1005-1812, Evaporation cover, tight seal, for 708-DS, 709-DS

27-1500, Evaporation cover, USP, for 300 mL tube, for BIO-DIS

12-6358, Evaporation hole plug, for VK7025/7030

12-6350, Evaporation Plugs for Covers (Pk 36)

27-6105, Conversion Kit, from 300 ml outer tubes to 1000ml, for BIO-DIS

27-6100, Conversion Kit, from 300 ml outer tubes to 100ml tubes, for BIO-DIS

12-6100, Conversion kit, TruCenter, with ground groove, 1000mL, for 705-DS and VK7000/7010

12-6101, Conversion kit, TruCenter, with manual sampling evaporation cover, 1000mL, for 705-DS and VK7000/7010

12-0318, EaseAlign, conversion kit, with 24 inch paddle, 200 mL vessel

12-6368, TruAlign Vessel Conversion Kit, 100/200mL

12-1450, TruAlign vessel, 250 mL conversion kit, for Chinese Pharmacopeia, set of 6, for 708-DS

12-1451, TruAlign vessel, 250 mL conversion kit, for Chinese Pharmacopeia, set of 8, for 708-DS

12-0314, TruCenter conversion kit, with paddles, temperature monitoring, 200 mL

12-4015, Adjustment Tool, Enhancer Cell, fits all sizes

12-4022, Alignment tool/Height gauge, for 0.5 cm. sq. Enhancer Cell

12-4021, Alignment tool/Height gauge, for 2 cm. sq. Enhancer Cell

12-4020, Alignment tool/Height gauge, for 4 cm. sq. Enhancer Cell

12-4005, Enhancer Cell Kit 4cm. sq.

12-4002, Enhancer Cell only, 0.5 cm. sq.

12-4001, Enhancer Cell only, 2 cm. sq.

12-4000, Enhancer Cell only, 4 cm. sq.

12-5170, TruAlign vessel, clear glass, 200mL, Flat Bottom, for Enhancer Cell, for 708-DS

12-2099, Basket & Paddle Shaft Lock Rings (set of 6)

13-3622, Basket shaft, 3‐clip, PTFE-coated, 21 inch

13-3632, Basket shaft, electropolished stainless steel Spin on/off, O-ring, 21 inch

14-3624, Basket Shaft, electropolished stainless steel, 3-clip, Conical, 21 inch

13-3630, Basket shaft, electropolished stainless steel, O-ring, for Bolus Basket, 24 inch

14-3620, Basket shaft, electropolished stainless steel, USP 3-clip, 21 inch

13-3629, Basket shaft, electropolished stainless steel, USP 3‐clip, 24 inch

14-3634, Basket shaft, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, electropolished stainless steel, 3-clip, for 2L vessels

14-3631, Basket shaft, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, electropolished stainless steel, 3-clip, USP

16-3631, Basket shaft, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, electropolished stainless steel, 3-clip, USP, Pack of 6

14-3621, Basket shaft, stainless steel, O-ring, 21 in

13-3615, Basket shaft, USP 3‐clip, 14.5 inch, for VK7025/7030

12-1330, Collet, for 1/4 inch diameter shafts, for VK7000/7010

12-1320, Collet, for 3/8 inch diameter shafts, for VK7000/7010

12-2066, Float-A-Lyzer holder, for use with USP Apparatus 1

12-2068, Float-A-Lyzer holder, for use with USP Apparatus 3

12-2067, Float-A-Lyzer holder, stationary, for use with USP Apparatus 2

14-3636, Mini basket shaft, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, electropolished stainless steel, O-ring

12-2096, Shaft Locking Ring

14-3613, Upper Receptor Shaft, electropolished stainless steel, 14.75 inch

16-3613, Upper Receptor Shaft, electropolished stainless steel, 14.75 inch, Pack of 6

13-3614, Upper Receptor Shaft, electropolished stainless steel, 17.75 inch

14-3612, Upper Receptor Shaft, electropolished stainless steel, 8.75 inch

13-3593, Mini Paddle, electropolished stainless steel, 14.5 inch

14-3600, Mini paddle, electropolished stainless steel, 24 inch

14-3608, Mini paddle, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, electropolished stainless steel

14-1449, Mini paddle, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, electropolished stainless steel, for 250 mL (CP)

14-3607, Mini paddle, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, PTFE-coated

13-3592, Mini Paddle, PTFE-coated, 14.5 inch

14-3599, Mini paddle, PTFE-coated, 24 inch

14-3590, Paddle, electropolished stainless steel, 14.5 inch

14-3595, Paddle, electropolished stainless steel, 21 inch

14-3597, Paddle, electropolished stainless steel, 24 inch

14-3603, Paddle, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, electropolished stainless steel, 1L

16-3603, Paddle, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, electropolished stainless steel, 1L, pack of 6

14-3605, Paddle, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, electropolished stainless steel, 2L

14-3606, Paddle, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, PEEK, for 1L

14-3602, Paddle, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, PTFE-coated, 1L

16-3602, Paddle, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, PTFE-coated, 1L, pack of 6

14-3604, Paddle, lower interchangeable Spin on/off, PTFE-coated, for 2L

14-3591, Paddle, PEEK, 14.5 inch

13-3598, Paddle, PEEK, 24 inch

14-3589, Paddle, PTFE-coated, 14.5 inch

14-3594, Paddle, PTFE-coated, 21 inch

13-3596, Paddle, PTFE-coated, 24 inch

14-3609, Paddle, Spin On/off, DLC-coated, 1L

16-3609, Paddle, Spin On/off, DLC-coated, 1L, set of 6

33-9029, 50-mesh Basket, use with 10mL cell, for 400-DS

33-9051, 50-mesh Basket, use with 5 mL cell, for 400-DS

12-2125, Basket, 10-Mesh, 1905 µm, SST

12-2125V, Basket, 10-Mesh, 1905 µm, SST, with certificate

12-2154, Basket, 100x100 Mesh, 140 µm, SST

12-2152, Basket, 150x150 Mesh, 104 µm, SST

12-2120, Basket, 20-Mesh, 864 µm, SST

12-2151, Basket, 270x270 Mesh, 53 µm, SST

12-2115, Basket, 3-fin Assembly, 40-Mesh, 381 µm, SST

12-2160, Basket, 30x30 Mesh, 533 Micron, SST

12-2146, Basket, 325x2300 Mesh, 5 µm, SST

12-2105, Basket, 40-Mesh, 381 µm, Gold-Plated

12-2100, Basket, 40-Mesh, 381 µm, SST

12-2100V, Basket, 40-Mesh, 381 µm, SST, with certificate

12-2110, Basket, 40-Mesh, PTFE-coated

12-2155, Basket, 50x50 Mesh, 280 µm, SST

12-2165, Basket, Metformin Vertical Sample Holder, Large

12-2170, Basket, Metformin Vertical Sample Holder, Small

12-2130, Basket, Slotted, Suppository, SST

33-9046, Basket,Mesh End,20 Micron, for 400-DS

12-2180, Bolus Basket, 20x20 Mesh, 864 µm, SST

12-2185, Bolus Basket, 40x40 Mesh, 381 µm, SST

12-2102, Mini Basket, 40-Mesh, 381 µm, SST (Basket Only)

27-8620, Mini basket, 40-mesh, for BIO-DIS

27-8621, Mini basket, 50-mesh, for BIO-DIS

33-9042, PEEK Basket, for 400-DS

12-2069, Stationary basket, Felodipine Quadrangular, 8-mesh, with shaft, SST, for VK7000/10

12-2191, Stationary Quadrangular Basket, 8-mesh, with shaft, SST, for 708-DS

27-3007, Titanium Basket kit

12-3000, Capsule weight wire, 316 stainless steel, 0.032 inch diameter, 50 feet roll

12-3050, Capsule Weight, 3 Prong, plastic

12-3055, Capsule weight, robotic type, plastic with magnetic cap

12-3056, Capsule weight, robotic type, plastic with magnetic inserts in legs

12-3070, Sinker basket, Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP)

12-3060, Sinker basket, with cover, 10-mesh, 1905 μm, 15mm diameter

12-3068, Sinker basket, with cover, 270-mesh, 53 μm, 15mm diameter

12-3072, Sinker basket, with cover, 325-mesh, 45 μm, 15mm diameter

12-3064, Sinker basket, with cover, 40-mesh, 381 μm, 15mm diameter

12-3066, Sinker basket, with cover, 60-mesh, 229 μm, 15mm diameter

12-3062, Sinker basket, with cover, 8-mesh, 2591 μm, 15mm height, 20 mm ID

17-1300, Acrylic rinse tray, 6 vessels, 3x3, used with 8000 series Autosampler and 7000, 7010 Apparatus 1/2 testers

17-1310, Acrylic rinse tray, 7-8 vessels, used with 7000 and 7010 Apparatus 1/2 testers

17-1351, Acrylic Rinse Tray, 708/709-DS

12-1350, Paddle Basket Support Rack

12-1352, Paddle Basket Support Rack (for two-piece shafts)

17-1500, Rack for stacking 8000 (one over another)

17-1200, Replacement media, rinse media tank, used with 8000 series Autosampler

33-9041, 50-mesh Basket holder Assembly, use with 10mL cell, for 400-DS

33-9052, 50-mesh Basket holder Assembly, use with 5 mL cell, for 400-DS

33-9029, 50-mesh Basket, use with 10mL cell, for 400-DS

33-9051, 50-mesh Basket, use with 5 mL cell, for 400-DS

33-9025, Accessory Kit, 1.7mm Holder for Pacemaker Lead, for 400-DS

27-8036, Angled Disk Holder 1.42 inch, for BIO-DIS

27-8035, Angled Disk Holder 1.98 inch, for BIO-DIS

27-8622, Basket Assembly, Titanium, for BIO-DIS

33-9046, Basket,Mesh End,20 Micron, for 400-DS

33-9053, Contact lens holder Assembly, use with 10mL cell, for 400-DS

33-9048, Contact Lens Holder Assembly, use with 5mL cell, for 400-DS

33-9050, Contact lens holder, use with 5 mL cell, for 400-DS

33-9007, Extraction Tool, for 400-DS

33-9049, Flat blank holder, use with 5 mL cell, for 400-DS

33-9045, Holder Assembly, for 400DS

27-8600, Mini basket shaft, threaded, for BIO-DIS

27-8620, Mini basket, 40-mesh, for BIO-DIS

27-8621, Mini basket, 50-mesh, for BIO-DIS

33-9022, PEEK Basket holder Assembly, for 400-DS

33-9042, PEEK Basket, for 400-DS

27-3000, Pointed acrylic rod kit, for BIO-DIS

27-3002, Pointed acrylic rod replacement, for BIO-DIS

33-9047, Punctal Plug Holder Assembly, use with 5mL cell, for 400-DS

27-8005, Reciprocating Disk, Alza Type, 1.6cm sq., for BIO-DIS

27-8025, Reciprocating Disk, Alza Type, 10cm sq., for BIO-DIS

27-8010, Reciprocating Disk, Alza Type, 2.5cm sq., for BIO-DIS

27-8015, Reciprocating Disk, Alza Type, 5.0cm sq., for BIO-DIS

27-8020, Reciprocating Disk, Alza Type, 7.0cm sq., for BIO-DIS

27-6540, Replacement Stent Holder, 7.6 mm Vertical, for BIO-DIS

27-0108, Spring holder, Alza, 0.60 in. L x 0.25 in. ID x 0.031 in. wire ID, spring centered, for BIO-DIS

27-0103, Spring holder, Alza, 0.60 in. L x 0.25 in. ID x 0.031 in. wire ID, spring offset, for BIO-DIS

27-0107, Spring holder, Alza, 0.96 in. L x 0.33 in. ID x 0.031 in. wire ID, spring centered, for BIO-DIS

27-0102, Spring holder, Alza, 0.96 in. L x 0.33 in. ID x 0.031 in. wire ID, spring offset, for BIO-DIS

27-0109, Spring holder, Alza, 1.00 in. L x 0.50 in. ID x 0.031 in. wire ID, spring centered, for BIO-DIS

27-0104, Spring holder, Alza, 1.00 in. L x 0.50 in. ID x 0.031 in. wire ID, spring offset, for BIO-DIS

27-0106, Spring holder, Alza, 1.40 in. L x 0.31 in. ID x 0.040 in. wire ID, spring centere, for BIO-DIS

27-0101, Spring holder, Alza, 1.40 in. L x 0.31 in. ID x 0.040 in. wire ID, spring offset, for BIO-DIS

27-0100, Spring holder, Alza, 1.45 in. L x 0.58 in. ID x 0.031 in. wire ID, spring offset, for BIO-DIS

27-6542, Stent Holder 18mm Vertical, for BIO-DIS

27-6543, Stent Holder 30mm Vertical, for BIO-DIS

27-6541, Stent Holder 8mm Horizontal, for BIO-DIS

33-9012, Stent Holder Assembly, use with 10mL cell, for 400-DS

33-9009, Stent Holder Assembly, use with 5mL cell, for 400-DS

33-9018, Temperature Calibration Assembly, use with 10mL cell, for 400-DS

27-3001, Transdermal patch holder kit, for BIO-DIS

33-9044, Dissolution Cell, 10mL, Amber, for 400DS

33-9000, Dissolution Cell, 10ml, for 400-DS

33-9043, Dissolution Cell, 5ml, Amber, for 400-DS

33-9005, Dissolution Cell, 5ml, for 400-DS

33-9001, Heater Element with Cable Assembly, 10mL, for 400-DS

27-5010, Inner sample glass tube , for for 100 mL outer media tube, for BIO-DIS

27-1030, Lower Cap, for 100 mL tubes, for BIO-DIS

27-1050, Lower cap, wider diameter for improved mixing, VanKel Type, for 300ml tubes, for BIO-DIS

27-5110, Outer media tube, 100 mL, for BIO-DIS

27-5120, Outer media tube, flat bottom, 1000 mL, for BIO-DIS

27-5100, Outer media tube, USP, 300 mL, for BIO-DIS

27-5130, Outer Tube, 50 mL, for BIO-DIS

G7972-47000, Outer tube, calibrated, 50 mL, class B, for BIO-DIS

27-5005, Standard inner sample glass tube with caps, for 300 mL outer media tube, USP, for BIO-DIS

27-5000, Standard inner sample glass tube, USP, for 300 mL outer media tube, for BIO-DIS

27-1020, Standard lower cap, USP, for 300 mL tubes, for BIO-DIS

27-1000, Standard upper cap, USP, for 300 mL tubes, for BIO-DIS

27-1010, Upper cap, for 100 mL tubes, for BIO-DIS

27-6010, Vessel carrier, 1000mL vessel, 1x3 layout, set of 3, for BIO-DIS

27-6005, Vessel carrier, for outer media 100 mL tube, 7x2 layout, set of 3, for BIO-DIS

27-6000, Vessel carrier, for outer media 300 mL tube, 7x2 layout, set of 3, for BIO-DIS

27-6050, Vessel carrier, for outer media 50 mL tubes. 7x2 layout, set of 3, for BIO-DIS

27-2215, Polypropylene screens, 0.75 inch OD for 100 mL tubes, 100-mesh, 150 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2200, Polypropylene screens, 0.75 inch OD for 100 mL tubes, 200-mesh, 840 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2205, Polypropylene screens, 0.75 inch OD for 100 mL tubes, 40-mesh, 405 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2210, Polypropylene screens, 0.75 inch OD for 100 mL tubes, 78-mesh, 177 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2015, Polypropylene screens, 1.25 inch OD for 300 mL tubes, 100-mesh, 150 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2000, Polypropylene screens, 1.25 inch OD for 300 mL tubes, 20-mesh, 840 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2005, Polypropylene screens, 1.25 inch OD for 300 mL tubes, 40-mesh, 405 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2007, Polypropylene screens, 1.25 inch OD for 300 mL tubes, 56-mesh, 205 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2010, Polypropylene screens, 1.25 inch OD for 300 mL tubes, 78-mesh, 177 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2310, Stainless Steel screens, 0.75 inch OD for 100 mL tubes, 20-mesh, 864 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2315, Stainless Steel screens, 0.75 inch OD for 100 mL tubes, 40-mesh, 381 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2300, Stainless Steel screens, 0.75 inch OD for 100 mL tubes, 8-mesh, 2591 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2099, Stainless Steel screens, 1.25 inch OD for 300 mL tubes, 10-mesh, 1905 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2110, Stainless Steel screens, 1.25 inch OD for 300 mL tubes, 100-mesh, 140 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2100, Stainless Steel screens, 1.25 inch OD for 300 mL tubes, 20-mesh, 864 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2115, Stainless Steel screens, 1.25 inch OD for 300 mL tubes, 200-mesh, 74 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2103, Stainless Steel screens, 1.25 inch OD for 300 mL tubes, 30-mesh, 533 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2120, Stainless Steel screens, 1.25 inch OD for 300 mL tubes, 300-mesh, 46 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2105, Stainless Steel screens, 1.25 inch OD for 300 mL tubes, 40-mesh, 381 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

27-2125, Stainless Steel screens, 1.25 inch OD for 300 mL tubes, 400-mesh, 38 µm, for BIO-DIS, Pack of 25

12-1370, Cuprophan membrane, 126x345 mm, 10 sheets/Pack

12-4201, Paddle Over Disc assembly, with 32mm opening, 120-mesh screen, EP

12-4209, Paddle Over Disc, replacement screens, 32mm opening, 120-mesh, Pack of 100, EP, for 12-4201

12-4200, Paddle Over Disk assembly, with 32 mm opening, 40-mesh screen

12-4230, Paddle Over Disk assembly, with 56mm opening, 120-mesh screen

12-4210, Replacement Screens, 32 mm opening, 40-mesh screen, for PN 12-4200, Pack of 100

12-4231, Replacement Screens, 56mm opening, 120-mesh screen, for PN 12-4230, Pack of 100

12-4211, Tool to disassemble disk assembly PN 12-4200

12-4232, Tool to disassemble disk assembly PN 12-4230

12-1370, Cuprophan membrane, 126x345 mm, 10 sheets/Pack

12-4300, Transdermal Patch Holder, 2.5cm sq

12-4310, Transdermal Patch Holder, 5.0cm sq

12-4055, Insert cup (17.5 dia x 8.2 depth) mm for suspension, for PN 12-4050

12-4060, Insert cup (20 dia.x8.2 depth) mm for suspension, for PN 12-4050

12-4050, Weighted holder (for suspension) 5.72 cm OD, 2.52 cm ID, PTFE

12-1370, Cuprophan membrane, 126x345 mm, 10 sheets/Pack

12-1372, Rotating Cylinder with lower interchangeable Spin on/off shaft , 25mm OD

12-1372V, Rotating Cylinder with lower interchangeable Spin on/off shaft , 25mm OD, includes certificate

14-1371, Rotating cylinder, with lower interchangeable spin on/off shaft, includes certificate

12-4150, Holder Only, Intrinsic Dissolution Wood Apparatus, 15 inch shaft

12-4120, Intrinsic Die, Intrinsic Dissolution Wood Apparatus

12-4101, Intrinsic Dissolution Apparatus, 0.5cm2 exposed surface area, includes punch, 18.5 inch shaft and holder

12-4140, Punch, Intrinsic Dissolution Wood Apparatus

12-4130, Surface Plate, Intrinsic Dissolution Wood Apparatus

12-4110, Wood Intrinsic Dissolution Apparatus, (0.125 cmsq)

12-4100, Wood Intrinsic Dissolution Apparatus; 0.5cm2 exposed surface area, includes punch, 15 inch shaft and holder

12-7210, Depth Spacer, Basket (same as Height Gauge), for VK7000/7010

12-7200, Depth Spacer, Paddle (same as Height Gauge), for VK7000/7010

K4040-00495, Height gauge sphere, 15 mm, for small volume vessels, for 708-DS

12-7335, Height gauge, Rotating Cylinder, USP, Sets height to 25 mm above bottom of vessel, for 708-DS, 709-DS

12-7280, Height spacer, for attachment to basket shaft, 25 mm above bottom of vessel, for 708-DS

12-7270, Height spacer, for attachment to paddles, 25 mm above bottom of vessel, for 708-DS

12-7260, Height spacer, intrinsic apparatus, ball with retrieval string, 38 mm, for 708-DS

12-7250, Height spacer, paddles, ball with retrieval string, 25 mm, for 708-DS

12-7240, Height spacer, paddles, ball without retrieval string, 25 mm, for 708-DS

12-7230, Height tool, stainless steel and Delrin, for Peak vessels, for 708-DS

12-7301, Height tool, stainless steel, for 2L vessels, sets height of basket and paddles, 25 mm, for 708-DS

12-7300, Height tool, stainless steel, sets height of basket and paddles, 25 mm, for 708-DS

12-7330, Height tool, stainless steel, sets height of basket and paddles, used for testing antibiotics, 45 mm, for 708-DS

12-7220, Paddle Height spacer, for Dissolution Peak vessels

12-7250V, Verified Height spacer, paddles, ball with retrieval string, 25 mm, with certificate, for 708-DS

12-7300V, Verified Height tool, stainless steel, sets height of basket and paddles, 25 mm, with certificate, for 708-DS

12-7330V, Verified Height tool, stainless steel, sets height of basket and paddles, used for testing antibiotics, 45 mm, with certificate, for 708-DS

12-7310V, Verified Vessel centering tool, pass/fail gauge, EaseAlign centering rings, with certificate

12-7310, Vessel centering tool, pass/fail gauge, EaseAlign centering rings

12-6062, EaseAlign Centering Retrofit Kit, pack of 8

12-6060, EaseAlign Retrofit, pack of 6

12-6050, EaseAlign Vessel Retainer, for VK7000/10, 708-DS

12-6065, EaseAlign, Locating Pins 12/Pack

12-6115, TruCenter Alignment Plate

7260522, Test plate, absorbance, common wavelengths

7260551, Test plate, absorbance, UV configurations

1400501, Test plate, fluorescence

8030015, Test plate, luminescence

7773002, BioTek Solution #1, 100X concentrate wetting agent, 125 mL

7773001, BioTek solution #2, 10X concentrate blue test dye, 125 mL

4690007, Calibration solution kit, with 1 BioCell for Take3 microvolume plate calibration

4690008, Calibration solution kit, with 1 cuvette for Take3 microvolume plate calibration

4693002, Calibration solution, for Take3 microvolume plate calibration, 25 mL

7120782, QC check solution #1, yellow, for absorbance qualification tests, 125 mL

7120779, QC check solution #1, yellow, for absorbance qualification tests, 25 mL

98155, Sodium fluorescein powder, 1 mg vial

7773005, Test dye solution, 10x green, 125 mL

7773015, Test dye solution, 50x green, 125 mL

7773003, Test dye solution, green, 125 mL

103723-100, Seahorse XF HS Mini FluxPak

103724-100, Seahorse XF HS Mini FluxPak (PDL plates)

103775-100, Seahorse XF Pro M FluxPak

103777-100, Seahorse XF Pro M FluxPak Mini

102342-100, Seahorse XFe24 FluxPak mini. (For use with a Seahorse XFe24 Analyzer only)

102340-100, Seahorse XFe24 FluxPak. (For use with a Seahorse XFe24 Analyzer only)

103518-100, Seahorse XFe24 Islet Capture FluxPak (For use with a Seahorse XFe24 Analyzer only)

102905-100, Seahorse XFe96 Spheroid FluxPak

103792-100, Seahorse XFe96/XF Pro FluxPak

103793-100, Seahorse XFe96/XF Pro FluxPak Mini

103798-100, Seahorse XFe96/XF Pro PDL FluxPak Mini

103721-100, Seahorse XFp FluxPak (PDL miniplates)

103022-100, Seahorse XFp FluxPak.

103725-100, Seahorse XF HS Miniplates

103726-100, Seahorse XF HS Miniplates (sample)

103727-100, Seahorse XF HS PDL Miniplates

103728-100, Seahorse XF HS PDL Miniplates (sample)

103774-100, Seahorse XF Pro M Cell Culture Microplate

101122-100, Seahorse XF24 Islet Capture Microplates

100882-004, Seahorse XF24 V28 PS Cell Culture Microplates

100777-004, Seahorse XF24 V7 PS Cell Culture Microplates

102959-100, Seahorse XFe96 Spheroid Microplate

102978-100, Seahorse XFe96 Spheroid Microplates

103794-100, Seahorse XFe96/XF Pro Cell Culture Microplates

103799-100, Seahorse XFe96/XF Pro PDL Cell Culture Microplates

103025-100, Seahorse XFp Cell Culture Miniplates

103722-100, Seahorse XFp PDL Miniplates

101135-100, Seahorse XF Islet Capture Screen Insert Tool

103786-100, Seahorse XF Loading Guide

103752-100, Seahorse XF Mask Removal Tool

103057-100, Seahorse XFp Carrier Tray

103772-100, Seahorse XF T Cell Metabolic Profiling Kit

103771-100, Seahorse XFp T Cell Metabolic Profiling Kit

103595-100, Seahorse XF Mito Tox Assay Kit

103592-100, Seahorse XF Real-Time ATP Rate Assay Kit

103591-100, Seahorse XFp Real-Time ATP Rate Assay Kit

103015-100, Seahorse XF Cell Mito Stress Test Kit

103010-100, Seahorse XFp Cell Mito Stress Test Kit

103673-100, Seahorse XF Glucose/Pyruvate Oxidation Stress Test Kit

103674-100, Seahorse XF Glutamine Oxidation Stress Test Kit

103672-100, Seahorse XF Long Chain Fatty Acid Oxidation Stress Test Kit

103693-100, Seahorse XF Palmitate Oxidation Stress Test Kit

102720-100, Seahorse XF Palmitate-BSA FAO Substrate

103260-100, Seahorse XF Fuel Inhibitor Pack

103270-100, Seahorse XFp Mito Fuel Flex Test Kit

103344-100, Seahorse XF Glycolytic Rate Assay Kit

103346-100, Seahorse XFp Glycolytic Rate Assay Kit

103020-100, Seahorse XF Glycolysis Stress Test Kit

103017-100, Seahorse XFp Glycolysis Stress Test Kit

103766-100, Seahorse XF Hu T Cell Activation Assay 96-well Pack, 200 tests

103759-100, Seahorse XF Hu T Cell Activation Assay Kit, 200 tests

102504-100, Seahorse XF Plasma Membrane Permeabilizer

103577-100, Seahorse XF 1.0 M glucose solution, 50 mL

103578-100, Seahorse XF 100 mM pyruvate solution, 50 mL

103579-100, Seahorse XF 200 mM glutamine solution, 50 mL

103335-100, Seahorse XF base medium, without phenol red, 500 mL.

103059-000, Seahorse XF Calibrant Solution 100 mL

100840-000, Seahorse XF Calibrant Solution 500 mL

103680-100, Seahorse XF DMEM assay medium pack, pH 7.4

103575-100, Seahorse XF DMEM medium, pH 7.4, 500 mL.

103681-100, Seahorse XF RPMI assay medium pack, pH 7.4

103576-100, Seahorse XF RPMI medium, pH 7.4, 500 mL.

MO-500, Mito-rOCR Analysis Module

MO-300-4, Mito-rOCR Assay Kit

MO-400-4, Mito-rOCR Assay Starter Kit

MO-100, Mito-rOCR Magnetic Holder

MO-200-4, Mito-rOCR Microplate Pack

MX-300-4, MitoXpress Intra Reagent

HS-100D-1, MitoXpress high sensitivity oil (dropper)

MO-200L-1, MitoXpress mineral oil.

MX-200-4, MitoXpress Xtra Reagents

PH-200-4, pH Xtra Reagent

RB-100-1, Respiration buffer tablet

FLPK-002, Antimicrobial food additives kit

SV-140-1, Benzyl alcohol

IST-400-1, Benzyl benzoate

EPA-1196-1, Benzyl chloride

TRP-115-1, beta-Caryophyllene

TRP-120-1, Caryophyllene oxide

IST-600-1, 1,2-Dinitrobenzene

EPA-1243-1, 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene

RCC-158M1000, 2,4-Dimethylphenol

NAI-100-1, 2,4-Dinitrotoluene

NAI-110-1, 2,6-Dinitrotoluene

EPA-1192-1, 2-Amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene

IST-702-1, 2-Methyl-4-nitroaniline

EPA-1227-1, 2-Nitrotoluene

IST-590-1, 3,4-Dinitrotoluene

EPA-1228-1, 3-Nitrotoluene

EPA-1193-1, 4-Amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene

NH-130-1, 4-Aminobiphenyl

EPA-1229-1, 4-Nitrotoluene

WRK-180, Amines kit

NAIM-535-1, Calibration standard

NAIM-8095B-1, Calibration standard, no. 2

WRK-143G, Dihexyl phthalate solution

WRK-145E, Glycine solution

NAI-230-1, Hexahydro-1,3,5--trinitroso-1,3,5-triazine (TNX)

NAIM-245-1, Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX)

NAI-215-1, Hexahydro-1,3-dinitroso-5-nitro-1,3,5-triazine (DNX) solution

NAI-210-1, Hexahydro-1-nitroso-3,5-dinitro-1,3,5-triazine (MNX) solution

EPA-1221-1, HMX standard

WRK-145G, Hydroxy-L-Proline solution

NAIM-833A-1, Intermediate stock no. 1

NAIM-833B-1, Intermediate stock no. 2

WRK-145B, L-Arginine solution

WRK-145D, L-Glutamic acid solution

WRK-145F, L-Histidine solution

WRK-145L, L-Phenylalanine solution

WRK-145Q, L-Tryptophan solution

EPA-1113-1, m-Dinitrobenzene

NAI-140-1, m-Dinitrobenzene

NAIM-609-1, Nitroaromatics and isophorone

NAIM-625-1, Nitroaromatics and isophorone

NAIM-630-1, Nitroaromatics and isophorone

NAIM-100-1, Nitroaromatics and quinones

NAI-130-1, Nitrobenzene

RCC-172M1000, Phenol

EPA-1233-1, RDX standard

NAIM-809B-1, Stock standard

NAIM-833E-1, Stock standard

EPA-1237-1, Tetryl standard

WRK-180T, Tributylamine

RCC-218, Vinyl Acetate

TRP-100-1, α-Bisabolol

TRP-135-1, α-Humulene

TRP-160-1, α-Pinene

TRP-165-1, α-Terpinolene

TRP-110-1, (+)-3-Carene

TRP-175-1, (+)-Valencene

RPE-083S-1, 2,2’,4,4’,5,5’-Hexabromodiphenyl ether

RPE-082S-1, 2,2’,4,4’,5-Pentabromodiphenyl ether

RPE-081S-1, 2,2’,4,4’,6-Pentabromodiphenyl ether

RPE-080S-1, 2,2’,4,4’-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether

WRK-140, Acids kit

FLPK-002, Antimicrobial food additives kit

TRP-150-1, beta-Myrcene

TRP-161-1, beta-Pinene

TRP-105-1, Camphene

RSC-100-1, Cannabis residual solvents

TPM-100-1, Cannabis Terpenes Mix – 20 Comp

TPM-105-1, Cannabis Terpenes Mix – 21 Comp

TPM-110-1, Cannabis Terpenes Mix – 7 Comp

TRP-125-1, Eucalyptol

TRP-170-1, gamma-Terpinene

TRP-130-1, Geraniol

TRP-140-1, Limonene (Dipentene)

TRP-145-1, Linalool

TRP-155-1, Nerol standard

WRK-190, Polyols, ethers kit

US-WAT042881-3, Propyl Paraben 10 mg/L

US-WAT042881-2, Propyl Paraben 5 mg/L

FLPK-005K, 0.1% C1-C5 Acids in H2O

FLSA-110, Arachidonic acid methyl ester

FLSA-089, Linoleic acid

FLSA-055, Nonadecanoic acid methyl ester

FLSA-065, Oleic acid

FLPK-004, Straight chain fatty acids and methyl esters kit, even

FLPK-003, Straight chain fatty acids and methyl esters kit, odd

FLPK-001, Unsaturated fatty acids and methyl esters kit

FLPK-005, Volatile fatty acids kit

TOX-UNI-AFLAB1, Aflatoxin B1

TOX-UNI-AFLAB2, Aflatoxin B2

TOX-UNI-AFLAG1, Aflatoxin G1

TOX-UNI-AFLAG2, Aflatoxin G2

TOX-UNI-AFLAM1, Aflatoxin M1

TOX-UNI-AFLAM2, Aflatoxin M2

TOX-UNI-DON, Deoxynivalenol

TOX-UNI-FUMOB1, Fumonisin B1

TOX-UNI-FUMOB2, Fumonisin B2

TOX-UNI-HT2, HT-2 Toxin

TOX-UNI-OCHRA, Ochratoxin A

TOX-UNI-T2, T-2 Toxin

TOX-UNI-ZON, Zearalenone

PST-1890A100A01, α-Cypermethrin

PST-1870M100A01, Abamectin

PST-1870A1000, Abamectin

PST-1870M1000, Abamectin

PST-1870-100MG, Abamectin

PST-1895K1000, Amitraz

PST-1895A100A01, Amitraz

PST-1910K100A01, Baythroid

PST-130M100A01, Coumaphos

PST-130, Coumaphos

PST-1910K1000, Cyfluthrin (Baythroid)

PST-1910A1000, Cyfluthrin (Baythroid)

PST-1910A100A01, Cyfluthrin (Baythroid)

PST-1370-10MG, Cypermethrin

PST-1370-50MG, Cypermethrin

PST-1370A100A01, Cypermethrin

PST-1370K1000, Cypermethrin

PST-1370A1000, Cypermethrin

PST-1935M100A01, Cyromazine

PST-1935M1000, Cyromazine

PST-1385A100A01, Deltamethrin

PST-1385A1000, Deltamethrin

PST-1385-10MG, Deltamethrin

PST-1385K1000, Deltamethrin

PST-320AS, Diazinon

PST-320M100A01, Diazinon

PST-320-10MG, Diazinon

PST-320K1000, Diazinon

PST-320A100A01, Diazinon

PST-320-250MG, Diazinon

PST-380-10MG, Dichlorvos

PST-380H100A01, Dichlorvos

PST-380H1000, Dichlorvos

PST-1400-250MG, Diflubenzuron

PST-1400A100A01, Diflubenzuron

PST-1400A1000, Diflubenzuron

PST-1400M1000, Diflubenzuron

PST-3700M1000, Emamectin benzoate

PST-3700-50MG, Emamectin benzoate

PST-1430-10MG, Famphur

SP-120-1, Famphur

PST-1445A100A01, Fenvalerate

PST-1445M1000, Fenvalerate

TFP-38-1, GB/T 23211 standard no. 38

PST-3105A1000, Hexaflumuron

PST-3515K1000, Lufenuron

PST-641M1000, Malathion

PST-641, Malathion

PST-641-10MG, Malathion

PST-641K1000, Malathion

PST-641K100A01, Malathion

PST-641M100A01, Malathion

PST-641A100A01, Malathion

PST-4230M1000, Nicotine standard

PST-4230A1000, Nicotine standard

PST-3720D1000, Oxolinic standard

PST-1605M100A01, Permethrin, mixed isomers

PST-1605A100A01, Permethrin, mixed isomers

PST-1605-10MG, Permethrin, mixed isomers, total

PST-1605K1000, Permethrin, mixed isomers, total

PST-1605-100MG, Permethrin, mixed isomers, total

PST-2500M1000, Phosalone

PST-2500K1000, Phosalone

PST-600K100A01, Phosmet

PST-600K1000, Phosmet

PST-3205K1000, Phoxim

PST-820A100A01, Piperonyl butoxide

PST-820-100MG, Piperonyl butoxide

PST-820I100A01, Piperonyl butoxide

US-WAT042881-3, Propyl Paraben 10 mg/L

US-WAT042881-2, Propyl Paraben 5 mg/L

PST-6845K1000, Sulfaquinoxaline

PST-2580A1000, tau-Fluvalinate

PST-2580A100A01, tau-Fluvalinate

PST-3260A1000, Teflubenzuron

PST-3260M1000, Teflubenzuron

PST-3260M100A01, Teflubenzuron

PST-1720A100A01, Thiabendazole

PST-1720-250MG, Thiabendazole

PST-490-10MG, Trichlorfon (Dylox)

HC-110-1, 1,2-Dichlorobenzene

EPA-1102-1, 1,2-Dichlorobenzene

STS-210-1, 1,2-Dichlorobenzene-d4

RPE-083S-1, 2,2’,4,4’,5,5’-Hexabromodiphenyl ether

RPE-082S-1, 2,2’,4,4’,5-Pentabromodiphenyl ether

RPE-081S-1, 2,2’,4,4’,6-Pentabromodiphenyl ether

RPE-080S-1, 2,2’,4,4’-Tetrabromodiphenyl ether

P-615-1, Acenaphthene

FRNH-179, Anilines kit

WRK-142, Aromatic acids kit

RAB-041M1000, Benzene standard

EPA-1003-1, Benzene standard

AM-100-1, Benzene standard

STS-100-1, Benzene-d6

WRK-142A, Benzoic acid solution

RTP-1A, Industrial terphenyl solution kit

WRK-170, Phenols kit

WRK-190, Polyols, ethers kit

QCI-760, QualityCheck phenolics sample

PPS-500X, QuEChERS Triphenyl phosphate

RAH-069, 2,3,5-Trimethylnaphthalene

RAH-025, 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene

US-228-1, Aroclor

PP-281-1, Aroclor 1016

EPA-1282-1, Aroclor 1016

PP-284-1, Aroclor 1016

PP-280-1, Aroclor 1016

PP-282-1, Aroclor 1016

EPA-1292-1, Aroclor 1221

PP-290-1, Aroclor 1221

PP-294-1, Aroclor 1221

PP-292-1, Aroclor 1221

PP-291-1, Aroclor 1221

EPA-1302-1, Aroclor 1232

PP-302-1, Aroclor 1232

PP-304-1, Aroclor 1232

PP-301-1, Aroclor 1232

PP-300-1, Aroclor 1232

EPA-1312-1, Aroclor 1242

1242TK-B2, Aroclor 1242

PP-312-1, Aroclor 1242

PP-313-1, Aroclor 1242

PP-311-1, Aroclor 1242

PP-310-1, Aroclor 1242

CLP-284-1, Aroclor 1242

1242TK-B1, Aroclor 1242

PP-314-1, Aroclor 1242

PP-341-1, Aroclor 1248

EPA-1342-1, Aroclor 1248

PP-342-1, Aroclor 1248

1248TK-B1, Aroclor 1248

1248TK-B2, Aroclor 1248

PP-340-1, Aroclor 1248

PP-344-1, Aroclor 1248

PP-351-1, Aroclor 1254

PP-354-1, Aroclor 1254

1254TK-B2, Aroclor 1254

EPA-1352-1, Aroclor 1254

PP-350-1, Aroclor 1254

1254TK-B1, Aroclor 1254

PP-352-1, Aroclor 1254

RPC-1254, Aroclor 1254 (PCB 1254)

1254TK-B, Aroclor 1254 PCB contaminant kit

EPA-1362-1, Aroclor 1260

PP-361-1, Aroclor 1260

PP-360-1, Aroclor 1260

1260TK-B1, Aroclor 1260

1260TK-B2, Aroclor 1260

PP-362-1, Aroclor 1260

PP-363-1, Aroclor 1260

RPC-1260, Aroclor 1260 (PCB 1260)

1260TK-B, Aroclor 1260 PCB contaminant kit

PPS-140-1, Aroclor 1260 stock standard

PPS-141-1, Aroclor 1260 stock standard

PP-373-1, Aroclor 1262

PP-372-1, Aroclor 1262

PP-370-1, Aroclor 1262

EPA-1372-1, Aroclor 1262

PP-371-1, Aroclor 1262

PP-382-1, Aroclor 1268

PP-383-1, Aroclor 1268

EPA-1382-1, Aroclor 1268

PP-381-1, Aroclor 1268

RPCK-1A, Aroclor solutions kit

CLP-281-1, Aroclors 1016 and 1260 standard

P-650-1, Benzo[a]pyrene

RAH-010M1000, Benzo[a]pyrene

EPA-1075-1, Benzo[a]pyrene

HAH-900-10MG, Benzo[A]pyrene-d12

EPA-1073-1, Benzo[b]fluoranthene

P-660-1, Benzo[b]fluoranthene

P-670-1, Benzo[ghi]perylene

EPA-1074-1, Benzo[k]fluoranthene

P-700-1, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene

P-801-1, Dibenzo[a,e]pyrene

P-821-1, Dibenzo[a,h]pyrene

P-811-1, Dibenzo[a,i]pyrene

P-791-1, Dibenzo[a,l]pyrene

MSM-100-1, EPH aromatic PAH

5190-0487, GC EU PAH Standard 250 ug/mL

G3440-85009, PAH Analyzer Calibration Sample Kit

FRNH-068, Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons kit

QCM-241, QualityCheck Aroclor 1242 in transformer oil sample

QCM-243, QualityCheck Aroclor 1248 in transformer oil sample

QCM-244, QualityCheck Aroclor 1248 in transformer oil sample

QCM-245, QualityCheck Aroclor 1254 in transformer oil sample

QCM-248, QualityCheck Aroclor 1260 in transformer oil sample

QCM-247, QualityCheck Aroclor 1260 in transformer oil sample

QCM-311, QualityCheck WS PAH sample

5799-0003, AA Flame OQPV Standards Kit

5799-0009, AA Furnace (non-Zeeman) OQPV Standards

5799-0011, AA Furnace (Zeeman) OQPV Standards Kit

5190-8256, Aluminum (Al) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8257, Aluminum (Al) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8258, Antimony (Sb) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 30% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8259, Antimony (Sb) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 30% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8260, Arsenic (As) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8261, Arsenic (As) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8262, Barium (Ba) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8263, Barium (Ba) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8264, Beryllium (Be) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8265, Beryllium (Be) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8266, Bismuth (Bi) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8267, Bismuth (Bi) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8268, Boron (B) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, in H2O, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8269, Boron (B) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, in H2O, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8270, Cadmium (Cd) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8271, Cadmium (Cd) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8272, Calcium (Ca) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8273, Calcium (Ca) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-7001, Calibration blank solution 5% HNO3 for ICP-OES, MP-AES, and AA

6610030500, Calibration mix 1 for AA and ICP-OES; 125 mL, contains 100 mg/L Sb, Mo, Sn and Tl in 2 % HNO3 + 0.5 % HF

6610030600, Calibration Mix 2 for AA and ICP-OES

6610030200, Calibration mix 3, organic for AA and ICP-OES; 100 mL, contains 500 mg/kg Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V and Zn in mineral oil

6610030700, Calibration mix majors for AA and ICP-OES; 125 mL, contains 500 mg/L Ca, Fe, K, Mg and Na in 5 % HNO3

5190-8274, Cesium (Cs) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8275, Chromium (Cr) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8276, Chromium (Cr) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8277, Cobalt (Co) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8278, Cobalt (Co) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8279, Copper (Cu) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8280, Copper (Cu) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8282, Gold (Au) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8283, Gold (Au) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

ICM-150, Graphite furnace AA calibration standard

5190-8284, Indium (In) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8285, Iron (Fe) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8286, Iron (Fe) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8287, Lead (Pb) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8288, Lead (Pb) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8289, Lithium (Li) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8290, Lithium (Li) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8291, Magnesium (Mg) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8292, Magnesium (Mg) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8293, Manganese (Mn) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8294, Manganese (Mn) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8295, Mercury (Hg) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8296, Mercury (Hg) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8297, Molybdenum (Mo) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 1% NH4OH, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8298, Nickel (Ni) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8299, Nickel (Ni) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8300, Palladium (Pd) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8301, Palladium (Pd) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8302, Platinum (Pt) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8303, Platinum (Pt) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-9420, Potassium (K) buffer, 100,000 μg/mL in 2-5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8304, Potassium (K) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8305, Potassium (K) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8306, Selenium (Se) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8307, Selenium (Se) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8308, Silicon (Si) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in H2O, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8309, Silver (Ag) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8310, Silver (Ag) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8311, Sodium (Na) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8312, Sodium (Na) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8313, Strontium (Sr) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8314, Strontium (Sr) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8315, Tellurium (Te) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8316, Thallium (Tl) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8318, Tin (Sn) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8319, Tin (Sn) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8320, Titanium (Ti) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in H2O, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8321, Titanium (Ti) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in H2O, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8323, Vanadium (V) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8324, Vanadium (V) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8325, Zinc (Zn) (Zn) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-8326, Zinc (Zn) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, for AA and MP-AES, 500 mL

5190-8327, Zirconium (Zr) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, AA and MP-AES, 100 mL

5190-9070, Anthracene standard for FLD 2 mL ampule

6610021800, Cuvette, water-filled, fluorescence, for signal-to-noise measurements of Raman band of water

6610022200, Europium in polymer block

US-700002387, Evaporative Light Scattering Detector Test Sol

6610022100, Holmium perchlorate, 4% in perchloric acid, sealed in quartz cuvette, wavelength accuracy standard

6610021900, Rhodamine B in polymer block

6610021700, Rhodamine B, concentrated solution sealed in triangular cuvette, for collecting excitation correction factors

G8180-67563, Reference cap, diffuse, coarse, for Agilent 4300 Handheld FTIR

G8180-67560, Reference cap, gold, coarse, for Agilent 4300 Handheld FTIR

G8180-67564, Reference cap, mirror, gold, for Agilent 4300 Handheld FTIR

G8180-67562, Reference cap, mirror, stainless steel, for Agilent 4300 Handheld FTIR

G8180-67300, Reference sample, polystyrene, for Agilent 4300 Handheld FTIR

5191-4278, *DISCONTINUED* - C4–C24 even carbon saturated FAME

5191-4276, *DISCONTINUED* - FAME 36 component mixture

5191-4277, *DISCONTINUED* - FAME mix, rapeseed oil

5190-6890, 2% Hydrogen in Air in 17L scotty cylinder

RPCBR-1F, 2,2',3',4,5-pentachlorobiphenyl

RPCBR-1J, 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,6,6'-nonachlorobiphenyl

RPCBR-1I, 2,2',3,3',5,5',6,6'-octachlorobiphenyl

RPCBR-1H, 2,2',3,4,4',5',6-heptachlorobiphenyl

RPCBR-1G, 2,2',3,4,5,6'-hexachlorobiphenyl

RPCBR-1E, 2,2',4,6-tetrachlorobiphenyl

RPCBR-1D, 2,4,6-trichlorobiphenyl

RPCBR-1C, 2,4-dichlorobiphenyl

RPCBR-1A, 2-Chlorobiphenyl

RPCBR-1B, 4-chlorobiphenyl

8500-5067, AED Performance evaluation sample - Dangerous Good

5190-9765, Blood alcohol checkout mix (For forensic use)

5080-8716, Boiling point calibration standard #1 for simulated distillation, for ASTM D2887, D7213, D7398, 6 x 1 mL of each

G3440-85013, C6 - C12 Normal Hydrocarbon Mix

8500-4789, Capillary inlet evaluation sample, split mode, 3 x 0.5 mL

5190-0468, Check out solution for Pesticide analyzer; contains five 1 mL ampoules with 20 Pesticides, 10 ug/mL in acetone.

5188-5245, Check-out sample, 3 x 1 mL ampules

RPCBR-1K, Decachlorobiphenyl

G3440-85039, Dioxin Analyzer Checkout Standard Kit

5183-0379, ECD Test Sample - Lindane

5190-9759, Ethanol standard, 100 mg/dL, 10 x 1 mL. - For Forensic Use

5190-9760, Ethanol standard, 150 mg/dL, 10 x 1 mL. - For Forensic Use

5190-9761, Ethanol standard, 200 mg/dL, 10 x 1 mL. - For Forensic Use

5190-9762, Ethanol standard, 300 mg/dL, 10 x 1 mL. - For Forensic Use

5190-9763, Ethanol standard, 400 mg/dL, 10 x 1 mL. - For Forensic Use

5190-9757, Ethanol standard, 50 mg/dL, 10 x 1 mL. - For Forensic Use

5190-9758, Ethanol standard, 80 mg/dL, 10 x 1 mL. - For Forensic Use

5190-9756, Ethanol, 20 mg/dL standard, in water, 1.0 mL per ampoule, 10/pk

5182-3450, FID supplies kit, includes dangerous goods

18710-60170, FID/TCD performance evaluation sample kit

5188-5953, FPD Check Out Sample, Meth. Parathion

18801-60700, GC 5800A Flame Ionization Detector Std in hexane, 2 x 0.5 mL; MSDS and Certificate of Analysis for this standard are available at and can be searched by lot/batch number and part numbers

5080-8769, GC Boiling Pt Calibration Standard (#3) for Simulated Distillation for ASTM methods D2887, D7213, D7398; 6 ampules of 1 mL each; MSDS and Certificate of Analysis for this standard are available at and can be searched by lot/batch number and part numbers

5080-8768, GC Boiling Pt Calibration Std for SimDis (#2); mix of hydrocarbons; 6 x 1 mL

5188-5317, GC Calibration Std for SimDis Polywax 655 Neat, 1 gm ampule

18900-60640, GC Calibration Std of Oxygenates in Gasoline; neat; for use with ASTM method D4815 Analyzers; 3 ampules of 0.5 mL each; MSDS and Certificate of Analysis for this standard are available.

5080-8759, GC Checkout Std for transformer oil gases analyzer (TOGA), 4L (120psi)

5188-5358, GC detector standards kit; Includes 1 x 0.5 mL 18713-60040;1 x 0.5 mL 18789-60060; 1 x 1 mL 5188-5953; 2 x 0.5 mL 18710-60170 and 1 x1 mL 5182-9733

18713-60040, GC electron capture detector standard in isooctane, 0.5 mL

19305-60580, GC flame photometric detector standard in isooctane, 20 ppm, 3 x 1 mL

8500-4328, GC headspace evaluation standard, n nonane, 1-2 dichlorobenzene, nitrobenzene, tert-butyldisulfide in dodecane, 1 mL each.

5060-9086, GC Reference Gas Oil Standard for Simulated Distillation for ASTM methods D2887, D7213, D7398, 3 ampules of 1 mL; MSDS and Certificate of Analysis for this standard are available at and can be searched by lot/batch number and part numbers

19298-60500, GC standard for Sherlock Microbial identification system, for analysis of FAMEs to identify bacteria, 4 x 2 mL

19354-60510, GC Test Sample for Nickel Catalyst Tube 4 L gas cylinder, 120 psi

5080-8761, GC Test Sample for Nickel Catalyst Tube, nickel monoxide powder, 1 gram

18711-60060, GC thermal conductivity detector standard in hexane, 0.5 mL

05970-60045, GC/MS checkout standard, for GC/MS, Contains 6 ampoules: 4 at 10 ng/µL, 1 at 100 pg/µL, and 1 at 100 ng/µL, each of dodecane biphenyl, p-chlorodiphenyl, and methyl palmitate in isooctane, 1 mL ampoules

5188-5357, GC/MS checkout standard, for High Mass, PFHT, 3 x 1 mL

5190-0471, GC/MS Forensic Toxicology Checkout Mixture, 3 x 1 mL ampoules

5191-4560, GC/MS Inst Checkout Std Kit - HES 2.0

5190-0531, GC/MS Internal reference mass (IRM) standard, for GC/TOF, neat PFET, 1 x 0.5 mL

5190-0585, GC/MS octafluoronaphthalene (OFN) checkout standard, 10 fg/µL, 3 x 1 mL. (For China: Hazardous product will be shipped from another warehouse. The corresponding invoice will be provided by Agilent China Shanghai Legal entity)

5188-5348, GC/MS Performance verification standard, for EI, 1 pg/µL OFN, in isooctane, 3 x 1 mL

5188-5347, GC/MS Performance verification standard, for EI/NCI, 100 fg/µL OFN, in isooctane, 3 x 1 mL

5190-0472, GC/MS Pesticide Analyzer Internal Std

5190-0494, GC/MS pesticide checkout std 100 µg/L 3 x 1 mL, (Dichlorvos, Mevinphos, Ethalfluralin, Trifluralin, Atrazine, Chlorpyriphos-methyl, Heptachlor, Malathion, Dieldrin, 4,4’-DDE, Hexazinone, Propargite, Mirex, Fenarimol, Coumaphos, Ethofenprox, Deltamethrin)

8500-5995, GC/MS tuning standard, contains: DFTPP, Benzidine, Pentachlorophenol, and p,p’-DDT 1 mg/mL in methylene chloride

5190-0473, GC/MS Volatiles Analyzer Checkout Mixture, 3 x 1 mL ampoules

05971-60571, GCMS Tuning Standard - PFTBA

G3440-85018, Glycerides in THF

G3440-85028, Glycerol Calibration Standards Kit

8500-5808, HCB performance sample

5080-8756, Hydrocarbons in gas mixture, 4 L gas cylinder, 60 psi (4 bar), for analysis of C1 to C6 hydrocarbons. One pressurized aerosol-type container (370 ml at 25 psig)

SMA-200-1, MADEP VPH calibration standard

5188-5372, MDL standard, for Agilent 7890 only, 3 x 0.5 mL ampoules

G3440-85026, Methyl Nonadeconate Standard Kit

G3440-85017, Natural Gas Analyzer Checkout Mix

5190-7002, NCD checkout standard, 1.5 mL in nitrobenzene, 1 ampule, 24 month shelf life. (For China: Hazardous product will be shipped from another warehouse. The corresponding invoice will be provided by Agilent China Shanghai Legal entity)

G2933-85022, Nitrogen chemiluminescence checkout sample

18789-60060, NPD standard in isooctane, 3 x 0.5 mL ampoules

TK-OIL-25, Obsolete. No replacement recommendation. PCB free transformer oil

8500-5851, P-Bromofluorobenzene

G3440-85009, PAH Analyzer Calibration Sample Kit

RPCBR-1, PCB by-product test kit

RPCBR-1M, PCB by-product test standard

RPC-EPA2-1, PCB congener calibration check

RPC-EPA-1, PCB congener calibration check

RPCWK, PCB elution window kit

RPCW-100-1, PCB elution window mixture

RPCW-110-1, PCB elution window mixture

RPCW-111-1, PCB elution window mixture

RPCW-105-1, PCB elution window standard

RPCW-103-1, PCB elution window standard

RPCW-109-1, PCB elution window standard

RPCW-104-1, PCB elution window standard

RPCW-106-1, PCB elution window standard

RPCW-102-1, PCB elution window standard

RPCW-107-1, PCB elution window standard

RPCW-108-1, PCB elution window standard

RPCW-101-1, PCB elution window standard

TK-OIL-100, PCB free transformer oil

LMPK-1, PCB locator standard

5188-5316, Polywax 500

5190-0501, QuEChERS GC Internal Standard, EN Method, 1 mL.

5190-0502, QuEChERS LC & GC internal standard, AOAC method, 1 mL

5190-0499, QuEChERS QC surrogate for GC, EN Method

5080-8755, Refinery gas test sample, 1 Liter, 30 psig (2 bar). Approximate concentrations % volume/volume: 15% hydrogen, 5% propane, 1% propylene, 10% iso-butane, 2% iso-pentane, 1% n-pentane, 15% nitrogen, 5% methane, 5% n-butane, 10% 1-butene, 5% trans-2-butene, 5% cis-2-butene, 5% carbon dioxide, 5% carbon monoxide, 1% ethylene, and 10% ethane

5190-7003, SCD checkout sample in isooctane, 2 mL ampoule. (China only. Hazardous product, will be shipped from another warehouse. The corresponding invoice will be provided by Agilent China Shanghai Legal entity)

G2933-85001, Sulfur chemiluminescence test sample

8500-8510, Tuning standard, for GC/MS, neat perfluoro-5,8-dimethyl-3, 6,9-trioxidodecane (PFTDT), 1 mL

5188-6526, 6020 Interference Check Solution A. For use with ICP-MS systems, 100 ml bottle, in 5% HNO3 with trace amounts of HF

5188-6527, 6020 Interference Check Solution B. For use with ICP-MS systems. Contains: 20 ppm of Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni and V, 10 ppm of As, Cd, Se, and Zn, 5 ppm of Ag. Bottle of 100ml, Matrix = 5% HNO3

5190-8561, Aluminum (Al) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8562, Antimony (Sb) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 1% HNO3, trace tartaric acid, 100 mL

5190-8563, Arsenic (As) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8564, Barium (Ba) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8565, Beryllium (Be) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8566, Boron (B) standard, 10 µg/mL, in H2O, 100 mL

5190-8567, Cadmium (Cd) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

ICM-630, Calibration standard

5190-8568, Chromium (Cr) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

ICM-413, CLP ICP calibration standard

ICM-431, CLP ICP calibration verification standard

ICM-433, CLP ICP calibration verification standard

ICM-461, CLP ICP graphite furnace standard

ICM-464, CLP ICP graphite furnace standard

ICM-443, CLP ICP interference check

ICM-441, CLP ICP interference check

ICM-442, CLP ICP interference check

ICM-451, CLP ICP spike standard

ICM-453, CLP ICP spike standard

5190-8569, Copper (Cu) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5183-4688, Environmental calibration standard, 1000 ppm each of Fe, K, CA, Na, Mg, 10 ppm each of Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, V, Zn, Th, U in 10% HNO3, 100 mL.

5183-4687, Environmental Spike Mix

ICK-200A, EPA method 200.7 calibration kit

ICK-230A, EPA method 200.7 calibration kit

ICM-202, EPA method 200.7 calibration no. 1B

ICM-203, EPA method 200.7 calibration no. 2

ICM-205, EPA method 200.7 calibration no. 4

ICM-231, EPA method 200.7 mixed calibration no. 1

ICM-232, EPA method 200.7 mixed calibration no. 2

ICM-235, EPA method 200.7 mixed calibration no. 5

5190-8592, Germanium (Ge), internal standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, trace HF, 100 mL

8500-7000, Gold - 100 mg/L, 100 mL

5190-9771, ICH Q3D and USP 232 Orals kit

5190-9767, ICH/USP oral target elements standard B, Ni 200 µg/mL, Ag and Se 150 µg/mL, V 100 µg/mL, Tl 8 µg/mL, Co 50 µg/mL in 2 % HNO3

5190-9768, ICH/USP oral target elements standard C, Au, Ir, Os, Pd, Pt, Rh, and Ru 100 µg/mL in 15 % HCl

5190-9769, ICH/USP oral target elements standard D: Cr 11,000 µg/mL, Sn 6000 µg/mL, Cu and Mo 3000 µg/mL, Ba 1400 µg/mL, Sb 1200 µg/mL, Li 550 µg/mL in 5% HNO3/tr. HF

5190-9766, ICH/USP target elements standard A, Hg 30 µg/mL, As 15 µg/mL, Cd and Pb 5 µg/mL in 2 % HNO3, 100 mL

ICM-102, ICP Calibration Standard (I)

ICM-103, ICP Calibration Standard (IV)

ICM-101, ICP Calibration Standard (VIII)

ICM-108, ICP calibration standard - Quality Control (XVI)

ICM-109, ICP Calibration Standard - Sewage Sludge (XI)

ICM-106, ICP Calibration Standard - Surface Water (X)

ICM-105, ICP Calibration Standard - Toxic Elements (IX)

ICM-120, ICP tuning standard

IMS-105, ICP-MS calibration no. 5, mercury at 10 µg/mL

IMS-104, ICP-MS calibration standard

IMS-102, ICP-MS calibration standard

IMS-103, ICP-MS calibration standard

IMS-101, ICP-MS calibration standard

IMS-120, ICP-MS calibration standard

5184-3565, ICP-MS Checkout Soln for 7500a and 7500i

5184-3564, ICP-MS Checkout Solution for 7500s. Contains tuning solution, dual mode (1), dual mode (2), abundance sensitivity (1), abundance sensitivity (2), detection limit solution, high sensitivity tune, wash, and water blank solutions

5185-5850, ICP-MS checkout solution, required by Agilent installation engineer to validate Agilent 7700 performance on site. Includes tuning solution, dual mode (1), dual mode (2), wash solution, water blank solution

5191-4570, ICP-MS Internal Std Mix (100mL)

IMS-133-L, ICP-MS plasma setup

5188-6564, ICP-MS Stock Tuning Solution

5190-0465, ICP-MS tuning solution

IMS-130-5, ICP-MS tuning standard

IMS-100, ICP-MS verification standard

IMK-109, ICP/MS calibration kit

5190-8599, ICS interference A for EPA 200.7, 5 mg/mL Al, Ca, Mg, 2 mg/mL Fe, in 20% HCl, 500 mL

8500-6946, Indium, 10 ug/mL, 100ml

5183-4682, Initial calibration verification, 1,000 mg/L of Fe, K, Ca, Na, Mg; 100 mg/L of Sr; 10 mg/L of Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, V, Zn, Th, U

5191-3932, Intelliquant Calibration Kit

5191-3933, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 1

5191-3934, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 2

5191-3935, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 3

5191-3936, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 4

5191-3937, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 5

5191-3938, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 6

5191-3939, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 7

5183-4681, Internal standard mix 10 μg/mL each of Bi, Ge, In, Sc, Tb, Y and Li (6) in 5% HNO3, 100 mL bottle. Dangerous goods, not available in Japan.

5188-6525, Internal standard mix for ICP-MS systems

5190-8593, Internal standard, multielement mix 4, 6Li, Sc 50 µg/mL, Ge, Te 25 µg/mL, In, Tb, Bi 10 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, trace HF, 100 mL

5190-8570, Iridium (Ir) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8571, Lead (Pb) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8572, Lithium (Li) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8589, Lithium-6, internal standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8573, Lutetium (Lu) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8574, Manganese (Mn) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8575, Mercury (Hg) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

8500-6941, Mercury - 10 µg/mL

8500-6948, Multi-element Calibration Standard 3

8500-6944, Multi-element calibration standard-1, 10 µg/mL Ce, Dy, Er, Eu, Gd, Ho, La, Lu, Nd, Pr, Sc, Sm, Tb, Th, Tm, Y, Yb in 5% HNO3, 100 mL. Dangerous goods, not available in Japan

8500-6940, Multi-element calibration standard-2A: Contains 2x100mL bottles

Bottle 1 contains 10 mg/L of Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, Ga, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Rb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, V, Zn in a matrix of 5% HNO3.

Bottle 2 contains 10 mg/L Hg in a matrix of 5% HNO3

8500-6942, Multi-element calibration standard-4, 10 µg/mL B, Ge, Mo, Nb, P, Re, S, Si, Ta, Ti, W, Zr in HNO3/trace hydrofluoric acid, 100 mL. Not available in Japan

5190-8576, Nickel (Ni) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8577, Platinum (Pt) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 5% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8578, Scandium (Sc) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8579, Selenium (Se) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8594, Semiquantitative calibration standard 1

5190-8595, Semiquantitative calibration standard 2, in 40% aqua regia, trace HF, Au, B, Be, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ge, Hf, Ir, K, Li, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, Os, Pd, Pt, Re, Rh, Ru, Sb, Si, Sn, Ta, Te, Ti, V, W, Zn, Zr 10 µg/mL

5190-8580, Silver (Ag) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

8500-6947, Single Element Standard - 10 µg/mL Cobalt, 100 mL - Dangerous Good (Not Available in Japan)

8500-6936, Single Element Standard - Bismuth, 100ml - Dangerous Good (Not Available in Japan)

8500-6945, Single element standard, 10 µg/mL Rh in 2% HCl, 100 mL. Dangerous goods, not available in Japan

5190-8581, Strontium (Sr) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8582, Terbium (Tb) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8583, Tin (Sn) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 5% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8596, Tuning and calibration standard 6020 for EPA 200.8, 10 µg/mL Be, Mg, Co, In, Pb, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8597, Tuning and calibration standard, 10 µg/mL Li, Co, In, Tl, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5185-5959, Tuning Solution for ICP-MS

5190-8584, Uranium (U) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-9770, USP 232 Pharma Internal Standard 1

5190-8585, Vanadium (V) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8586, Yttrium (Y) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8587, Zinc (Zn) standard, 10 µg/mL, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8242, Aluminum (Al) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8243, Aluminum (Al) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8352, Aluminum (Al) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8353, Aluminum (Al) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8244, Antimony (Sb) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 1% HNO3, trace tartaric acid, 100 mL

5190-8245, Antimony (Sb) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 1% HNO3, trace tartaric acid, 500 mL

5190-8354, Antimony (Sb) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 1% HNO3, 1% tartaric acid, 100 mL

5190-8355, Antimony (Sb) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 1% HNO3, 1% tartaric acid, 500 mL

5190-8246, Arsenic (As) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8247, Arsenic (As) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8356, Arsenic (As) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8357, Arsenic (As) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8248, Barium (Ba) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8249, Barium (Ba) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8358, Barium (Ba) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8359, Barium (Ba) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8250, Beryllium (Be) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8251, Beryllium (Be) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8360, Beryllium (Be) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8361, Beryllium (Be) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8252, Bismuth (Bi) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8253, Bismuth (Bi) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8362, Bismuth (Bi) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8363, Bismuth (Bi) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8254, Boron (B) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 100 mL

5190-8255, Boron (B) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 500 mL

5190-8364, Boron (B) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 1% NH4OH, 100 mL

5190-8365, Boron (B) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 1% NH4OH, 500 mL

5190-8328, Cadmium (Cd) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8366, Cadmium (Cd) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8367, Cadmium (Cd) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8329, Calcium (Ca) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8330, Calcium (Ca) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8368, Calcium (Ca) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8369, Calcium (Ca) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-7001, Calibration blank solution 5% HNO3 for ICP-OES, MP-AES, and AA

6610030500, Calibration mix 1 for AA and ICP-OES; 125 mL, contains 100 mg/L Sb, Mo, Sn and Tl in 2 % HNO3 + 0.5 % HF

6610030600, Calibration Mix 2 for AA and ICP-OES

6610030200, Calibration mix 3, organic for AA and ICP-OES; 100 mL, contains 500 mg/kg Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V and Zn in mineral oil

6610030700, Calibration mix majors for AA and ICP-OES; 125 mL, contains 500 mg/L Ca, Fe, K, Mg and Na in 5 % HNO3

ICM-630, Calibration standard

5190-8331, Cerium (Ce) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8332, Cerium (Ce) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8370, Cerium (Ce) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8371, Cerium (Ce) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8343, Cesium (Cs) nitrate ionization buffer, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8333, Cesium (Cs) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8334, Cesium (Cs) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8372, Cesium (Cs) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8373, Cesium (Cs) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-9421, Cesium buffer solution, 10% in 500 mL

5190-8344, Chromium (Cr) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8345, Chromium (Cr) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8374, Chromium (Cr) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8375, Chromium (Cr) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

ICM-413, CLP ICP calibration standard

ICM-431, CLP ICP calibration verification standard

ICM-433, CLP ICP calibration verification standard

ICM-461, CLP ICP graphite furnace standard

ICM-462, CLP ICP graphite furnace standard

ICM-464, CLP ICP graphite furnace standard

ICM-443, CLP ICP interference check

ICM-441, CLP ICP interference check

ICM-442, CLP ICP interference check

ICM-451, CLP ICP spike standard

ICM-453, CLP ICP spike standard

5190-8346, Cobalt (Co) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8347, Cobalt (Co) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8376, Cobalt (Co) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8377, Cobalt (Co) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8348, Copper (Cu) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8349, Copper (Cu) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8378, Copper (Cu) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8379, Copper (Cu) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8350, Dysprosium (Dy) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8381, Dysprosium (Dy) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

ICK-200A, EPA method 200.7 calibration kit

ICK-230A, EPA method 200.7 calibration kit

ICM-202, EPA method 200.7 calibration no. 1B

ICM-203, EPA method 200.7 calibration no. 2

ICM-205, EPA method 200.7 calibration no. 4

ICM-231, EPA method 200.7 mixed calibration no. 1

ICM-232, EPA method 200.7 mixed calibration no. 2

ICM-235, EPA method 200.7 mixed calibration no. 5

5190-8237, Erbium (Er) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8239, Europium (Eu) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8385, Europium (Eu) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8241, Gadolinium (Gd) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8456, Gadolinium (Gd) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8386, Gadolinium (Gd) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8387, Gadolinium (Gd) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8457, Gallium (Ga) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 0.5% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8388, Gallium (Ga) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 0.5% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8459, Germanium (Ge) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, trace HF, 100 mL

5190-8460, Germanium (Ge) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, trace HF, 500 mL

5190-8390, Germanium (Ge) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, trace HF, 100 mL

5190-8461, Gold (Au) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8462, Gold (Au) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 500 mL

5190-8392, Gold (Au) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8393, Gold (Au) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 500 mL

5190-8463, Hafnium (Hf) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8465, Holmium (Ho) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

ICM-102, ICP Calibration Standard (I)

ICM-103, ICP Calibration Standard (IV)

ICM-101, ICP Calibration Standard (VIII)

ICM-108, ICP calibration standard - Quality Control (XVI)

ICM-109, ICP Calibration Standard - Sewage Sludge (XI)

ICM-106, ICP Calibration Standard - Surface Water (X)

ICM-105, ICP Calibration Standard - Toxic Elements (IX)

6610030400, ICP internal standard; 125 mL, contains 100 mg/L 6Li, Sc, Y, In, Tb and Bi in 5 % HNO3

ICM-120, ICP tuning standard

IMS-105, ICP-MS calibration no. 5, mercury at 10 µg/mL

IMS-104, ICP-MS calibration standard

IMS-102, ICP-MS calibration standard

IMS-103, ICP-MS calibration standard

IMS-101, ICP-MS calibration standard

IMS-120, ICP-MS calibration standard

IMS-133-L, ICP-MS plasma setup

IMS-130-5, ICP-MS tuning standard

IMS-100, ICP-MS verification standard

6610030100, ICP-OES wavelength calibration solution; 500 mL, contains 5 mg/L Al, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, Zn and 50 mg/L K in 5 % HNO3

6610030000, ICP-OES wavelength calibration solution; 500 mL, contains 50 mg/L Al, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, Sr, Zn and 500 mg/L K in 5 % HNO3

5190-8467, Indium (In) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8468, Indium (In) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8398, Indium (In) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5191-3932, Intelliquant Calibration Kit

5191-3933, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 1

5191-3934, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 2

5191-3935, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 3

5191-3936, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 4

5191-3937, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 5

5191-3938, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 6

5191-3939, Intelliquant Multi-Element Standard 7

5190-8469, Iridium (Ir) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8470, Iridium (Ir) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 500 mL

5190-8400, Iridium (Ir) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8471, Iron (Fe) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8472, Iron (Fe) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8402, Iron (Fe) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8403, Iron (Fe) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8446, ISTD Scandium (Sc) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8555, ISTD Yttrium (Y) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8232, ISTD Yttrium (Y) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8801, Lanthanum (La) buffer, 100,000 μg/mL in 10% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8473, Lanthanum (La) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8474, Lanthanum (La) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8404, Lanthanum (La) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8405, Lanthanum (La) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8475, Lead (Pb) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8476, Lead (Pb) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8406, Lead (Pb) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8407, Lead (Pb) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8477, Lithium (Li) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8478, Lithium (Li) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8408, Lithium (Li) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8409, Lithium (Li) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8479, Lutetium (Lu) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8480, Lutetium (Lu) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8410, Lutetium (Lu) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8481, Magnesium (Mg) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8482, Magnesium (Mg) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8412, Magnesium (Mg) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8413, Magnesium (Mg) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8483, Manganese (Mn) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8484, Manganese (Mn) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8414, Manganese (Mn) standard, 10,000 µg/mL in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8415, Manganese (Mn) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8485, Mercury (Hg) standard

5190-8486, Mercury (Hg) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8416, Mercury (Hg) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8417, Mercury (Hg) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8487, Molybdenum (Mo) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 1% NH4OH, 100 mL

5190-8488, Molybdenum (Mo) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 1% NH4OH, 500 mL

5190-8418, Molybdenum (Mo) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 1% NH4OH, 100 mL

5190-8419, Molybdenum (Mo) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 1% NH4OH, 500 mL

5190-8489, Neodymium (Nd) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8490, Neodymium (Nd) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8421, Neodymium (Nd) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8491, Nickel (Ni) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8492, Nickel (Ni) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8422, Nickel (Ni) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8423, Nickel (Ni) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8493, Niobium (Nb) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 2% HF, 100 mL

5190-8424, Niobium (Nb) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 2% HF, 100 mL

5190-8425, Niobium (Nb) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 2% HF, 500 mL

5190-8495, Osmium (Os) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8497, Palladium (Pd) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8498, Palladium (Pd) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8426, Palladium (Pd) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 10% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8499, Phosphorus (P) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8500, Phosphorus (P) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8428, Phosphorus (P) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8429, Phosphorus (P) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8501, Platinum (Pt) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8502, Platinum (Pt) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 500 mL

5190-8430, Platinum (Pt) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8503, Potassium (K) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8504, Potassium (K) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8432, Potassium (K) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8433, Potassium (K) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8505, Praseodymium (Pr) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8507, Rhenium (Re) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8508, Rhenium (Re) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8509, Rhodium (Rh) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8510, Rhodium (Rh) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 500 mL

5190-8511, Rubidium (Rb) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8440, Rubidium (Rb) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8513, Ruthenium (Ru) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8514, Ruthenium (Ru) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 500 mL

5190-8442, Ruthenium (Ru) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8443, Ruthenium (Ru) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 500 mL

5190-8515, Samarium (Sm) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8517, Scandium (Sc) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8518, Scandium (Sc) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8447, Scandium (Sc) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8519, Selenium (Se) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8520, Selenium (Se) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8448, Selenium (Se) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8449, Selenium (Se) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8521, Silicon (Si) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 100 mL

5190-8522, Silicon (Si) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 500 mL

5190-8450, Silicon (Si) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 100 mL

5190-8451, Silicon (Si) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 500 mL

5190-8523, Silver (Ag) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8524, Silver (Ag) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8452, Silver (Ag) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8453, Silver (Ag) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8525, Sodium (Na) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8526, Sodium (Na) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8454, Sodium (Na) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8206, Sodium (Na) standard, for ICP-OES and MP-AES, 10,000 µg/mL 500 mL

5190-8527, Strontium (Sr) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8528, Strontium (Sr) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8207, Strontium (Sr) standard, for ICP-OES and MP-AES, 10,000 µg/mL 100 mL

5190-8208, Strontium (Sr) standard, for ICP-OES and MP-AES, 10,000 µg/mL 500 mL

5190-9419, Strontium buffer (Sr), 100,000 μg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8529, Sulfur (S) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 100 mL

5190-8530, Sulfur (S) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 500 mL

5190-8209, Sulfur (S) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 100 mL

5190-8210, Sulfur (S) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 500 mL

5190-8531, Tantalum (Ta) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 2% HF, 100 mL

5190-8532, Tantalum (Ta) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 2% HF, 500 mL

5190-8212, Tantalum (Ta) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 2% HF, 500 mL

5190-8533, Tellurium (Te) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 30% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8534, Tellurium (Te) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 30% HCl, 500 mL

5190-8213, Tellurium (Te) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 30% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8214, Tellurium (Te) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 30% HCl, 500 mL

5190-8535, Terbium (Tb) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8216, Terbium (Tb) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8537, Thallium (Tl) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8538, Thallium (Tl) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8217, Thallium (Tl) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8539, Thorium (Th) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8540, Thorium (Th) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8541, Thulium (Tm) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8543, Tin (Sn) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8544, Tin (Sn) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 500 mL

5190-8221, Tin (Sn) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8222, Tin (Sn) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 20% HCl, 500 mL

5190-8545, Titanium (Ti) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 100 mL

5190-8546, Titanium (Ti) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 500 mL

5190-8224, Titanium (Ti) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 100 mL

5190-8225, Titanium (Ti) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in H2O, 500 mL

5190-8547, Tungsten (W) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, trace HF, 100 mL

5190-8548, Tungsten (W) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, trace HF, 500 mL

5190-8226, Tungsten (W) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, trace HF, 100 mL

5190-8227, Tungsten (W) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, trace HF, 500 mL

5190-8549, Uranium (U) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8550, Uranium (U) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8551, Vanadium (V) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8552, Vanadium (V) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8228, Vanadium (V) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8229, Vanadium (V) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8553, Ytterbium (Yb) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8231, Ytterbium (Yb) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8556, Yttrium (Y) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8233, Yttrium (Y) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8557, Zinc (Zn) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8558, Zinc (Zn) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8234, Zinc (Zn) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8235, Zinc (Zn) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 500 mL

5190-8559, Zirconium (Zr) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HCl, 100 mL

5190-8560, Zirconium (Zr) standard, 1,000 µg/mL, in 5% HCl, 500 mL

5190-8236, Zirconium (Zr) standard, 10,000 µg/mL, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-9406, PerkinElmer alternate trace metal drinking pollution and wastewaters I for ICP and AA, 20 μg/mL Al, Fe, V, 10 μg/mL Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn, 5 μg/mL Sb, Be, Tl, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-9407, PerkinElmer alternate trace metal drinking pollution and wastewaters II for ICP and AA, 500 μg/mL Ca, Na, 100 μg/mL Mg, K, in 2% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-9412, PerkinElmer CLP instrument calibration mix 4, 100 μg/mL As, Tl, 50 μg/mL Cd, Se, Pb, in 5% HNO3, 125 mL

5190-9409, PerkinElmer CLP instrument calibration solution 1, 5,000 μg/mL Ca, Mg, K, Na, in 5% HNO3, 125 mL

5190-9408, PerkinElmer initial calibration verification for ICP, AA, or GFAA, contains (μg/mL) 500 Ca, K, Mg, Na, 200 Al, in 5% HNO3, Ba, 100 Fe, 60 Sb, 50 Co, V, 40 Ni, 25 Cu, 20 Zn, 15 Mn, 10 Ag, As, Cr, Tl, in 5% HNO3, 5 Be, Cd, Se, 3 Pb

5190-9410, PerkinElmer UV wavecal solution, 100 μg/mL K, P, S, 20 μg/mL As, La, Li, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Sc, 1 μg/mL Ca, in 5% HCl, 500 mL

5190-9411, PerkinElmer Vis wavecal solution, 50 μg/mL K, 10 μg/mL La, Li, Mn, Na, Sr, 1 μg/mL Ba, Ca, in 2% HNO3, 250 mL

ICC-014, Acetate standard

ICC-101, Ammonium standard

ICC-010, Bromate standard

ICC-001, Bromide standard

ICC-103, Calcium standard

ICC-011, Chlorate standard

ICC-002, Chloride standard

ICC-012, Chlorite standard

ICC-016, Chromate standard

ICC-017, Citrate standard

ICC-003, Fluoride standard

ICC-020, Iodide standard

ICC-021, Lactate standard

ICC-104, Lithium standard

ICC-105, Magnesium standard

ICC-004A, Nitrate as N standard

ICC-004, Nitrate standard

ICC-007A, Nitrite as N standard

ICC-007, Nitrite standard

ICC-005A, Ortho-Phosphate as P standard

ICC-013, Perchlorate standard

ICC-005, Phosphate standard

ICC-106, Potassium standard

ICC-028, Propionate standard

ICC-107, Sodium standard

ICC-108, Strontium standard

ICC-006, Sulfate standard

ICC-032, Thiosulfate standard

ICC-033-5, Total inorganic carbon (TIC) standard

ICC-033, Total inorganic carbon (TIC) standard

ICC-033-L, Total inorganic carbon (TIC) standard

US-700003093-5, API Calibration Solution

5190-0552, Caffeine standard in methanol, supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC).

5065-9908, Caffeine Standards for LC/MS-Trap OQ/PV

8500-6917, Caffeine standards kit, for LC/MS. Includes caffeine at 0.5, 1, 5, 25, 50 µg/mL in water, 5 ampoules

5190-0488, Caffeine standards kit. Includes caffeine at 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 25, 50, 100, 200 µg/mL in water, 8 x 1 mL

8500-6762, Caffeine standards kit. Includes caffeine at 5, 25, 125, 250, 500 µg/mL in water, 5 ampules

5188-6529, Check out sample, phenone, 1 mL ampoule

5190-6901, Chemical standard, [Glu1]-Fibrinopeptide B, 0.1 mg solid in 1.5 mL amber vial

G1982-85001, Chip Cube High Mass Reference Std

G1982-85002, Chip Cube High Mass Solvent Std

G1982-85003, Chip Cube Low Mass Reference Std

G1978-85000, ESI + APCI LC Demo Checkout Kit

G1969-85000, ESI-L LCMS Tuning Solution

US-700002387, Evaporative Light Scattering Detector Test Sol

US-WAT042876, GPV equivalency calibration standard

G2455-85001, HSA Peptide Standard Mix Kit

5191-4548, InfinityLab LC Installation Standard Kit

5191-4547, InfinityLab LC Performance Standard Kit

01080-68702, Isocratic and gradient test sample

01080-68704, Isocratic standard, 0.15% dimethylphthalate, 0.15% diethylphthalate, 0.01% biphenyl, 0.03% 0-terphenyl in methanol, 0.5 mL. Dangerous goods

LCS-6762K, LC Caffeine Standard Kit

5190-0469, LC TOF/QTOF/QQQ Pesticide Test Mixture

5190-0470, LC/MS Forensic Toxicology Calibration Mixture

G2425A, LC/MS Performance verification standard, for APCI negative ion. (For China: Hazardous product will be shipped from another warehouse. The corresponding invoice will be provided by Agilent China Shanghai Legal entity)

G1946-85004, LC/MS Performance verification standard, for positive mode, Reserpine. (For China: Hazardous product will be shipped from another warehouse. The corresponding invoice will be provided by Agilent China Shanghai Legal entity)

5190-0551, LC/MS Pesticide Comprehensive mix 8x 1mL

G1969-85003, LC/MS reference mass standard kit, ES-TOF biopolymer analysis; Contains 7 x 2 mL ampoules, 1 each with 5 mM purine, 1 M ammonium formate, 0.5 mM HP-0285, 0.1 mM HP-0321,0.2 mM HP-1221, 0.2 mM HP-1821, 0.5 mM HP-2421

5190-0556, LC/MS toxicology checkout mix, 100 µg/mL in acetonitrile, 1 ampule

G1969-85010, LC/MS tuning mix - low concentration

G1969-85020, LC/MS tuning mix - Low Concentration

G2432A, LC/MS tuning mix, for APCI/APPI, 100 mL

G2431A, LC/MS tuning mix, for ESI (Ion Trap), 100 mL

US-WAT042881, Linearity test kit, absorbance detector, 10mm cell

US-WAT042881-1, Methanol standard

5190-0484, Method EN12916 and IP 391 LC standard calibration standard kit 4 x 1ml. (For China: Hazardous product will be shipped from another warehouse. The corresponding invoice will be provided by Agilent China Shanghai Legal entity)

US-700002341, MS solution, formic acid, 10 mL

US-WAT042887, PQ solution, absorbance detector, 10 mm cell

5190-6886, Prep LC Standard #1

US-WAT042881-4, Propyl Paraben 15 mg/L

US-WAT042881-5, Propyl Paraben 20 mg/L

US-WAT042881-6, Propyl Paraben 25 mg/L

US-WAT042881-7, Propyl Paraben 30 mg/L

5191-6449, QTOF LC/MS ESI-X Tuning Mix

5190-0502, QuEChERS LC & GC internal standard, AOAC method, 1 mL

5190-0500, QuEChERS LC internal Standard, EN Method, 1 mL

US-700001713, Refractive index detector OQ standard

US-700003093-1, Set-Up Solution QP

5799-0014, SFC Checkout Standard

UST-400-1, TRPH standard

5190-6902, Trypsinogen standard, 1 mg in 1.5 mL amber vial

US-700003093-3, Tuning Solution

US-WAT042879, UV detector wavelength accuracy cal solution

US-WAT042885, UV/Visible detector wavelength accuracy cal solution

5190-8343, Cesium (Cs) nitrate ionization buffer, in 5% HNO3, 100 mL

5190-8337, GFAA matrix modifier, ammonium phosphate, 10% NH4H2PO4, 100 mL

5190-8342, GFAA matrix modifier, ammonium phosphate, magnesium nitrate, 10 mg/mL NH4H2PO4, 600 µg/mL Mg(NO3)2, 250 mL

5190-8338, GFAA matrix modifier, magnesium nitrate, 1% Mg(NO3)2, 100 mL

5190-8339, GFAA matrix modifier, nickel nitrate, 1% Ni(NO3)2, 100 mL

5190-8335, GFAA matrix modifier, palladium nitrate, 0.1% Pd, 100 mL

5190-8336, GFAA matrix modifier, palladium nitrate, 1% Pd

5190-8341, GFAA matrix modifier, palladium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, 1,000 µg/mL Pd, 600 µg/mL Mg(NO3)2, 250 mL

5190-8340, GFAA matrix modifier, palladium nitrate, magnesium nitrate, 750 µg/mL Pd, 500 µg/mL Mg(NO3)2, 250 mL

G6860-80002, Acetone standard for UV certification to USP857, certified, NIST traceable

5042-6476, Caffeine OQ/PV sample for dissol. test

9910085200, Calibrated solution validation test kit. (For China: Hazardous product will be shipped from another warehouse. The corresponding invoice will be provided by Agilent China Shanghai Legal entity)

190032100, Certified glass neutral density standards to certify UV instruments from 440 to 635 nm for accuracy and linearity to USP

190034200, Certified reference standard for certification of UV instruments to USP requirements. Includes 0.006% potassium dichromate plus perchloric acid blank and neutral density filters of 0.5, 0.7 + 1.0 Abs. for photometric accuracy tests. Also includes 4% holmium perchlorate in 10% perchloric acid for wavelength accuracy tests. Each solution is sealed in a quartz cuvette. A certificate of calibration with NIST traceability is included for each solution/filter.

G6874-80000, Certified standard for specular reflectance measurement at 7 degree angle of incidence, NIST-traceable certificate

9910084300, Color standard, calibrated, 2 inch od, certified values in 10 nm increments from 380 to 830 nm

G6860-80001, Didymium standard for UV, certified to USP857, NIST traceable

9910081100, Diffuse reflectance wavelength and wavenumber standard, certified

5063-6524, IQ Test Sample for UV-VIS

US-WAT042881, Linearity test kit, absorbance detector, 10mm cell

US-WAT042881-1, Methanol standard

5063-6523, OQ/PV hardware kit for UV-VIS. Includes 2 flow cells, cell passivating fluid, tubing kit, MCT adjustment hook, temperature sensor support, syringes, OQ/PV manual

5063-6503, OQ/PV Standards kit-1 for UV/VIS

5063-6521, OQ/PV standards kit-2, for UV/VIS spectrophotometer. Includes 1x10 mL perchloric acid, 1x10 mL holmium oxide in perchloric acid. Dangerous goods - restricted in China

US-WAT042887, PQ solution, absorbance detector, 10 mm cell

US-WAT042881-4, Propyl Paraben 15 mg/L

US-WAT042881-5, Propyl Paraben 20 mg/L

US-WAT042881-6, Propyl Paraben 25 mg/L

US-WAT042881-7, Propyl Paraben 30 mg/L

US-700001713, Refractive index detector OQ standard

5063-6522, Tubing kit for UV/VIS OQ/PV tests, to flush flow cell of Agilent 8453 UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Includes tubing, fittings, adapter

US-WAT042879, UV detector wavelength accuracy cal solution

5191-3931, UV-VIS Holmium Oxide Checkout Standard

US-WAT042885, UV/Visible detector wavelength accuracy cal solution

51010-CA, Calcium reference electrode

51010-CA-JE, Calcium reference electrode

51770, Calcium sensing electrode

51770-JE, Calcium sensing electrode

123-CA, Calcium System

123-CA-D, Calcium system with Omnijet dispenser

51550, Chloride reference electrode

51553, Chloride sensing electrode

123-CL, Chloride system

123-CL-D, Chloride system with Omnijet dispenser

123, Model 123 meter

51010-K, Potassium reference electrode

51333, Potassium sensing electrode

123-SALT, Salt System

123-SALT-D, Salt system with Omnijet dispenser

51010-NA, Sodium reference electrode

51023, Sodium sensing electrode

123-NA, Sodium system

123-NA-D, Sodium system with Omnijet dispenser

M13001, 123 POWER SUPPLY (EU)

M11000, 123 Power supply, USA

54000-A, Adapter for Omnijet bottle top dispenser, 54000, 36 mm

51023-A, Bulb Guard w/ O-rings

82573-G, Calcium 0.10 wt%

82572-G, Calcium 1.00 wt%

82572-J-Q, Calcium 1.00 wt%

82572-J-G, Calcium 1.00 wt%

82572-Q, Calcium 1.00 wt%

82575-J-G, Calcium 10.0 wt%

82575-J-Q, Calcium 10.0 wt%

82575-G, Calcium 10.0 wt%

82575-Q, Calcium 10.0 wt%

85700-Q, Calcium 100mg/100mL

85700-G, Calcium 100mg/100mL

85790-G, Calcium 10mg/100mL

85790-Q, Calcium 10mg/100mL

53000-P, Calcium electrode regenerating solution

55777-G, Calcium extracting solution

82570-G, Calcium reagent concentrate

82570-5G, Calcium reagent concentrate

82571-G, Calcium reagent RTU

56000-P, Calcium reference fill solution

52000, Chloride electrode cleaning compound

82550-5G, Chloride reagent concentrate

82550-G, Chloride reagent concentrate

82551-G, Chloride reagent RTU

82551-5G, Chloride reagent RTU

55415, Chloride reference fill solution

82518-G, Chloride, 10mg/g

82518-Q, Chloride, 10mg/g

82552-G, Chloride, 3mg/g

82552-Q, Chloride, 3mg/g

12617, Conductivity probe

1231, Electrode holder and rod assembly

V33020, F16 filter element

V33021, M16 filter element

54000, OMNIJET dispenser, 10-100mL bottle top dispenser

12611, Pasteur pipets, 250/pk

51555, pH Electrode

55420, pH Electrode Fill Solution

55101, pH Electrode storage solution

55100, PH Electrode storage solution

55000-P, Potassium electrode regenerating solution

82531-Q, Potassium, 100 mg/100 mL

82555-G, Potassium, 100 ppm

82532-G, Potassium, 200 mg/100 mL

82532-Q, Potassium, 200 mg/100 mL

82533-G, Potassium, 50 ppm

82557-Q, Salt Standard 1.00 wt pct

82557-G, Salt Standard 1.00 wt pct

82558-Q, Salt Standard 10.0 wt pct

82558-G, Salt Standard 10.0 wt pct

82559-Q, Salt Standard 50.0 wt pct

82507-Q, Sodium and potassium reagent concentrate

82507-5G, Sodium and potassium reagent concentrate

82507-G, Sodium and potassium reagent concentrate

82506-G, Sodium and potassium reagent RTU

82506-5G, Sodium and potassium reagent RTU

55410, Sodium and potassium reference fill solution

55555-G, Sodium extracting solution

55555-5G, Sodium extracting solution

82510-Q, Sodium standard, 10 ppm

82510-G, Sodium standard, 10 ppm

82510-5G, Sodium standard, 10 ppm

82511-5G, Sodium standard, 100 ppm

82511-Q, Sodium standard, 100 ppm

82511-G, Sodium standard, 100 ppm

V33026, Speedaire compressed air pre-filter

V33027, Speedaire pneumatic oil filter

SN-01R, ULTRA Snapit ampule opener

12620, Air Supply Fitting

12644, IC Set for Conductivity Board (3pk)

12645, IC Set for Relay Driver (3pk)

123-MANUAL, OSI 123 manual

12624, OSI cable 1, 6 foot ribbon

12624-2, OSI cable 2, ribbon

12608-S3, OSI software for Windows 7, version 12.0.3, Instacal version 6.31

V33022, USB dongle for OSI software

PANAL0158, 1% Chlorocyclohexane (as Cl)

PANAL0175, Agilent ULTRA Benzonitrile (as N), 1 mg/L

PANAL0097, Aldrin (as Cl) solvent blank

PANAL0131, Aldrin (as Cl), 100 mg/L

PANAL0096, Aldrin (as Cl), 50 mg/L

PANAL0229, Aldrin Set

PANAL0169, Benzonitrile (as N), 10 mg/L

PANAL0170, Benzonitrile (as N), 50 mg/L

PANAL0196, Dibenzothiophene, as S, 10 mg/L

PANAL0013, KCl Saturated with AgCl

PANAL0102, POX Standard

PANAL0230, Reference sample, aldrin (as Cl), 10 mg/L

PANAL0222, Sulfur and nitrogen mix standard kit

PANAL0228, Ultra low nitrogen standard kit

PANAL0227, Ultra low sulfur standard kit

PANAL0225-1, Water Solvent Blank

QCI-770, QualityCheck oil and grease sample

5190-8717, A-Solv ICP Solvent, 1 gal

5190-8603, A21 wear metal standard, Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn 100 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 100 g

5190-8604, A21 wear metal standard, Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn 300 µg/g, 100 g

5190-8605, A21 wear metal standard, Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn 500 µg/g, 100 g

5190-8706, A21 wear metal standard, Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn 900 µg/g, 100 g

5190-8707, A21+K wear metal standard, Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn 10 µg/g, 100 g

5190-8710, A21+K wear metal standard, Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn 100 µg/g, 100 g

5190-8711, A21+K wear metal standard, Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn 300 µg/g, 100 g.

5190-8709, A21+K wear metal standard, Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn 50 µg/g, 100 g

5190-8712, A21+K wear metal standard, Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn 500 µg/g, 100 g

5190-8713, A21+K wear metal standard, Ag, Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn 900 µg/g, 100 g

5190-8731, Aluminum (Al) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8732, Aluminum (Al) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8733, Antimony (Sb) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8735, Arsenic (As) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8736, Barium (Ba) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8737, Barium (Ba) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8715, Base mineral oil blank in 75 cSt mineral oil, 500 mL

5190-8716, Base mineral oil blank, in 75 cSt mineral oil

5190-8738, Beryllium (Be) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8739, Bismuth (Bi) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8740, Boron (B) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8741, Boron (B) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8742, Cadmium (Cd) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8744, Calcium (Ca) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8745, Calcium (Ca) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8746, Cerium (Ce) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8748, Chromium (Cr) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8750, Cobalt (Co) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8751, Cobalt (Co) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8714, Cobalt internal standard, Co 5 mg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 200 g

5190-8752, Copper (Cu) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8753, Copper (Cu) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8754, Iron (Fe) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8755, Iron (Fe) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8756, Lanthanum (La) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8757, Lanthanum (La) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8758, Lead (Pb) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8759, Lead (Pb) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8760, Lithium (Li) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8761, Lithium (Li) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8762, Magnesium (Mg) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8763, Magnesium (Mg) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8764, Manganese (Mn) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8765, Manganese (Mn) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8766, Mercury (Hg) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8767, Molybdenum (Mo) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8769, Nickel (Ni) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8770, Nickel (Ni) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8771, Phosphorus (P) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8772, Phosphorus (P) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8773, Potassium (K) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8774, Potassium (K) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8775, Scandium (Sc) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8776, Selenium (Se) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8777, Silicon (Si) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8778, Silicon (Si) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8779, Silver (Ag) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8781, Sodium (Na) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8782, Sodium (Na) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8783, Strontium (Sr) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8784, Sulfur (S) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8785, Sulfur (S) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8786, Thallium (Tl) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8787, Tin (Sn) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8789, Titanium (Ti) standard, 1, 000 µg/g, 50 g

5190-8791, Tungsten (W) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8793, Vanadium (V) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8794, Vanadium (V) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8795, Yttrium (Y) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8796, Yttrium (Y) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8797, Zinc (Zn) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8798, Zinc (Zn) standard, 5,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

5190-8799, Zirconium (Zr) standard, 1,000 µg/g, in 75 cSt hydrocarbon oil, 50 g

PL2010-0501, EasiCal PS-1, 1/pk Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0505, EasiCal PS-1, 5/pk Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0601, EasiCal PS-2, 1/pk Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0605, EasiCal PS-2, 5/pk Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0202, EasiVial PS-H Tri-Pack, 2 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0203, EasiVial PS-H Tri-Pack, 4 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0201, EasiVial PS-H, 2 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0200, EasiVial PS-H, 4 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0402, EasiVial PS-L Tri-Pack, 2 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0403, EasiVial PS-L Tri-Pack, 4 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0401, EasiVial PS-L, 2 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0400, EasiVial PS-L, 4 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0302, EasiVial PS-M Tri-Pack, 2 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0303, EasiVial PS-M Tri-Pack, 4 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0301, EasiVial PS-M, 2 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0300, EasiVial PS-M, 4 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PSS-PSVAL, EasyValid Validation Standards Kit, organic.

PSS-MIXKITM, MALDI Validation Standards Kit mixed, nominal Mp 4,320 - 6,530 Da

PSS-PSKITM, MALDI Validation Standards Kit Polystyrene

PL2010-0103, Polystyrene calibration kit, S-H-10

PL2010-0104, Polystyrene calibration kit, S-H2-10

PL2010-0101, Polystyrene calibration kit, S-L-10

PL2010-0105, Polystyrene calibration kit, S-L2-10

PL2010-0100, Polystyrene calibration kit, S-M-10

PL2010-0102, Polystyrene calibration kit, S-M2-10

PSS-PSKITH, Polystyrene high calibration kit

PSS-PSKITL, Polystyrene low calibration kit

PSS-PSKITML, Polystyrene medium low calibration kit

PSS-PSKITV, Polystyrene Viscometry/Light Scattering Detector Validation Kit

PSS-PSB100K, PS broad, nominal Mw 100,000 Da

PSS-PSB145K, PS broad, nominal Mw 145,000 Da

PSS-PSB200K, PS broad, nominal Mw 200,000 Da

PSS-PSB25K, PS broad, nominal Mw 25,000 Da

PSS-PSB250K, PS broad, nominal Mw 250,000 Da

PSS-PSB350K, PS broad, nominal Mw 350,000 Da

PSS-PSB4K, PS broad, nominal Mw 4,000 Da

PSS-PSB45K, PS broad, nominal Mw 45,000 Da

PSS-PSB450K, PS broad, nominal Mw 450,000 Da

PSS-PSB60K, PS broad, nominal Mw 60,000 Da

PSS-PSB7K, PS broad, nominal Mw 7,000 Da

PL2012-3005, PS, nominal Mp 1,000 Da

PL2012-3010, PS, nominal Mp 1,000 Da

PL2012-3001, PS, nominal Mp 1,000 Da

PL2014-1005, PS, nominal Mp 1,000,000 Da

PL2014-1001, PS, nominal Mp 1,000,000 Da

PL2014-1010, PS, nominal Mp 1,000,000 Da

PL2012-4005, PS, nominal Mp 1,300 Da

PL2012-4001, PS, nominal Mp 1,300 Da

PL2012-4010, PS, nominal Mp 1,300 Da

PL2014-2001, PS, nominal Mp 1,500,000 Da

PL2014-2010, PS, nominal Mp 1,500,000 Da

PL2014-2005, PS, nominal Mp 1,500,000 Da

PL2012-9010, PS, nominal Mp 10,000 Da

PL2012-9005, PS, nominal Mp 10,000 Da

PL2012-9001, PS, nominal Mp 10,000 Da

PL2014-8010, PS, nominal Mp 10,000,000 Da

PL2014-8001, PS, nominal Mp 10,000,000 Da

PL2014-8005, PS, nominal Mp 10,000,000 Da

PL2013-5001, PS, nominal Mp 100,000 Da

PL2013-5010, PS, nominal Mp 100,000 Da

PL2013-5005, PS, nominal Mp 100,000 Da

PL2013-0005, PS, nominal Mp 13,000 Da

PL2013-0001, PS, nominal Mp 13,000 Da

PL2013-0010, PS, nominal Mp 13,000 Da

PL2013-6010, PS, nominal Mp 130,000 Da

PL2013-6005, PS, nominal Mp 130,000 Da

PL2013-6001, PS, nominal Mp 130,000 Da

PL2014-9005, PS, nominal Mp 15,000,000 Da

PL2014-9001, PS, nominal Mp 15,000,000 Da

PL2014-9010, PS, nominal Mp 15,000,000 Da

PL2012-1005, PS, nominal Mp 162 Da

PL2012-1001, PS, nominal Mp 162 Da

PL2012-1010, PS, nominal Mp 162 Da

PL2012-5005, PS, nominal Mp 2,000 Da

PL2012-5001, PS, nominal Mp 2,000 Da

PL2012-5010, PS, nominal Mp 2,000 Da

PL2014-3001, PS, nominal Mp 2,000,000 Da

PL2014-3005, PS, nominal Mp 2,000,000 Da

PL2014-3010, PS, nominal Mp 2,000,000 Da

PL2014-4001, PS, nominal Mp 2,500,000 Da

PL2014-4010, PS, nominal Mp 2,500,000 Da

PL2014-4005, PS, nominal Mp 2,500,000 Da

PL2013-1005, PS, nominal Mp 20,000 Da

PL2013-1010, PS, nominal Mp 20,000 Da

PL2013-1001, PS, nominal Mp 20,000 Da

PL2013-7001, PS, nominal Mp 200,000 Da

PL2013-7010, PS, nominal Mp 200,000 Da

PL2013-7005, PS, nominal Mp 200,000 Da

PL2012-6010, PS, nominal Mp 3,000 Da

PL2012-6001, PS, nominal Mp 3,000 Da

PL2012-6005, PS, nominal Mp 3,000 Da

PL2014-5005, PS, nominal Mp 3,000,000 Da

PL2014-5001, PS, nominal Mp 3,000,000 Da

PL2013-2001, PS, nominal Mp 30,000 Da

PL2013-2005, PS, nominal Mp 30,000 Da

PL2013-2010, PS, nominal Mp 30,000 Da

PL2013-8010, PS, nominal Mp 300,000 Da

PL2013-8001, PS, nominal Mp 300,000 Da

PL2013-8005, PS, nominal Mp 300,000 Da

PL2012-0005, PS, nominal Mp 370 Da

PL2012-0010, PS, nominal Mp 370 Da

PL2012-0001, PS, nominal Mp 370 Da

PL2014-6005, PS, nominal Mp 4,000,000 Da

PL2014-6001, PS, nominal Mp 4,000,000 Da

PL2014-6010, PS, nominal Mp 4,000,000 Da

PL2012-7005, PS, nominal Mp 5,000 Da

PL2012-7001, PS, nominal Mp 5,000 Da

PL2012-7010, PS, nominal Mp 5,000 Da

PL2013-3005, PS, nominal Mp 50,000 Da

PL2013-3001, PS, nominal Mp 50,000 Da

PL2013-3010, PS, nominal Mp 50,000 Da

PL2013-9010, PS, nominal Mp 500,000 Da

PL2013-9001, PS, nominal Mp 500,000 Da

PL2013-9005, PS, nominal Mp 500,000 Da

PL2012-2010, PS, nominal Mp 580 Da

PL2012-2001, PS, nominal Mp 580 Da

PL2012-2005, PS, nominal Mp 580 Da

PL2012-8001, PS, nominal Mp 7,000 Da

PL2012-8005, PS, nominal Mp 7,000 Da

PL2012-8010, PS, nominal Mp 7,000 Da

PL2014-7010, PS, nominal Mp 7,000,000 Da

PL2014-7001, PS, nominal Mp 7,000,000 Da

PL2014-7005, PS, nominal Mp 7,000,000 Da

PL2013-4005, PS, nominal Mp 70,000 Da

PL2013-4010, PS, nominal Mp 70,000 Da

PL2013-4001, PS, nominal Mp 70,000 Da

PL2014-0005, PS, nominal Mp 700,000 Da

PL2014-0001, PS, nominal Mp 700,000 Da

PL2014-0010, PS, nominal Mp 700,000 Da

PSS-PS1K, PS, nominal Mw 1,000 Da

PSS-PS1M, PS, nominal Mw 1,000,000 Da

PSS-PS1.2K, PS, nominal Mw 1,200 Da

PSS-PS1.5M, PS, nominal Mw 1,500,000 Da

PSS-PS1.8K, PS, nominal Mw 1,800 Da

PSS-PS1.8M, PS, nominal Mw 1,800,000 Da

PSS-PS10K, PS, nominal Mw 10,000 Da

PSS-PS10M, PS, nominal Mw 10,000,000 Da

PSS-PS100K, PS, nominal Mw 100,000 Da

PSS-PS12K, PS, nominal Mw 12,000 Da

PSS-PS120K, PS, nominal Mw 120,000 Da

PSS-PS136K, PS, nominal Mw 136,000 Da

PSS-PS15M, PS, nominal Mw 15,000,000 Da

PSS-PS162, PS, nominal Mw 162 Da

PSS-PS18K, PS, nominal Mw 18,000 Da

PSS-PS180K, PS, nominal Mw 180,000 Da

PSS-PS2.1K, PS, nominal Mw 2,100 Da

PSS-PS2.5M, PS, nominal Mw 2,500,000 Da

PSS-PS20K, PS, nominal Mw 20,000 Da

PSS-PS200K, PS, nominal Mw 200,000 Da

PSS-PS238K, PS, nominal Mw 238,000 Da

PSS-PS25K, PS, nominal Mw 25,000 Da

PSS-PS266, PS, nominal Mw 266 Da

PSS-PS3.2K, PS, nominal Mw 3,200 Da

PSS-PS320K, PS, nominal Mw 320,000 Da

PSS-PS33K, PS, nominal Mw 33,000 Da

PSS-PS360, PS, nominal Mw 360 Da

PSS-PS370, PS, nominal Mw 370 Da

PSS-PS4K, PS, nominal Mw 4,000 Da

PSS-PS4.5K, PS, nominal Mw 4,500 Da

PSS-PS5M, PS, nominal Mw 5,000,000 Da

PSS-PS5.6K, PS, nominal Mw 5,600 Da

PSS-PS500, PS, nominal Mw 500 Da

PSS-PS56K, PS, nominal Mw 56,000 Da

PSS-PS560K, PS, nominal Mw 560,000 Da

PSS-PS6.5M, PS, nominal Mw 6,500,000 Da

PSS-PS62K, PS, nominal Mw 62,000 Da

PSS-PS7K, PS, nominal Mw 7,000 Da

PSS-PS700, PS, nominal Mw 700 Da

PSS-PS750, PS, nominal Mw 750 Da

PSS-PS800K, PS, nominal Mw 800,000 Da

PSS-PS890, PS, nominal Mw 890 Da

PSS-PS9K, PS, nominal Mw 9,000 Da

PSS-PSDE1.28M, PS-d8, nominal Mw 1,280,000 Da

PSS-PSDE130K, PS-d8, nominal Mw 132,000 Da

PSS-PSDE16K, PS-d8, nominal Mw 16,000 Da

PSS-PSDE185K, PS-d8, nominal Mw 185,000 Da

PSS-PSDE27K, PS-d8, nominal Mw 27,100 Da

PSS-PSDE376K, PS-d8, nominal Mw 376,000 Da

PSS-PSDE4.3K, PS-d8, nominal Mw 4,330 Da

PSS-PSDE6K, PS-d8, nominal Mw 5,940 Da

PSS-PSDE80K, PS-d8, nominal Mw 80,000 Da

PSS-PSDE807K, PS-d8, nominal Mw 807,000 Da

PSS-PSDE985K, PS-d8, nominal Mw 985,000 Da

PSS-PSKITR1HT, ReadyCal Polystyrene for HT GPC, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR10HT, ReadyCal Polystyrene for HT GPC, 10 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR1H, ReadyCal Polystyrene high, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR4H, ReadyCal Polystyrene high, 4 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR1L, ReadyCal Polystyrene low, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR4L, ReadyCal Polystyrene low, 4 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR1, ReadyCal Polystyrene, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR4, ReadyCal Polystyrene, 4 mL calibration kit

PL2010-0501, EasiCal PS-1, 1/pk Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0505, EasiCal PS-1, 5/pk Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0601, EasiCal PS-2, 1/pk Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0605, EasiCal PS-2, 5/pk Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2070-0201, EasiVial PEG 2 ml Polyethylene Glycol calibration kit

PL2070-0200, EasiVial PEG 4 ml Polyethylene Glycol calibration kit

PL2070-0202, EasiVial PEG Tri-Pack, 2 mL Polyethylene Glycol calibration kit

PL2070-0203, EasiVial PEG Tri-Pack, 4 mL Polyethylene Glycol calibration kit

PL2080-0202, EasiVial PEG/PEO Tri-pack, 2 ml Polyethylene Glycol/Oxide calibration kit

PL2080-0203, EasiVial PEG/PEO Tri-pack, 4 ml Polyethylene Glycol/Oxide calibration kit

PL2080-0201, EasiVial PEG/PEO, 2 ml Polyethylene Glycol/Oxide calibration kit

PL2080-0200, EasiVial PEG/PEO, 4 ml Polyethylene Glycol/Oxide calibration kit

PL2020-0202, EasiVial PMMA Tri-Pack, 2 mL Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit

PL2020-0203, EasiVial PMMA Tri-Pack, 4 mL Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit

PL2020-0201, EasiVial PMMA, 2 mL Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit

PL2020-0200, EasiVial PMMA, 4 mL Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit

PL2010-0202, EasiVial PS-H Tri-Pack, 2 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0203, EasiVial PS-H Tri-Pack, 4 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0201, EasiVial PS-H, 2 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0200, EasiVial PS-H, 4 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0402, EasiVial PS-L Tri-Pack, 2 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0403, EasiVial PS-L Tri-Pack, 4 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0401, EasiVial PS-L, 2 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0400, EasiVial PS-L, 4 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0302, EasiVial PS-M Tri-Pack, 2 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0303, EasiVial PS-M Tri-Pack, 4 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0301, EasiVial PS-M, 2 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2010-0300, EasiVial PS-M, 4 mL Polystyrene calibration kit

PL2020-0202, EasiVial PMMA Tri-Pack, 2 mL Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit

PL2020-0203, EasiVial PMMA Tri-Pack, 4 mL Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit

PL2020-0201, EasiVial PMMA, 2 mL Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit

PL2020-0200, EasiVial PMMA, 4 mL Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit

PSS-MMB100K, PMMA broad, nominal Mw 100,000 Da

PSS-MMB2.2M, PMMA broad, nominal Mw 2,200,000 Da

PSS-MMB20K, PMMA broad, nominal Mw 20,000 Da

PSS-MMB250K, PMMA broad, nominal Mw 250,000 Da

PSS-MMB60K, PMMA broad, nominal Mw 60,000 Da

PL2022-3001, PMMA, nominal Mp 1,000 Da

PL2022-3010, PMMA, nominal Mp 1,000 Da

PL2022-3005, PMMA, nominal Mp 1,000 Da

PL2024-1001, PMMA, nominal Mp 1,000,000 Da

PL2024-1010, PMMA, nominal Mp 1,000,000 Da

PL2024-1005, PMMA, nominal Mp 1,000,000 Da

PL2024-2005, PMMA, nominal Mp 1,500,000 Da

PL2024-2010, PMMA, nominal Mp 1,500,000 Da

PL2024-2001, PMMA, nominal Mp 1,500,000 Da

PL2022-9001, PMMA, nominal Mp 10,000 Da

PL2022-9010, PMMA, nominal Mp 10,000 Da

PL2022-9005, PMMA, nominal Mp 10,000 Da

PL2023-5010, PMMA, nominal Mp 100,000 Da

PL2023-5001, PMMA, nominal Mp 100,000 Da

PL2023-5005, PMMA, nominal Mp 100,000 Da

PL2023-0005, PMMA, nominal Mp 13,000 Da

PL2023-0001, PMMA, nominal Mp 13,000 Da

PL2023-0010, PMMA, nominal Mp 13,000 Da

PL2023-6005, PMMA, nominal Mp 130,000 Da

PL2023-6010, PMMA, nominal Mp 130,000 Da

PL2023-6001, PMMA, nominal Mp 130,000 Da

PL2022-5005, PMMA, nominal Mp 2,000 Da

PL2022-5001, PMMA, nominal Mp 2,000 Da

PL2022-5010, PMMA, nominal Mp 2,000 Da

PL2023-1005, PMMA, nominal Mp 20,000 Da

PL2023-1010, PMMA, nominal Mp 20,000 Da

PL2023-1001, PMMA, nominal Mp 20,000 Da

PL2023-7001, PMMA, nominal Mp 200,000 Da

PL2023-7005, PMMA, nominal Mp 200,000 Da

PL2023-7010, PMMA, nominal Mp 200,000 Da

PL2022-6005, PMMA, nominal Mp 3,000 Da

PL2022-6010, PMMA, nominal Mp 3,000 Da

PL2022-6001, PMMA, nominal Mp 3,000 Da

PL2023-2001, PMMA, nominal Mp 30,000 Da

PL2023-2010, PMMA, nominal Mp 30,000 Da

PL2023-2005, PMMA, nominal Mp 30,000 Da

PL2023-8010, PMMA, nominal Mp 300,000 Da

PL2023-8005, PMMA, nominal Mp 300,000 Da

PL2023-8001, PMMA, nominal Mp 300,000 Da

PL2022-7005, PMMA, nominal Mp 5,000 Da

PL2022-7001, PMMA, nominal Mp 5,000 Da

PL2022-7010, PMMA, nominal Mp 5,000 Da

PL2023-3001, PMMA, nominal Mp 50,000 Da

PL2023-3010, PMMA, nominal Mp 50,000 Da

PL2023-3005, PMMA, nominal Mp 50,000 Da

PL2022-2001, PMMA, nominal Mp 500 Da

PL2022-2005, PMMA, nominal Mp 500 Da

PL2022-2010, PMMA, nominal Mp 500 Da

PL2023-9001, PMMA, nominal Mp 500,000 Da

PL2023-9010, PMMA, nominal Mp 500,000 Da

PL2023-9005, PMMA, nominal Mp 500,000 Da

PL2022-8005, PMMA, nominal Mp 7,000 Da

PL2022-8010, PMMA, nominal Mp 7,000 Da

PL2022-8001, PMMA, nominal Mp 7,000 Da

PL2023-4001, PMMA, nominal Mp 70,000 Da

PL2023-4010, PMMA, nominal Mp 70,000 Da

PL2023-4005, PMMA, nominal Mp 70,000 Da

PL2024-0001, PMMA, nominal Mp 700,000 Da

PL2024-0005, PMMA, nominal Mp 700,000 Da

PL2024-0010, PMMA, nominal Mp 700,000 Da

PSS-MM1K, PMMA, nominal Mw 1,000 Da

PSS-MM1M, PMMA, nominal Mw 1,000,000 Da

PSS-MM1.2K, PMMA, nominal Mw 1,200 Da

PSS-MM10K, PMMA, nominal Mw 10,000 Da

PSS-MM100K, PMMA, nominal Mw 100,000 Da

PSS-MM102, PMMA, nominal Mw 102 Da

PSS-MM14K, PMMA, nominal Mw 14,000 Da

PSS-MM17K, PMMA, nominal Mw 17,000 Da

PSS-MM170K, PMMA, nominal Mw 170,000 Da

PSS-MM2M, PMMA, nominal Mw 2,000,000 Da

PSS-MM2.1K, PMMA, nominal Mw 2,100 Da

PSS-MM2.5K, PMMA, nominal Mw 2,500 Da

PSS-MM202, PMMA, nominal Mw 202 Da

PSS-MM21K, PMMA, nominal Mw 21,000 Da

PSS-MM210K, PMMA, nominal Mw 210,000 Da

PSS-MM270, PMMA, nominal Mw 270 Da

PSS-MM3M, PMMA, nominal Mw 3,000,000 Da

PSS-MM3.5K, PMMA, nominal Mw 3,500 Da

PSS-MM302, PMMA, nominal Mw 302 Da

PSS-MM340K, PMMA, nominal Mw 340,000 Da

PSS-MM4K, PMMA, nominal Mw 4,000 Da

PSS-MM4.7K, PMMA, nominal Mw 4,700 Da

PSS-MM402, PMMA, nominal Mw 402 Da

PSS-MM47K, PMMA, nominal Mw 47,000 Da

PSS-MM470K, PMMA, nominal Mw 470,000 Da

PSS-MM55K, PMMA, nominal Mw 55,000 Da

PSS-MM600, PMMA, nominal Mw 600 Da

PSS-MM615K, PMMA, nominal Mw 615,000 Da

PSS-MM70K, PMMA, nominal Mw 70,000 Da

PSS-MM800, PMMA, nominal Mw 800 Da

PSS-MM85K, PMMA, nominal Mw 85,000 Da

PSS-MM850K, PMMA, nominal Mw 850,000 Da

PSS-MMD20K, PMMA-d8, nominal Mw 19,900 Da

PSS-MMD230K, PMMA-d8, nominal Mw 230,000 Da

PSS-MMD4K, PMMA-d8, nominal Mw 3,860 Da

PSS-MMD580K, PMMA-d8, nominal Mw 580,000 Da

PL2020-0100, Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit, M-L-10

PL2020-0101, Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit, M-M-10

PSS-MMKITH, Polymethylmethacrylate high calibration kit

PSS-MMKITL, Polymethylmethacrylate low calibration kit

PSS-MMKITV, Polymethylmethacrylate Viscometry/Light Scattering Detector Validation Kit

PSS-MMKITR1L, ReadyCal PMMA low, 1.5 mL calibration kit Polymethylmethacrylate

PSS-MMKITR1, ReadyCal PMMA, 1.5 mL calibration kit Polymethylmethacrylate

PSS-MMKITR4, ReadyCal PMMA, 4 mL calibration kit Polymethylmethacrylate

PSS-MEPULB300K, PUL broad, nominal Mw 300,000 Da

PSS-PUL1.3K, PUL, nominal Mw 1,300 Da

PSS-PUL1.3M, PUL, nominal Mw 1,300,000 Da

PSS-PUL10K, PUL, nominal Mw 10,000 Da

PSS-PUL110K, PUL, nominal Mw 110,000 Da

PSS-PUL200K, PUL, nominal Mw 200,000 Da

PSS-PUL22K, PUL, nominal Mw 22,000 Da

PSS-PUL342, PUL, nominal Mw 342 Da

PSS-PUL400K, PUL, nominal Mw 400,000 Da

PSS-PUL50K, PUL, nominal Mw 50,000 Da

PSS-PUL6K, PUL, nominal Mw 6,000 Da

PSS-PUL800K, PUL, nominal Mw 800,000 Da

PSS-PULKIT, Pullulan calibration kit

PSS-PULKITR1H, ReadyCal Pullulan high, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PULKITR1, ReadyCal Pullulan, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-DXTKIT, Dextran Calibration Kit

PSS-DXTKITV, Dextran Viscometry/Light Scattering Detector Validation Kit

PSS-DXTB1.5M, DXT broad, nominal Mw 1,500,000 Da

PSS-DXTB2M, DXT broad, nominal Mw 2,000,000 Da

PSS-MEDXTB2M, DXT broad, nominal Mw 2,000,000 Da

PSS-MEDXTB70K, DXT broad, nominal Mw 70,000 Da

PSS-DXT10K, DXT, nominal Mw 10,000 Da

PSS-DXT130K, DXT, nominal Mw 130,000 Da

PSS-DXT180, DXT, nominal Mw 180 Da

PSS-DXT20K, DXT, nominal Mw 20,000 Da

PSS-DXT200K, DXT, nominal Mw 200,000 Da

PSS-DXT25K, DXT, nominal Mw 25,000 Da

PSS-DXT320K, DXT, nominal Mw 320,000 Da

PSS-DXT342, DXT, nominal Mw 342 Da

PSS-DXT40K, DXT, nominal Mw 40,000 Da

PSS-DXT5K, DXT, nominal Mw 5,000 Da

PSS-DXT504, DXT, nominal Mw 504 Da

PSS-DXT70K, DXT, nominal Mw 70,000 Da

PSS-DXTVAL, EasyValid Validation Standards Kit, aqueous.

PSS-DXTKITR1, ReadyCal Kit DXT, 1.5 mL calibration kit Dextran

PSS-DXTB1.5M, DXT broad, nominal Mw 1,500,000 Da

PSS-DXTB2M, DXT broad, nominal Mw 2,000,000 Da

PSS-MEDXTB2M, DXT broad, nominal Mw 2,000,000 Da

PSS-MEDXTB70K, DXT broad, nominal Mw 70,000 Da

PSS-CPLA230K, PLA broad CRM, nominal Mw 249,400 Da

PSS-MMB100K, PMMA broad, nominal Mw 100,000 Da

PSS-MMB2.2M, PMMA broad, nominal Mw 2,200,000 Da

PSS-MMB20K, PMMA broad, nominal Mw 20,000 Da

PSS-MMB250K, PMMA broad, nominal Mw 250,000 Da

PSS-MMB60K, PMMA broad, nominal Mw 60,000 Da

PSS-PSB100K, PS broad, nominal Mw 100,000 Da

PSS-PSB145K, PS broad, nominal Mw 145,000 Da

PSS-PSB200K, PS broad, nominal Mw 200,000 Da

PSS-PSB25K, PS broad, nominal Mw 25,000 Da

PSS-PSB250K, PS broad, nominal Mw 250,000 Da

PSS-PSB350K, PS broad, nominal Mw 350,000 Da

PSS-PSB4K, PS broad, nominal Mw 4,000 Da

PSS-PSB45K, PS broad, nominal Mw 45,000 Da

PSS-PSB450K, PS broad, nominal Mw 450,000 Da

PSS-PSB60K, PS broad, nominal Mw 60,000 Da

PSS-PSB7K, PS broad, nominal Mw 7,000 Da

PSS-PSSB100K, PSS broad, nominal Mw 100,000 Da

PSS-PSSB500K, PSS broad, nominal Mw 500,000 Da

PSS-MEPULB300K, PUL broad, nominal Mw 300,000 Da

PSS-VPRB1M, PVPR broad, nominal Mw 1,000,000 Da

PSS-VPRB3K, PVPR broad, nominal Mw 3,000 Da

PSS-VPRB50K, PVPR broad, nominal Mw 50,000 Da

PSS-VPRB8K, PVPR broad, nominal Mw 8,000 Da

PSS-PAA1M, PAA, nominal Mw 1,000,000 Da

PSS-PAA1.3M, PAA, nominal Mw 1,300,000 Da

PSS-PAA135K, PAA, nominal Mw 135,000 Da

PSS-PAA150K, PAA, nominal Mw 150,000 Da

PSS-PAA18K, PAA, nominal Mw 18,000 Da

PSS-PAA2K, PAA, nominal Mw 2,000 Da

PSS-PAA350K, PAA, nominal Mw 350,000 Da

PSS-PAA4K, PAA, nominal Mw 4,000 Da

PSS-PAA50K, PAA, nominal Mw 50,000 Da

PSS-PAA550K, PAA, nominal Mw 550,000 Da

PSS-PAA695K, PAA, nominal Mw 695,000 Da

PSS-PAA8K, PAA, nominal Mw 8,000 Da

PSS-PAA85K, PAA, nominal Mw 85,000 Da

PSS-PAAKIT, Polyacrylic acid sodium salt calibration kit

PSS-DXTKITR1, ReadyCal Kit DXT, 1.5 mL calibration kit Dextran

PSS-PEGKITR1, ReadyCal PEG, 1.5 mL calibration kit Polyethylene Glycol

PSS-PEOKITR1, ReadyCal PEG/PEO, 1.5 mL calibration kit Polyethylene Glycol/Oxide

PSS-PEOKITR4, ReadyCal PEG/PEO, 4 mL calibration kit Polyethylene Glycol/Oxide

PSS-MMKITR1L, ReadyCal PMMA low, 1.5 mL calibration kit Polymethylmethacrylate

PSS-MMKITR1, ReadyCal PMMA, 1.5 mL calibration kit Polymethylmethacrylate

PSS-MMKITR4, ReadyCal PMMA, 4 mL calibration kit Polymethylmethacrylate

PSS-PSKITR1HT, ReadyCal Polystyrene for HT GPC, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR10HT, ReadyCal Polystyrene for HT GPC, 10 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR1H, ReadyCal Polystyrene high, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR4H, ReadyCal Polystyrene high, 4 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR1L, ReadyCal Polystyrene low, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR4L, ReadyCal Polystyrene low, 4 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR1, ReadyCal Polystyrene, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR4, ReadyCal Polystyrene, 4 mL calibration kit

PSS-PROKITR1, ReadyCal Protein, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PULKITR1H, ReadyCal Pullulan high, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PULKITR1, ReadyCal Pullulan, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-DXTKIT, Dextran Calibration Kit

PSS-DXTKITV, Dextran Viscometry/Light Scattering Detector Validation Kit

PL2070-0201, EasiVial PEG 2 ml Polyethylene Glycol calibration kit

PL2070-0200, EasiVial PEG 4 ml Polyethylene Glycol calibration kit

PL2070-0202, EasiVial PEG Tri-Pack, 2 mL Polyethylene Glycol calibration kit

PL2070-0203, EasiVial PEG Tri-Pack, 4 mL Polyethylene Glycol calibration kit

PL2080-0202, EasiVial PEG/PEO Tri-pack, 2 ml Polyethylene Glycol/Oxide calibration kit

PL2080-0203, EasiVial PEG/PEO Tri-pack, 4 ml Polyethylene Glycol/Oxide calibration kit

PL2080-0201, EasiVial PEG/PEO, 2 ml Polyethylene Glycol/Oxide calibration kit

PL2080-0200, EasiVial PEG/PEO, 4 ml Polyethylene Glycol/Oxide calibration kit

PL2020-0202, EasiVial PMMA Tri-Pack, 2 mL Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit

PL2020-0203, EasiVial PMMA Tri-Pack, 4 mL Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit

PL2020-0201, EasiVial PMMA, 2 mL Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit

PL2020-0200, EasiVial PMMA, 4 mL Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit

PSS-DXTVAL, EasyValid Validation Standards Kit, aqueous.

PSS-PSVAL, EasyValid Validation Standards Kit, organic.

PSS-PEGKITVALA, LCCCValid Standards Kit PEG, 10 x 3 vials, 1.5 mL

PSS-PEGKITVAL, LCCCValid Standards Kit PEG, 6 x 3 and 3 x 4 vials, 1.5 mL

LCCCVALID, LCCCValid Validation Kit, PEG with column, standards, and documentation

PSS-MIXKITM, MALDI Validation Standards Kit mixed, nominal Mp 4,320 - 6,530 Da

PSS-PSKITM, MALDI Validation Standards Kit Polystyrene

PSS-PEGKIT, PEG calibration kit Polyethylene Glycol

PSS-PEOKIT, PEG/PEO calibration kit Polyethylene Glycol/Oxide

PSS-PVPKIT, Poly(2-vinylpyridine) calibration kit

PSS-PDMKIT, Poly(dimethylsiloxane) calibration kit

PSS-PLAKIT, Poly(L-lactic acid) calibration kit

PSS-PLAKITH, Poly(L-lactic acid) calibration kit high

PSS-PMAKIT, Poly(methacrylic acid) sodium salt calibration kit

PSS-PAAKIT, Polyacrylic acid sodium salt calibration kit

PSS-BDFKIT, Polybutadiene-1.4 calibration kit

PSS-PEKIT, Polyethylene calibration kit

PL2070-0100, Polyethylene glycol calibration kit, PEG-10

PL2080-0101, Polyethylene oxide calibration kit, PEO-10

PSS-PIBKIT, Polyisobutylene calibration kit

PSS-PIOKIT, Polyisoprene-1.4 calibration kit

PL2020-0100, Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit, M-L-10

PL2020-0101, Polymethylmethacrylate calibration kit, M-M-10

PSS-MMKITH, Polymethylmethacrylate high calibration kit

PSS-MMKITL, Polymethylmethacrylate low calibration kit

PSS-MMKITV, Polymethylmethacrylate Viscometry/Light Scattering Detector Validation Kit

PSS-PPGKIT, Polypropylene glycol calibration kit

PL2010-0103, Polystyrene calibration kit, S-H-10

PL2010-0104, Polystyrene calibration kit, S-H2-10

PL2010-0101, Polystyrene calibration kit, S-L-10

PL2010-0105, Polystyrene calibration kit, S-L2-10

PL2010-0100, Polystyrene calibration kit, S-M-10

PL2010-0102, Polystyrene calibration kit, S-M2-10

PSS-PSKITH, Polystyrene high calibration kit

PSS-PSKITL, Polystyrene low calibration kit

PSS-PSKITML, Polystyrene medium low calibration kit

PSS-PSSKIT, Polystyrene sulfonate sodium salt calibration kit

PSS-PSKITV, Polystyrene Viscometry/Light Scattering Detector Validation Kit

PSS-PULKIT, Pullulan calibration kit

PSS-DXTKITR1, ReadyCal Kit DXT, 1.5 mL calibration kit Dextran

PSS-PEGKITR1, ReadyCal PEG, 1.5 mL calibration kit Polyethylene Glycol

PSS-PEOKITR1, ReadyCal PEG/PEO, 1.5 mL calibration kit Polyethylene Glycol/Oxide

PSS-PEOKITR4, ReadyCal PEG/PEO, 4 mL calibration kit Polyethylene Glycol/Oxide

PSS-MMKITR1L, ReadyCal PMMA low, 1.5 mL calibration kit Polymethylmethacrylate

PSS-MMKITR1, ReadyCal PMMA, 1.5 mL calibration kit Polymethylmethacrylate

PSS-MMKITR4, ReadyCal PMMA, 4 mL calibration kit Polymethylmethacrylate

PSS-PSKITR1HT, ReadyCal Polystyrene for HT GPC, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR10HT, ReadyCal Polystyrene for HT GPC, 10 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR1H, ReadyCal Polystyrene high, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR4H, ReadyCal Polystyrene high, 4 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR1L, ReadyCal Polystyrene low, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR4L, ReadyCal Polystyrene low, 4 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR1, ReadyCal Polystyrene, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PSKITR4, ReadyCal Polystyrene, 4 mL calibration kit

PSS-PROKITR1, ReadyCal Protein, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PULKITR1H, ReadyCal Pullulan high, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PULKITR1, ReadyCal Pullulan, 1.5 mL calibration kit

PSS-PVPKIT, Poly(2-vinylpyridine) calibration kit

PSS-PVP1K, PVP, nominal Mw 1,000 Da

PSS-PVP1M, PVP, nominal Mw 1,000,000 Da

PSS-PVP1.2M, PVP, nominal Mw 1,200,000 Da

PSS-PVP1.7M, PVP, nominal Mw 1,700,000 Da

PSS-PVP10K, PVP, nominal Mw 10,000 Da

PSS-PVP110K, PVP, nominal Mw 110,000 Da

PSS-PVP2.1K, PVP, nominal Mw 2,100 Da

PSS-PVP2.5M, PVP, nominal Mw 2,500,000 Da

PSS-PVP21K, PVP, nominal Mw 21,000 Da

PSS-PVP265K, PVP, nominal Mw 265,000 Da

PSS-PVP3.2K, PVP, nominal Mw 3,200 Da

PSS-PVP4.7K, PVP, nominal Mw 4,700 Da

PSS-PVP47K, PVP, nominal Mw 47,000 Da

PSS-PVP470K, PVP, nominal Mw 470,000 Da

PSS-PVP60K, PVP, nominal Mw 60,000 Da

PSS-PVP700K, PVP, nominal Mw 700,000 Da

PSS-AMS1.5K, PaMS, nominal Mw 1,500 Da

PSS-AMS110K, PaMS, nominal Mw 110,000 Da

PSS-AMS16K, PaMS, nominal Mw 16,000 Da

PSS-AMS200K, PaMS, nominal Mw 200,000 Da

PSS-AMS35K, PaMS, nominal Mw 35,000 Da

PSS-AMS4K, PaMS, nominal Mw 4,000 Da

PSS-AMS430K, PaMS, nominal Mw 430,000 Da

PSS-AMS70K, PaMS, nominal Mw 70,000 Da

PSS-AMS8K, PaMS, nominal Mw 8,000 Da

PSS-AMS850K, PaMS, nominal Mw 850,000 Da

PSS-TBMA1M, PtBMA, nominal Mw 1,000,000 Da

PSS-TBMA1.3M, PtBMA, nominal Mw 1,300,000 Da

PSS-TBMA1.5K, PtBMA, nominal Mw 1,500 Da

PSS-TBMA10K, PtBMA, nominal Mw 10,000 Da

PSS-TBMA100K, PtBMA, nominal Mw 100,000 Da

PSS-TBMA2.1K, PtBMA, nominal Mw 2,100 Da

PSS-TBMA21K, PtBMA, nominal Mw 21,000 Da

PSS-TBMA210K, PtBMA, nominal Mw 210,000 Da

PSS-TBMA300K, PtBMA, nominal Mw 300,000 Da

PSS-TBMA4.7K, PtBMA, nominal Mw 4,700 Da

PSS-TBMA47K, PtBMA, nominal Mw 47,000 Da

PSS-TBMA470K, PtBMA, nominal Mw 470,000 Da

G2453-85060, Formic Acid - 99.5% purity

G1969-85026, HPLC Flushing Solvent. (For China: Hazardous product will be shipped from another warehouse. The corresponding invoice will be provided by Agilent China Shanghai Legal entity)

5191-5100, InfinityLab Acetonitrile, HPLC Gradient Grade, 4 x 4 Liters

5191-5110, InfinityLab Methanol, HPLC Gradient Grade, 4 x 4 Liters

5191-5120, InfinityLab Water, HPLC Gradient Grade, 4 x 4 Liters

5190-6896, LC/MS Methanol

G2453-85050, Acetonitrile LC/MS grade 1 L

5191-5101, InfinityLab Acetonitrile for LC/MS, 6 x 1 Liters

5191-4496, InfinityLab Ultrapure LC/MS grade acetonitrile

5191-4497, InfinityLab Ultrapure LC/MS grade methanol

5191-4498, InfinityLab Ultrapure LC/MS grade water

5191-5111, InfinityLab Methanol for LC/MS, 6 x 1 Liters

5191-5121, InfinityLab Water for LC/MS, 6 x 1 Liters

5190-6897, LC-MS Grade Water

5190-6896, LC/MS Methanol

5191-4549, LCMS Grade Formic Acid - 98-100% Purity

22102001, Bond Elut C18 cartridge (ASPEC), 100 mg, 1 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

12102118, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 1 g, 3 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

14256001, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 1 g, 6 mL, 120 μm, 30/pk

12256001B, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 1 g, 6 mL, 40 µm, 250/pk

12256001, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 1 g, 6 mL, 40 µm, 30/pk

12256060, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 1 g, 60 mL, 40 μm, 16/pk

14256031, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 10 g, 60 mL, 120 μm, 16/pk

14102001, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 100 mg, 1 mL, 120 μm, 100/pk

52102001, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 100 mg, 1 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

12102001, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 100 mg, 1 mL, 40 μm, 100/pk

52102024, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 100 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

12102099, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 100 mg, 3 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

12102161, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 100 mg, 6 mL, 40 µm, 30/pk

14256015, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 2 g, 12 mL, 120 μm, 20/pk

12102096, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 200 mg, 1 mL, 40 μm, 100/pk

14102025, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 200 mg, 3 mL, 120 μm, 50/pk

52102025, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 200 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

12102025, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 200 mg, 3 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

14256023, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 5 g, 20 mL, 120 μm, 20/pk

14102058, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 50 mg, 1 mL, 120 μm, 100/pk

12102058B, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 50 mg, 1 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

12102058, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 50 mg, 1 mL, 40 μm, 100/pk

12105027, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 50 mg, 3 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

14102028, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 500 mg, 3 mL, 120 μm, 50/pk

12102028, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 500 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

52102028, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 500 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

14102052, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 500 mg, 6 mL, 120 μm, 30/pk

52102052, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 500 mg, 6 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

12102052, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, 500 mg, 6 mL, 40 μm, 30/pk

14102028B, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, high flow, 500 mg, 3 mL, 120 μm, 500/pk

12113074, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, large reservoir capacity (LRC), 100 mg, 10 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

14113001, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, LRC, 100 mg, 10 mL, 120 µm, 50/pk

12113001, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, LRC, 100 mg, 10 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

113001, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, LRC, 115 mg, 10 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

14113024, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, LRC, 200 mg, 10 mL, 120 µm, 50/pk

12113024, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, LRC, 200 mg, 10 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

52113024, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, LRC, 200 mg, 10 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

14113027, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, LRC, 500 mg, 10 mL, 120 µm, 50/pk

12113027, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, LRC, 500 mg, 10 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

12105102, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, tabless, 100 mg, 1 mL, 40 µm, 100/pk

12105102B, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, tabless, 100 mg, 1 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

12105100, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, tabless, 100 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 48/pk

12102025T, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, tabless, 200 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

12105103, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, tabless, 500 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

12102052T, Bond Elut C18 cartridge, tabless, 500 mg, 6 mL, 40 µm, 30/pk

A496011C, Bond Elut C18, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 100 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

A4960125, Bond Elut C18, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 25 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

A4960150, Bond Elut C18, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 50 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

A396011C, Bond Elut C18, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

A3960125, Bond Elut C18, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 25 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

A3960150, Bond Elut C18, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 50 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

12166001B, Bond Elut Jr C18, 1g, 40 µm, 100/pk

12162028B, Bond Elut Jr C18, 500 mg, 40 µm, 100/pk

A496301C, Bond Elut SAX, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

12256031, Mega Bond Elut Flash cartridge, C18, 10 g, 60 mL, 16/pk

12256015, Mega Bond Elut Flash cartridge, C18, 2 g, 12 mL, 20/pk

12256023, Mega Bond Elut Flash cartridge, C18, 5 g, 20 mL, 20/pk

5610-2191, ValueLab 96 Sq-well Plexa, 10 mg, 10/pk

5610-2169, ValueLab 96 Square-well, 2 mL, C18 100 mg, 10/pk

5610-2166, ValueLab C18 Endcapped, 6 ml, 500 mg, 100/pk

5610-2165, ValueLab C18 Endcapped, 6 ml, 500 mg, 500/pk

5610-2168, ValueLab C18, 1 gm, 6 ml, 100/pk

5610-2167, ValueLab C18, 1 gm, 6 ml, 500/pk

5610-2162, ValueLab C18, 100 mg, 3 ml, 100/pk

5610-2161, ValueLab C18, 100 mg, 3 ml, 500/pk

5610-2164, ValueLab C18, 200 mg, 3 ml, 100/pk

5610-2163, ValueLab C18, 200 mg, 3 ml, 500/pk

5610-2184, ValueLab PCX 96 round, 1mL, 30 mg, 10/pk

7540201C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C18, 100 mg, 120 μm, 1/pk

7540101C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C18, 100 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

75401050, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C18, 50 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

7550201C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18, 100 mg, 120 μm, 96/pk

7550101C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18, 100mg, 40 μm, 96/pk

75502050, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18, 120 μm, 50 mg, 96/pk

7550102C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18, 200 mg, 40 μm, 96/pk

75501025, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18, 25 mg, 40 μm, 96/pk

75501050, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18, 50 mg, 40 μm, 96/pk

5610-2150, Bond Elut PFAS WAX, 150 mg, 6 mL, 30/pk

5610-2151, Bond Elut PFAS WAX, 200 mg, 6 mL, 30/pk

5610-2152, Bond Elut PFAS WAX, 500 mg, 6 mL, 30/pk

5610-2082, Bond Elut 250 mg w/Carbon S

5610-2086, Bond Elut 250 mg/PSA 250 mg w/Carbon S

5610-2083, Bond Elut 500 mg w/Carbon S

5610-2087, Bond Elut 500 mg/PSA 500 mg w/Carbon S

5610-2085, Bond Elut Carbon S (300 mg)/NH2 (500 mg)

5610-2084, Bond Elut Carbon S (500 mg)/NH2 (500 mg)

5610-2080, Bond Elut Jr 250 mg, w/Carbon S

5610-2081, Bond Elut Jr 400 mg, w/Carbon S

5610-2079, Bond Elut, 100 mg, 1mL w/Carbon S

5610-2078, Bond Elut, 50 mg, 1mL w/Carbon S

12169610B, Bond Elut Jr Plexa SPE Cartridge, 200 mg, 50/pk

12109610, Bond Elut Plexa SPE Cartridge, 200 mg, 3 mL, 50/pk

12109206, Bond Elut Plexa SPE Cartridge, 200 mg, 6 mL, 30/pk

12109301, Bond Elut Plexa SPE Cartridge, 30 mg, 1 mL, 100/pk

12109301B, Bond Elut Plexa SPE Cartridge, 30 mg, 1 mL, 1000/pk

12109303, Bond Elut Plexa SPE Cartridge, 30 mg, 3 mL, 50/pk

12109703, Bond Elut Plexa SPE Cartridge, 500 mg, 3 mL, 30/pk

12259506, Bond Elut Plexa SPE Cartridge, 500 mg, 6 mL, 30/pk

12109601, Bond Elut Plexa SPE Cartridge, 60 mg, 1 mL, 100/pk

12109603, Bond Elut Plexa SPE Cartridge, 60 mg, 3 mL, 50/pk

A4969010, Bond Elut Plexa, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 10 mg, 1/pk

A4969010HF, Bond Elut Plexa, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 10 mg, high flow, 1/pk

A4969030, Bond Elut Plexa, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 30 mg, 1/pk

A4969030HF, Bond Elut Plexa, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 30 mg, high flow, 1/pk

A3969010, Bond Elut Plexa, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 10 mg, 1/pk

A3969010B, Bond Elut Plexa, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 10 mg, 10/pk

A3969030, Bond Elut Plexa, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 30 mg, 1/pk

A3969030B, Bond Elut Plexa, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 30 mg, 10/pk

327832, Mega Bond Elut Flash cartridge, Plexa, 500 mg, 12 mL, 20/pk

5610-2188, ValueLab Plexa, 200 mg, 6 ml, 100/pk

5610-2187, ValueLab Plexa, 200 mg, 6 ml, 500/pk

5610-2190, ValueLab Plexa, 500 mg, 6 ml 100/pk

5610-2189, ValueLab Plexa, 500 mg, 6 ml 500/pk

5610-2186, ValueLab Plexa, 60 mg, 3 ml 100/pk

5610-2185, ValueLab Plexa, 60 mg, 3 ml 500/pk

75490030, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, Plexa, 30 mg, 1/pk

75590030, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Plexa, 30 mg, 96/pk

1288012, Bond Elut Plexa PCX LRC Cartridge, 30 mg, 10 mL, 50/pk

5982-0603, Bond Elut Plexa PCX LRC Cartridge, 30 mg, 10 ml, 500/pk

12108206, Bond Elut Plexa PCX SPE Cartridge, 200 mg, 6 mL, 30/pk

12108301, Bond Elut Plexa PCX SPE Cartridge, 30 mg, 1 mL, 100/pk

12108301B, Bond Elut Plexa PCX SPE Cartridge, 30 mg, 1 mL, 1000/pk

12108303, Bond Elut Plexa PCX SPE Cartridge, 30 mg, 3 mL, 50/pk

12108303B, Bond Elut Plexa PCX SPE Cartridge, 30 mg, 3 mL, 500/pk

12258506, Bond Elut Plexa PCX SPE Cartridge, 500 mg, 6 mL, 30/pk

12108601, Bond Elut Plexa PCX SPE Cartridge, 60 mg, 1 mL, 100/pk

12108603, Bond Elut Plexa PCX SPE Cartridge, 60 mg, 3 mL, 50/pk

12108603B, Bond Elut Plexa PCX SPE Cartridge, 60 mg, 3 mL, 500/pk

A4968010, Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 10 mg, 1/pk

A4968030, Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 30 mg, 1/pk

A4968031, Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 96 round-well plate, 1 ml, 30 mg, 10/pk

A3968010, Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 10 mg, 1/pk

A3968030, Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 30 mg, 1/pk

A3968030B, Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 96 square-well plate, 2 ml, 30 mg, 10/pk

5610-2183, ValueLab Plexa PCX SPE Cartridge, 200 mg, 6 ml, 100/pk

5610-2182, ValueLab Plexa PCX SPE Cartridge, 200 mg, 6 ml, 500/pk

5610-2181, ValueLab Plexa PCX SPE Cartridge, 60 mg, 3 ml, 100/pk

5610-2180, ValueLab Plexa PCX SPE Cartridge, 60 mg, 3 ml, 500/pk

75580030, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Plexa PCX, 30 mg, 96/pk

75580060, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Plexa PCX, 60 mg, 96/pk

12236104, 96-well vacuum manifold, shimset

5133008, Bond Elut 96 Square-Well Collection Plates, 1 mL

5133009, Bond Elut 96 Square-Well Collection Plates, 2 mL

5133007, Bond Elut 96 Square-Well Collection Plates, 350 µL

A396291C, Bond Elut C18 OH, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A3962925, Bond Elut C18 OH, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 25 mg, 1/pk

A3962950, Bond Elut C18 OH, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 50 mg, 1/pk

A396011C, Bond Elut C18, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

A3960125, Bond Elut C18, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 25 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

A3960150, Bond Elut C18, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 50 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

A396031C, Bond Elut C8, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A3960350, Bond Elut C8, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 50 mg, 1/pk

A396061C, Bond Elut CBA, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A3960625, Bond Elut CBA, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 25 mg, 1/pk

A3960650, Bond Elut CBA, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 50 mg, 1/pk

A396091C, Bond Elut Certify, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A3960925, Bond Elut Certify, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 25 mg, 1/pk

A3960950, Bond Elut Certify, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 50 mg, 1/pk

A3961010, Bond Elut LMS, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 10 mg, 1/pk

A3961025, Bond Elut LMS, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 25 mg, 1/pk

A3962060, Bond Elut NEXUS, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 60 mg, 1/pk

A396051C, Bond Elut NH2, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A3960525, Bond Elut NH2, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 25 mg, 1/pk

A3960550, Bond Elut NH2, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 50 mg, 1/pk

A496121C, Bond Elut PBA, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A396121C, Bond Elut PBA, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A396151C, Bond Elut PH, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A3961525, Bond Elut PH, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 25 mg, 1/pk

A3961550, Bond Elut PH, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 50 mg, 1/pk

A3967010, Bond Elut Plexa PAX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 10 mg, 1/pk

A3967100, Bond Elut Plexa PAX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A3967030, Bond Elut Plexa PAX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 30 mg, 1/pk

A3968010, Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 10 mg, 1/pk

A3968030, Bond Elut Plexa PCX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 30 mg, 1/pk

A3969010, Bond Elut Plexa, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 10 mg, 1/pk

A3969010B, Bond Elut Plexa, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 10 mg, 10/pk

A3969030, Bond Elut Plexa, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 30 mg, 1/pk

A396081C, Bond Elut SAX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A3960825, Bond Elut SAX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 25 mg, 1/pk

A3960850, Bond Elut SAX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 50 mg, 1/pk

A396071C, Bond Elut SCX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A3960725, Bond Elut SCX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 25 mg, 1/pk

A3960750, Bond Elut SCX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 50 mg, 1/pk

5982-1882, Amino (NH2) SPE Bulk Sorbent, 25 g bottle SampliQ Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

64100G, Bond Elut Carbon, bulk, 100 g

14213012, Bondesil C18 bulk sorbent, 120 μm, 100 g

14213013, Bondesil C18 bulk sorbent, 120 μm, 1000 g

12213011, Bondesil C18 bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 10 g

12213012, Bondesil C18 bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 100 g

12213013, Bondesil C18 bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 1000 g

12214001, Bondesil C18 bulk sorbent, 8 µm, 1 kg

12213063, Bondesil C18 EWP, 40 µm, 500 g

12213049, Bondesil C18 OH bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 100 g

12213006, Bondesil C2 bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 100 g

12213009, Bondesil C8 bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 100 g

6410G, Bondesil Carbon 10 g, 1/pk

12213033, Bondesil CBA bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 100 g

12213027, Bondesil CN-U bulk sorbent, 40 µm, 100 g

12213047, Bondesil DEA bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 100 g

12216061, Bondesil ENV bulk sorbent, 125 μm, 100 g

12214016, Bondesil EnvirElut bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 100 g

12214019, Bondesil EnvirElut bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 1000 g

12214013, Bondesil Florisil (FL) bulk sorbent, 200 μm, 100 g

12214015, Bondesil Florisil (FL) bulk sorbent, 200 μm, 1000 g

12213022, Bondesil NH2 bulk sorbent, 40 µm, 1 kg

12213020, Bondesil NH2 bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 10 g

12213021, Bondesil NH2 bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 100 g

12213044, Bondesil PBA bulk sorbent, 40 µm, 10 g

12213015, Bondesil PH bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 100 g

12219001, Bondesil Plexa, 100 g

12216062, Bondesil PPL, 125 µm, 100 g

12213037, Bondesil PRS bulk sorbent, 40 µm, 1000 g

12213025, Bondesil PSA bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 1 kg

12213023, Bondesil PSA bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 10 g

12213024, Bondesil PSA bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 100 g

12213042, Bondesil SAX bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 100 g

14213039, Bondesil SCX bulk sorbent 120 μm, 100 g

12213038, Bondesil SCX bulk sorbent, 40 µm, 10 g, 10/pk

12213039, Bondesil SCX bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 100 g

12213001, Bondesil SI bulk sorbent, 40 μm, 500 g

12213076, Bondesil-Al-N bulk sorbent, 100 g

5982-5751, Bulk Sodium Acetate, 100 g

5982-5750, Bulk Sodium Chloride, 100 g

5982-1382, C18 Endcapped SPE Bulk Sorbent, 25 g bottle SampliQ Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

5982-1082, C8 Octyl SPE Bulk Sorbent, 25 g bottle SampliQ Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

5610-2095, Carbon S Bulk, 10 g

5610-2094, Carbon S Bulk, 100 g

5610-2093, Carbon S Bulk, 25 g

12257034, Chem Elut Hydromatrix, 10 g, 60 mL, 16/pk

5982-4382, Florisil PR SPE Bulk Sorbent, 25 g bottle SampliQ Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

14213024, HF Bondesil-PSA, 100 g, 1/pk

198003, Hydromatrix bulk material, 1 kg

198004, Hydromatrix bulk material, 4 kg

5982-8082, SampliQ anhydrous magnesium sulfate

5982-2282, Silica - SPE Bulk Sorbent, 25 g bottle SampliQ Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

5982-5752, SPE Bulk Sorbent, C18, endcapped, 100 g

5982-1182, SPE Bulk Sorbent, C18, ODS, 25 g

5982-4482, SPE Bulk Sorbent, carbon, 25 g

5982-5753, SPE Bulk Sorbent, primary secondary amine (PSA), 100 g

5982-8382, SPE Bulk Sorbent, primary secondary amine (PSA), 25 g

5982-2082, SPE Bulk Sorbent, silica, SAX, 25 g

12256146TJ, BE Certify, tabless, 130 mg, 6 mL, 500/pk

22102084, Bond Elut Certify cartridge (ASPEC), 130 mg, 3 mL, 40 μm, 500/pk

14102085, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 1 g, 6 mL, 120 μm, 30/pk

12102085, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 1 g, 6 mL, 40 μm, 30/pk

14102083, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 130 mg, 1 mL, 120 µm, 100/pk

12102083, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 130 mg, 1 mL, 40 µm, 100/pk

14102051, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 130 mg, 3 mL, 120 μm, 50/pk

12102051, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 130 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

12256146, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 130 mg, 6 mL, 40 μm, 30/pk

14103002, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 180 mg, 3 mL, 120 µm, 50/pk

12102145, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 200 mg, 3 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

12256145, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 200 mg, 6 mL, 40 μm, 30/pk

14102081, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 300 mg, 3 mL, 120 µm, 50/pk

12102081, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 300 mg, 3 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

14102082, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 300 mg, 6 mL, 120 µm, 30/pk

102082, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 300 mg, 6 mL, 40 µm, 30/pk

12102082, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 300 mg, 6 mL, 40 μm, 30/pk

12105030, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 50 mg, 3 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

12102156, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 500 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

52102156, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 500 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

14102093, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 500 mg, 6 mL, 120 μm, 30/pk

12102093, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, 500 mg, 6 mL, 40 μm, 30/pk

14113050, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, LRC, 130 mg, 10 mL, 120 μm, 50/pk

14113055, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, LRC, 130 mg, 10 mL, 120 μm, 500/pk

52113050, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, LRC, 130 mg, 10 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

12113055, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, LRC, 130 mg, 10 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

12113050, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, LRC, 130 mg, 10 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

14113054, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, LRC, 200 mg, 10 mL, 120 μm, 50/pk

52113051, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, LRC, 200 mg, 10 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

12113054, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, LRC, 200 mg, 10 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

14113052, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, LRC, 300 mg, 10 mL, 120 μm, 50/pk

12113052, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, LRC, 300 mg, 10 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

14102081T, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, tabless, 300 mg, 3 mL, 120 µm, 50/pk

12102081T, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, tabless, 300 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

12102000, Bond Elut Certify cartridge, tabless, 50 mg, 1 mL, 40 µm, 100/pk

52102051, Bond Elut Certify, 130 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

52102081, Bond Elut Certify, 300 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

A496091C, Bond Elut Certify, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A4960925, Bond Elut Certify, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 25 mg, 1/pk

A4960950, Bond Elut Certify, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 50 mg, 1/pk

A396091C, Bond Elut Certify, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A3960925, Bond Elut Certify, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 25 mg, 1/pk

A3960950, Bond Elut Certify, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 50 mg, 1/pk

12102051T, Bond Elut Certify, tabless, 130 mg, 3 mL, 50/pk

5610-2195, ValueLab LRC Certify, 130 mg, 100/pk

5610-2194, ValueLab LRC Certify, 130 mg, 500/pk

7540901C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, Certify, 100 mg, 1/pk

75409050, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, Certify, 50 mg, 1/pk

7550901C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Certify, 100 mg, 96/pk

75509025, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Certify, 25 mg, 96/pk

75509050, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Certify, 50 mg, 96/pk

A5320320, Bond Elut SPEC C18 cartridge, 15 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A5320330, Bond Elut SPEC C18 cartridge, 30 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A59603, Bond Elut SPEC C18, 96 round-well plate, 15 mg, 1 mL

A5321920, Bond Elut SPEC C18AR cartridge, 15 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A5321930, Bond Elut SPEC C18AR cartridge, 30 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A5021935, Bond Elut SPEC C18AR cartridge, 35 mg, 10 mL, 100/pk

A59619, Bond Elut SPEC C18AR, 96 round-well plate, 15 mg, 1 mL

A5960330, Bond Elut SPEC C18AR, 96 round-well plate, 30 mg, 1 mL

A5022570, Bond Elut SPEC C18AR/MP3 cartridge, 70 mg, 10 mL, 100/pk

A5320130, Bond Elut SPEC C2 cartridge, 30 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A59601, Bond Elut SPEC C2, 96 round-well plate, 15 mg, 1 mL

A5320220, Bond Elut SPEC C8 cartridge, 15 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A59602, Bond Elut SPEC C8, 96 round-well plate, 15 mg, 1 mL

A596DASB, Bond Elut SPEC DAS 96-well plate, 10/pk

A532DAS, Bond Elut SPEC DAS cartridge, 15 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A532DAU, Bond Elut SPEC DAU cartridge, 15 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A596DAU, Bond Elut SPEC DAU, 96 round-well plate, 15 mg, 1 mL

A714, Bond Elut SPEC flask, 1 L, male 40/35 mm, ground glass fitting

A59630, Bond Elut SPEC method development plate, C2, C8, C18, C18AR, CN, MP1, MP3, phenyl, 15 mg, 1 mL

A5321120, Bond Elut SPEC MP1 cartridge, 15 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A5311120B, Bond Elut SPEC MP1 cartridge, 15 mg, 3 mL, 1000/pk

A5321130, Bond Elut SPEC MP1 cartridge, 30 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A5311120, Bond Elut SPEC MP1, 3 mL, 15 mg, 100/pk

A59611, Bond Elut SPEC MP1, 96 round-well plate, 15 mg, 1 mL

A5322020, Bond Elut SPEC MP3 cartridge, 15 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A5322030, Bond Elut SPEC MP3 cartridge, 30 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A59620, Bond Elut SPEC MP3, 96 round-well plate, 15 mg, 1 mL

A5320720, Bond Elut SPEC NH2 cartridge, 15 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A5321030, Bond Elut SPEC Phenyl cartridge, 30 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A59610, Bond Elut SPEC Phenyl, 96 round-well plate, 15 mg, 1 mL

A5320520, Bond Elut SPEC SAX cartridge, 15 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A5320530, Bond Elut SPEC SAX cartridge, 30 mg, 3 mL, 100/pk

A5020535, Bond Elut SPEC SAX cartridge, 35 mg, 10 mL, 100/pk

A59605, Bond Elut SPEC SAX, 96 round-well plate, 15 mg, 1 mL

A59604, Bond Elut SPEC SCX, 96 round-well plate, 15 mg, 1 mL

A74819, SPEC disks, C18AR, 47 mm, 20/pk

A74702, SPEC disks, C8, 47 mm, 24/pk

A713, SPEC environmental disk holder, 47 mm

A712, SPEC environmental disk manifold

5982-0602, Bond Elut Plexa PAX tubes, VersaPlate, 30 mg, 96/pk

A5206010, Focus VersaPlate Tube 10 mg, 96/pk

7542601C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C18 EWP, 100 mg, 1/pk

7540103C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C18 EWP, 300 mg, 1/pk

7541601C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C18 OH, 100 mg, 1/pk

7542703C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C18 OH, 300 mg, 1/pk

7540201C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C18, 100 mg, 120 μm, 1/pk

7540101C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C18, 100 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

75401025, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C18, 25 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

75401050, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C18, 50 mg, 40 μm, 1/pk

7541101C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C2, 100 mg, 1/pk

7540301C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C8, 100 mg, 1/pk

7540302C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C8, 200 mg, 1/pk

75403025, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C8, 25 mg, 1/pk

75403050, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, C8, 50 mg, 1/pk

7540601C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, CBA, 100 mg, 1/pk

75406050, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, CBA, 50 mg, 1/pk

7541801C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, Certify II, 100 mg, 1/pk

7540901C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, Certify, 100 mg, 1/pk

75409025, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, Certify, 25 mg, 1/pk

75409050, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, Certify, 50 mg, 1/pk

7540401C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, CN-E, 100 mg, 1/pk

7541701C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, DEA, 100 mg, 1/pk

7541702C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, DEA, 200 mg, 1/pk

75430260, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, Hydromatrix and Chem Elut, 260 mg

7541002C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, LMS, 200 mg, 1/pk

7540501C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, NH2, 100 mg, 1/pk

7540502C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, NH2, 250 mg, 1/pk

75405050, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, NH2, 50 mg, 1/pk

7541201C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, PBA, 100 mg, 1/pk

7541501C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, PH, 100 mg, 1/pk

7541502C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, PH, 200 mg, 1/pk

5982-0601, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, Plexa PAX, 30 mg, 1/pk

75480060, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, Plexa PCX, 60 mg, 1/pk

75490030, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, Plexa, 30 mg, 1/pk

75490060, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, Plexa, 60 mg, 1/pk

7541901C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, PPL, 100 mg, 1/pk

7542401C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, PRS, 100 mg, 1/pk

7540801C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, SAX, 100 mg, 1/pk

7540802C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, SAX, 200 mg, 1/pk

75408050, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, SAX, 50 mg, 1/pk

7540701C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, SCX, 100 mg, 1/pk

7542305C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, SCX, 500 mg, 1/pk

7541301C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, SI, 100 mg, 1/pk

7542502C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, SI, 250 mg, 1/pk

7552301C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Alumina-B, 100 mg, 96/pk

7552201C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Alumina-N, 100 mg, 96/pk

7550103C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18 EWP, 300 mg, 96/pk

7551601C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18 OH, 100 mg, 96/pk

7550201C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18, 100 mg, 120 μm, 96/pk

7550101C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18, 100mg, 40 μm, 96/pk

75502050, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18, 120 μm, 50 mg, 96/pk

7550102C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18, 200 mg, 40 μm, 96/pk

75501025, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18, 25 mg, 40 μm, 96/pk

75501050, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C18, 50 mg, 40 μm, 96/pk

7551101C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C2, 100 mg, 96/pk

7550301C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C8, 100 mg, 96/pk

75503025, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C8, 25 mg, 96/pk

75503050, VersaPlate well plate tubes, C8, 50 mg, 96/pk

7550601C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, CBA, 100 mg, 96/pk

7551801C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Certify II, 100 mg, 96/pk

7550901C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Certify, 100 mg, 96/pk

75509025, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Certify, 25 mg, 96/pk

75509050, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Certify, 50 mg, 96/pk

7550401C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, CN-E, 100 mg, 96/pk

75504050, VersaPlate well plate tubes, CN-E, 50 mg, 96/pk

7551401C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, CN-U, 100 mg, 96/pk  

7552501C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Diol, 100 mg, 96/pk

75530260, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Hydromatrix and Chem Elut, 260 mg, 96/pk

7551002C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, LMS, 200 mg, 96/pk

75510050, VersaPlate well plate tubes, LMS, 50 mg, 96/pk

75520030, VersaPlate well plate tubes, NEXUS, 30 mg, 96/pk

7552003C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, NEXUS, 300 mg, 96/pk

75520060, VersaPlate well plate tubes, NEXUS, 60 mg, 96/pk

7550501C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, NH2, 100 mg, 96/pk

75505050, VersaPlate well plate tubes, NH2, 50 mg, 96/pk

7551201C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, PBA, 100 mg, 96/pk

7551501C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, PH, 100 mg, 96/pk

75580030, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Plexa PCX, 30 mg, 96/pk

75580060, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Plexa PCX, 60 mg, 96/pk

75590030, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Plexa, 30 mg, 96/pk

75590060, VersaPlate well plate tubes, Plexa, 60 mg, 96/pk

7551901C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, PPL, 100 mg, 96/pk

7552401C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, PRS, 100 mg, 96/pk

7552101C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, PSA, 100 mg, 96/pk

7550801C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, SAX, 100 mg, 96/pk

75508050, VersaPlate well plate tubes, SAX, 50 mg, 96/pk

7550701C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, SCX, 100 mg, 96/pk

7550702C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, SCX, 200 mg, 96/pk

75507025, VersaPlate well plate tubes, SCX, 25 mg, 96/pk

7550704C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, SCX, 400 mg, 96/pk

75507050, VersaPlate well plate tubes, SCX, 50 mg, 96/pk

7551301C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, SI, 100 mg, 96/pk

12166013B, Bond Elut Jr SAX SPE Cartridge, 1 g, 40 µm, 100/pk

12162044B, Bond Elut Jr SAX SPE Cartridge, 500 mg, 40 µm, 100/pk

12166052B, Bond Elut Jr SAX/PSA Cartidge, 1 g, 100/pk

22102017, Bond Elut SAX Cartridge (ASPEC), 100 mg, 1 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

12113056, Bond Elut SAX Cartridge, LRC, 200 mg, 10 mL, 40 µm, 30/pk

12102017TB, Bond Elut SAX cartridge, tabless, 100 mg, 1 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

12102087, Bond Elut SAX SPE cartridge, 1 g, 3 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

14256013, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 1 g, 6mL, 120 μm, 30/pk

12256013, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 1 g, 6mL, 40 μm, 30/pk

12102103, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 1.5 g, 3 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

12256037, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 10 g, 60 mL, 40 μm, 16/pk

14102017, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 100 mg, 1 mL, 120 μm, 100/pk

52102017, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 100 mg, 1 mL, 40 µm, 500/pk

12102017, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 100 mg, 1 mL, 40 μm, 100/pk

12102125, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 100 mg, 3 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

12102165, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 100 mg, 6 mL, 40 µm, 30/pk

14256021, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 2 g, 12 mL, 120 μm, 20/pk

12256021, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 2 g, 12 mL, 40 μm, 20/pk

12256051, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 2 g, 6 mL, 40 μm, 30/pk

12102126, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 200 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

14256029, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 5 g, 20 mL, 120 μm, 20/pk

12256029, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 5 g, 20 mL, 40 μm, 20/pk

14102079, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 50 mg, 1 mL, 120 μm, 100/pk

12102079, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 50 mg, 1 mL, 40 μm, 100/pk

14102044, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 500 mg, 3 mL, 120 μm, 50/pk

12102044, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 500 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

12102144, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, 500 mg, 6 mL, 40 μm, 30/pk

12113017, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, LRC, 100 mg, 10 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

14113043, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, LRC, 500 mg, 10 mL, 120 μm, 50/pk

12113043, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, LRC, 500 mg, 10 mL, 40 μm, 50/pk

12102017T, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, tabless, 100 mg, 1 mL, 40 µm, 100/pk

12102044T, Bond Elut SAX SPE Cartridge, tabless, 500 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

A396081C, Bond Elut SAX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A3960825, Bond Elut SAX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 25 mg, 1/pk

A3960850, Bond Elut SAX, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 50 mg, 1/pk

12102116, Bond Elut SAX/PSA Cartridge, 250 mg, 3 mL, 40 µm, 50/pk

12256061, Mega Bond Elut Flash cartridge, SAX/PSA 500/500 mg, 6 mL, 40 µm, 30/pk

5610-2176, ValueLab SAX SPE Cartidge, 500 mg, 3 ml, 500/pk

5610-2179, ValueLab SAX SPE Cartridge, 1 g, 6 ml, 100/pk

5610-2178, ValueLab SAX SPE Cartridge, 1 g, 6 ml, 500/pk

5610-2177, ValueLab SAX SPE Cartridge, 500 mg, 3 ml, 100/pk

7540801C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, SAX, 100 mg, 1/pk

7540802C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, SAX, 200 mg, 1/pk

75408050, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, SAX, 50 mg, 1/pk

7550801C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, SAX, 100 mg, 96/pk

75508050, VersaPlate well plate tubes, SAX, 50 mg, 96/pk

12102019, Bond Elut PBA cartridge, 100 mg, 1 mL, 100/pk

12102018, Bond Elut PBA cartridge, 100 mg, 1 mL, 20/pk

12102127, Bond Elut PBA cartridge, 100 mg, 3 mL, 50/pk

12102105, Bond Elut PBA cartridge, 500 mg, 6 mL, 30/pk

12113018, Bond Elut PBA cartridge, LRC, 100 mg, 10 mL, 50/pk

A496121C, Bond Elut PBA, 96 round-well plate, 1 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

A396121C, Bond Elut PBA, 96 square-well plate, 2 mL, 100 mg, 1/pk

12105033, Bond Elut PBA/PCX cartridge, 200/60 mg, 3 mL, 50/pk

7541201C, VersaPlate preassembled 96-well plate, PBA, 100 mg, 1/pk

7551201C, VersaPlate well plate tubes, PBA, 100 mg, 96/pk

5982-5850, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Kit, Acrylamides, 50/pk. Kit Contents: 4 g MgSO4, 0.5 g NaCl with 50 mL tubes

5982-5755, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Kit, AOAC 2007.01 method, 50/pk. Kit Contents: 6 g MgSO4, 1.5 g NaAcetate with 50 mL tubes

5982-5755CH, Agilent QuEChERS extraction kit, AOAC 2007.01 method, 50/pk. Kit Contents: 6 g MgSO4, 1.5 g NaAcetate with 50 mL tubes with ceramic homogenizers

5982-6669, Agilent QuEChERS extraction kit, AOAC 2007.01 method, buffered, 50/pk. Kit Contents: 6 g MgSO4, 1.5 g NaAcetate in 15 mL tubes

5982-5650, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Kit, EN 15662 method, 50/pk

5982-5650CH, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Kit, EN 15662 method, buffered, 50 mL with ceramic homogenizers, 50/pk

5982-5550CH, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Kit, Original Method (10 g samples), 50/pk.

5982-5550, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Kit, Original Method (10 g samples), 50/pk. Kit Contents: 4 g MgSO4, 1 g NaCl with 50 mL tubes

5982-5555, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Kit, Original Method (15 g samples), 50/pk

5982-5555CH, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Kit, Original Method (15 g samples), 50/pk. Kit Contents: 6 g MgSO4, 1.5 g NaCl with 50 mL tubes with ceramic homogenizers

5982-6668, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Kit, TFDA method, buffered, 50/pk. Kit Contents: 4 g MgSO4, 1 g NaAcetate in 15 mL tubes

5982-0032, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Kit, Veterinary Drugs, 50/pk. Kit Contents: 4 g Na2SO4, 1 g NaCl with 50 mL tubes

5982-7755, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Salt Packets, AOAC 2007.01 method, no centrifuge tubes, 200/pk. Contents: 6 g MgSO4, 1.5 g NaAcetate

5982-6755, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Salt Packets, AOAC 2007.01 method, no centrifuge tubes, 50/pk. Contents: 6 g MgSO4, 1.5 g NaAcetate

5982-7650, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Salt Packets, EN 15662 method, no centrifuge tubes, 200/pk. Contents: 4 g MgSO4, 1 g NaCl,1 g NaCitrate, 0.5 g disodium citrate sesquihydrate

5982-6650, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Salt Packets, EN 15662 method, no centrifuge tubes, 50/pk. Contents: 4 g MgSO4, 1 g NaCl,1 g NaCitrate, 0.5 g disodium citrate sesquihydrate

5982-7550, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Salt Packets, Original method (10 g samples), no centrifuge tubes, 200/pk

5982-6550, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Salt Packets, Original method (10 g samples), no centrifuge tubes, 50/pk

5982-7555, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Salt Packets, Original method (15 g samples), no centrifuge tubes, 200/pk

5982-6555, Agilent QuEChERS Extraction Salt Packets, Original method (15 g samples), no centrifuge tubes, 50/pk