Thermo Fisher Catalog 11

T11493, TE Buffer (20X), RNase-free

QVT0516, ViewRNA™ Tissue Positive Control Kit (2-plex) (4 rat kidney slides + probes)

QVT4430C, ViewRNA™ DAB 1-Plex Kit

QVT0420C, ViewRNA™ DAB 1-Plex Kit

QVT4420C, ViewRNA™ DAB 1-Plex Kit

QVT0410C, ViewRNA™ DAB 1-Plex Kit

QVT4410C, ViewRNA™ DAB 1-Plex Kit

QVT0430C, ViewRNA™ DAB 1-Plex Kit

R0621, MassRuler DNA Loading Dye (6X)

R1591, Neutralization Solution

R2302, Lysis Buffer for MagJET RNA Kit

R2421, Wash Buffer 2 for MagJET Blood RNA Kit (concentrated)

R2561, Wash buffer 2 for MagJET Plant RNA Kit (concentrated)

R2602, Neutralization Solution for MagJET Plasmid DNA Kit

R2601, Neutralization Solution for MagJET Plasmid DNA Kit

R2621, Wash Buffer 2 for MagJET Plasmid DNA Kit (concentrated)

R2341, Lysis Buffer for MagJET Blood gDNA Kit

R2491, Lysis Buffer B for MagJET Plant gDNA Kit

R2542, Lysis Buffer for MagJET Plant RNA Kit

QVT0519, ViewRNA™ Tissue Positive Control Kit (1-plex) (4 rat kidney slides + probe)

QVT0508, AP Enhancer Solution

R75807, Flp-In™-CHO Cell Line

R76207, Flp-In™-Jurkat Cell Line

Q33222, Qubit™ RNA IQ Assay Kits

QGP-306-MSHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Mouse Housekeeping Gene Panel, 6-plex

QGP-106-MSHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Mouse Housekeeping Gene Panel, 6-plex

QGP-206-MSHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Mouse Housekeeping Gene Panel, 6-plex

QGP-380-HUPANCANCER, QuantiGene™ Plex Human PanCancer Panel, 80-plex

QGP-180-HUPANCANCER, QuantiGene™ Plex Human PanCancer Panel, 80-plex

QGP-280-HUPANCANCER, QuantiGene™ Plex Human PanCancer Panel, 80-plex

QS0103, QuantiGene™ Sample Processing Kit, cultured cells

QS0100, QuantiGene™ Sample Processing Kit, cultured cells

QS0101, QuantiGene™ Sample Processing Kit, cultured cells

QS0102, QuantiGene™ Sample Processing Kit, cultured cells

QVT0506, Fast Blue Substrate (20 mL Blue Buffer + 420 uL each Blue Reagents 1-3)

R0393, IPTG, dioxane-free

R0392, IPTG, dioxane-free

R0812, 5-Fluoroorotic Acid

R0811, 5-Fluoroorotic Acid

R0971, MgCl2 (magnesium chloride) (25 mM)

R1021, EDTA (0.5 M), pH 8.0

R1091, Aminoallyl-UTP Solution (50 mM)

R1161, TriTrack DNA Loading Dye (6X)

R1171, IPTG Solution, ready-to-use

R1331, Binding Buffer for GeneJET Gel Extraction Kit

QGP-310-RATHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Rat Housekeeping Gene Panel, 10-plex

QGP-110-RATHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Rat Housekeeping Gene Panel, 10-plex

QGP-210-RATHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Rat Housekeeping Gene Panel, 10-plex

QGP-306-RATHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Rat Housekeeping Gene Panel, 6-plex

QGP-106-RATHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Rat Housekeeping Gene Panel, 6-plex

QGP-206-RATHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Rat Housekeeping Gene Panel, 6-plex

QGP-327-RATHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Rat Housekeeping Gene Panel, 27-plex

QGP-127-RATHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Rat Housekeeping Gene Panel, 27-plex

QGP-227-RATHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Rat Housekeeping Gene Panel, 27-plex

QGP-310-HUHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Human Housekeeping Gene Panel, 10-plex

QGP-110-HUHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Human Housekeeping Gene Panel, 10-plex

QGP-210-HUHKPANEL, QuantiGene™ Plex Human Housekeeping Gene Panel, 10-plex

QGP-312-AKTSIGNAL, QuantiGene™ Plex Human Akt Signaling Pathway Panel, 12-plex

QGP-112-AKTSIGNAL, QuantiGene™ Plex Human Akt Signaling Pathway Panel, 12-plex

QGP-212-AKTSIGNAL, QuantiGene™ Plex Human Akt Signaling Pathway Panel, 12-plex

QGP-380-20064, QuantiGene™ Plex Mouse Immune Response Panel, 80-plex

QGP-180-20064, QuantiGene™ Plex Mouse Immune Response Panel, 80-plex

QGP-280-20064, QuantiGene™ Plex Mouse Immune Response Panel, 80-plex

QGP-SETUP-384, QuantiGene™ Plex Automation Setup Kit

QP0524, QuantiGene™ Lysis Mixture

QP0522, QuantiGene™ Lysis Mixture

QP0523, QuantiGene™ Lysis Mixture

QGP-MSVIRHOST3, QuantiGene™ Plex Mouse Virus-Host Panel, 50-plex

QGP-MSVIRHOST1, QuantiGene™ Plex Mouse Virus-Host Panel, 50-plex

QGP-MSVIRHOST10, QuantiGene™ Plex Mouse Virus-Host Panel, 50-plex

QP1503, QuantiGene™ Plex Wash Buffer Components

QP1501, QuantiGene™ Plex Wash Buffer Components

QP1502, QuantiGene™ Plex Wash Buffer Components

QS0016, QuantiGene™ Singleplex Assay Kit

QS0012, QuantiGene™ Singleplex Assay Kit

QS0013, QuantiGene™ Singleplex Assay Kit

QS0014, QuantiGene™ Singleplex Assay Kit

QVC0200, ViewRNA™ ISH Cell 740 Module

QVT0502, Wash Buffer Components (1 and 2)

QVT0430, ViewRNA™ DAB Module

QVT0410, ViewRNA™ DAB Module

QVT0420, ViewRNA™ DAB Module

QVT0400, ViewRNA™ DAB Module

QVT0400A, ViewRNA™ DAB Module

QVT0400B, ViewRNA™ DAB Module

R1253, RNase A

R2611, Wash Buffer 1 for MagJET Plasmid DNA Kit (concentrated)

R2641, Lysis Buffer for MagJET Viral Kit

R32700, Quant-it™ RiboGreen RNA Assay Kit and RiboGreen RNA Reagent, RediPlate™ 96 RiboGreen™ RNA Quantitation Kit

R64050, Polypropylene Columns (Empty)

R72207, T-REx™ Jurkat Cell Line

Q33267, Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA Assay Kits, high sensitivity (HS) and broad range (BR)

Q33232, Quant-iT™ 1X dsDNA Assay Kits, high sensitivity (HS) and broad range (BR)

QGP-HUVIRHOST3, QuantiGene™ Plex Human Virus-Host Panel, 50-plex

QGP-HUVIRHOST1, QuantiGene™ Plex Human Virus-Host Panel, 50-plex

QGP-HUVIRHOST10, QuantiGene™ Plex Human Virus-Host Panel, 50-plex

QP1015, QuantiGene™ Plex Assay Kit

QP1013, QuantiGene™ Plex Assay Kit

QP1014, QuantiGene™ Plex Assay Kit

QS0112, QuantiGene™ Sample Processing Kit, blood samples

QS0110, QuantiGene™ Sample Processing Kit, blood samples

QS0111, QuantiGene™ Sample Processing Kit, blood samples

QVP0219, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0011, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0012, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0013, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0201, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0202, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0203, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0209, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0210, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0211, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0213, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0214, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0215, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0217, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVP0218, ViewRNA™ HC Screening Signal Amplification Kit-4 Plex, 100 Plates

QVT4433C, ViewRNA™ Blue-Brown 2-Plex Kit

QVT0433C, ViewRNA™ Blue-Brown 2-Plex Kit

QVT0412C, ViewRNA™ Blue-Brown 2-Plex Kit

QVT4412C, ViewRNA™ Blue-Brown 2-Plex Kit

QVT0422C, ViewRNA™ Blue-Brown 2-Plex Kit

QVT4422C, ViewRNA™ Blue-Brown 2-Plex Kit

QVT4800, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

QVT0700, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

QVT4700, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

QVT0800, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

QVT0600C, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

QVT4600C, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

QVT0688B, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

QVT4688B, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

QVT0646B, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

QVT4646B, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

QVT0694B, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

QVT4694B, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

QVT0640B, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

QVT4640B, ViewRNA Tissue Assay Fluorescence Kits

R0404, X-Gal

R0402, X-Gal

R0551, Glycogen, RNA grade

U21652, Ulysis™ Alexa Fluor™ 546 Nucleic Acid Labeling Kit

K102001, T-REx™ Complete Kit, with pcDNA™4/TO© Vector

K156001, PureLink™ Total RNA Blood Kit

K36720, ViraPower™ II Lentiviral Gateway™ Expression System

K415001, pYES2.1 TOPO™ TA Yeast Expression Kit

K483001, pGlow TOPO™ TA Expression Kit

CS10203, ChargeSwitch™ Plasmid Yeast Mini Kit

AM1835, MagMAX™-96 AI/ND Viral RNA Isolation Kit

AM7852, Cervical Adenocarcinoma (HeLa-S3) Total RNA

AM9912, EDTA (0.1 mM), pH 8.0, RNase-free

15502016, UltraPure™ Guanidine Hydrochloride

15504020, UltraPure™ Tris Buffer (powder format)

15514029, UltraPure™ Glycerol

15514011, UltraPure™ Glycerol

15529019, IPTG

15575020, UltraPure™ 0.5M EDTA, pH 8.0

15535016, Guanidine Isothiocyanate

15593049, UltraPure™ Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (25:24:1, v/v)

15593031, UltraPure™ Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (25:24:1, v/v)

16096040, TRIzol™ Max™ Bacterial RNA Isolation Kit

16096020, TRIzol™ Max™ Bacterial RNA Isolation Kit

15568025, UltraPure™ 1M Tris-HCI, pH 8.0

15591043, UltraPure™ SSPE, 20X

15503022, UltraPure™ Sucrose

15513047, UltraPure™ Buffer-Saturated Phenol

15513039, UltraPure™ Buffer-Saturated Phenol

15515026, UltraPure™ Formamide

15516024, UltraPure™ N,N'-Methylenebisacrylamide

18094011, BioPrime™ DNA Labeling System

18097012, BioPrime™ Total Genomic Labeling Module

18160010, Nick Translation System

10586014, Plasmid pCMV·SPORT-βgal

10777019, RNaseOUT™ Recombinant Ribonuclease Inhibitor

10974020, DNAzol™ BD Reagent, for isolation of genomic DNA from whole blood

11803012, Gateway™ pDEST™17 Vector

11802014, Gateway™ pDEST™15 Vector

11804010, Gateway™ pDEST™8 Vector

11809019, Gateway™ pDEST™26 Vector

11812013, Gateway™ pDEST™27 Vector

11828029, Gateway™ Vector Conversion System with One Shot™ ccdB Survival Cells

10503027, DNAzol™ Reagent, for isolation of genomic DNA from solid and liquid samples

10584027, Bac-to-Bac™ HT Vector Kit

11281011, MaV203 Competent Yeast Cells, Library Scale

10360014, Bac-to-Bac™ Vector Kit

12281010, Gateway™ pcDNA™-DEST47 Vector

12286019, Gateway™ pYES-DEST52 Vector

12301016, Gateway™ pT-Rex™-DEST30 Vector

12535035, Gateway™ pDONR™/Zeo Vector

12537100, MultiSite Gateway™ Pro Plus, for flexible cloning of up to four DNA fragments into a Gateway™ destination vector

12537162, pcDNA™6.2/V5-PL-DEST Mammalian Expression Vector

12002D, MPC™-6 (Magnetic Particle Concentrator)

12090015, TE Buffer

12091039, PureLink™ RNase A (20 mg/mL)

12091021, PureLink™ RNase A (20 mg/mL)

12183026, Homogenizer

12173033, PureLink™ 96 RNA Wash Buffer II (5X)

12183016, PureLink™ RNA Micro Scale Kit

12193025, PureLink™ 96 Receiver Plates

12256020, PureLink™ Growth Blocks

12263034, PureLink™ 384 Pre-Lysis Buffer

12282500, PureLink™ Viral Lysis Buffer

12283016, pBAD-DEST49 Gateway™ Destination Vector

12290010, pcDNA™3.1/nV5-DEST Mammalian Expression Vector

12302014, Gateway™ pT-Rex™-DEST31 Vector

12322012, PureLink™ Plant RNA Reagent

12489027, pcDNA™6.2-DEST Mammalian Expression Vector

12536017, Gateway™ pDONR™221 Vector

11806015, Gateway™ pDEST™10 Vector

11900D, Wash Buffer B for Dynabeads™ mRNA Purification Kits

005500, EDTA, Concentrate

785955000RXN, HT ExoSAP-IT™ Fast High-Throughput PCR Product Cleanup

785951000RXN, HT ExoSAP-IT™ Fast High-Throughput PCR Product Cleanup

78870, Yeast DNA Extraction Kit

792001000UN, USB™ CycleSeq™ Thermostable DNA Polymerase

88-17000-210, PrimeFlow™ Fixation/Permeabilization Buffer Set

88-19002-11, ViewRNA™ Cell Plus Cytospin Module Kit

20159, tRNA for LightShift™ Chemiluminescent RNA EMSA Kit

78205.10.ML, ExoSAP-IT™ PCR Product Cleanup Reagent

78202.4X.1.ML, ExoSAP-IT™ PCR Product Cleanup Reagent

88294, Pierce™ D-Luciferin, Monopotassium Salt

88291, Pierce™ D-Luciferin, Monopotassium Salt

61012, Dynabeads™ mRNA DIRECT™ Purification Kit

61011, Dynabeads™ mRNA DIRECT™ Purification Kit

63006, Dynabeads™ DNA DIRECT™ Universal Kit

19942, ViewRNA™ Tissue Assay Core Kit

24710030, UltraPure™ DNA Typing Grade™ 50X TAE Buffer

61021, Dynabeads™ mRNA DIRECT™ Micro Purification Kit

327372500, Triton™ X-100, 98%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free

327371000, Triton™ X-100, 98%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free

327371000, Triton™ X-100, 98%, for molecular biology, DNAse, RNAse and Protease free

15507023, UltraPure™ Cesium Chloride, Optical Grade

15567027, UltraPure™ 1 M Tris-HCI Buffer, pH 7.5

15596026, TRIzol™ Reagent

15596018, TRIzol™ Reagent

15633019, UltraPure™ Calf Thymus DNA Solution

4463353, PrepFiler™ Automated Forensic DNA Extraction Kit, updated

4462359, MagMAX™ Pathogen RNA/DNA Kit

4463352, PrepFiler™ BTA Forensic DNA Extraction Kit

4463354, PrepFiler™ BTA Automated Forensic DNA Extraction Kit

4466336, GMO Extraction Kit

4473976, NUCLEIC-CARD™ COLOR matrix, 2 spots

4479768, RNaseAlert™ Lab Test Kit v2

4489111, PK Buffer for MagMAX™-96 DNA Multi-Sample Kit

4489110, Proteinase K for MagMAX™-96 DNA Multi-Sample Kit

4426715, PrepSEQ™ Rapid Spin Sample Preparation Kit - Extra Clean with Proteinase K

4451894, MagMAX™ for Stabilized Blood Tubes RNA Isolation Kit, compatible with PAXgene™ Blood RNA Tubes

4463351, PrepFiler™ Forensic DNA Extraction Kit, updated

4473975, NUCLEIC-CARD™ matrix, 2 spots

4474001, NUCLEIC-CARD™ matrix, 1 spot

4473973, NUCLEIC-CARD™ matrix, 1 spot

4473978, NUCLEIC-CARD™ COLOR matrix, 4 spots

4480466, PrepSEQ™ Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit for Food and Environmental Testing

4428176, PrepSEQ™ Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit for Food and Environmental Testing

E18002, EKMax™ Enterokinase

E18001, EKMax™ Enterokinase

4427575, RNAlater™-ICE Frozen Tissue Transition Solution

AM7962, Human Brain Total RNA

A1083708, RiboMinus™ Eukaryote Kit for RNA-Seq

AM7858, T Cell Leukemia (Jurkat) Total RNA

AM9462, IPTG (Dioxane-Free)

F32952, FISH Tag™ RNA Green Kit, with Alexa Fluor™ 488 dye

F32956, FISH Tag™ RNA Multicolor Kit, Alexa Fluor™ dye combination

F2962, FluoReporter™ Blue Fluorometric dsDNA Quantitation Kit, 200-2,000 assays

F32949, FISH Tag™ DNA Red Kit, with Alexa Fluor™ 594 dye

CS10100, ChargeSwitch™ Plasmid ER Mini Kit

CS1102010, ChargeSwitch™ gDNA Normalized Buccal Cell Kit

CS11020, ChargeSwitch™ gDNA Normalized Buccal Cell Kit

CS31110, Chargeswitch™ Pro ET Removal Wash Buffer

CS31103, Chargeswitch™ Pro Filter Plasmid Mini Kit

CS10201, ChargeSwitch™ NoSpin Plasmid Micro Kit

CS32000, Chargeswitch™ Pro Filter Collection Tube

CS1102110, ChargeSwitch™ gDNA Buccal Cell Kit

CS11021, ChargeSwitch™ gDNA Buccal Cell Kit

CS11204, ChargeSwitch™ gDNA Mini Tissue Kit

CS31107, Chargeswitch™ Pro Filter Plasmid Maxi Kit

CS31106, Chargeswitch™ Pro Filter Plasmid Maxi Kit

CS31104, Chargeswitch™ Pro Filter Plasmid Midi Kit

CS400100, ChargeSwitch™ gDNA Rendered Meat Purification Kit

A30701, JetFlex™ Genomic DNA Purification Kit

A30700, JetFlex™ Genomic DNA Purification Kit

A31881, MagMAX™ FFPE DNA/RNA Ultra Kit

A32702, MagMAX™ CORE Nucleic Acid Purification Kit

A32700, MagMAX™ CORE Nucleic Acid Purification Kit

A32796, Extra MagMAX FFPE DNA/RNA Ultra Reagents

A33073, PureLink™ Expi Endotoxin-Free Maxi Plasmid Purification Kit

A31217, PureLink™ Expi Endotoxin-Free Maxi Plasmid Purification Kit

A31231, PureLink™ Expi Endotoxin-Free Maxi Plasmid Purification Kit

C10327, Click-iT™ RNA Alexa Fluor™ 488 HCS Assay

C18100, GS115, Pichia pastoris Yeast Strain

C18000, X-33, Pichia pastoris Yeast Strain

C37231, CML Latex Beads, 4% w/v, 0.02 μm

901911, FlashTag™ Biotin HSR RNA Labeling Kits

901910, FlashTag™ Biotin HSR RNA Labeling Kits

A39064, MagMAX™ Saliva gDNA Elution Solution

A66428, AgriSeq™ Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

900542, GeneChip™ DNA Labeling Reagent, 7.5 mM

900671, GeneChip™ WT Terminal Labeling Kit

900670, GeneChip™ WT Terminal Labeling Kit

901525, GeneChip™ WT Terminal Labeling and Controls Kit

901524, GeneChip™ WT Terminal Labeling and Controls Kit

901648, HT WT Terminal Labeling and Controls Kit

901647, HT WT Terminal Labeling and Controls Kit

902275, GeneTitan™ Hybridization Module for miRNA Plates

A31233, PureLink™ Expi Endotoxin-Free Giga Plasmid Purification Kit

A33566, Elution Buffer for Dynabeads™ mRNA Purification Kits

A33074, PureLink™ Expi Endotoxin-Free Buffer Set

A33600, MagMAX™ Cell-Free DNA Lysis/Binding Buffer

A35854, MicroSEQ™ ID Purification Combo Kit v2.0, with 8-strips kit

A35993, MicroSEQ™ ID 16S rDNA 500 Supplemental Library

A36582, MagMAX™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Elution Solution

A36941, Oncomine™ Myeloid Research Assay—Chef Ready

A37304, Aldehyde/Sulfate Latex Beads, 4% w/v, 4 μm

A36580, MagMAX™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Wash I Solution

A36584, KingFisher™ Duo-Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 Prefilled Plates

A39061, MagMAX™ Saliva gDNA Binding Beads

A39243, pRABBIT IgG IRES-EmGFP Positive Control Vector

QVT0500, 100X Pretreatment Solution

R0852, X-Gluc

R0851, X-Gluc

R0941, X-Gal Solution, ready-to-use

V35520, Vivid Colors™ pcDNA™6.2/C-EmGFP-DEST Vector

V36820, pLenti6.2/V5-DEST™ Gateway™ Vector

V44001, pBAD/Myc-His Kit

V96002, pEXP2-DEST Vector Kit

V102020, pcDNA™4/TO Mammalian Expression Vector

V66020, pDisplay™ Mammalian Expression Vector

V49420, pAd/PL-DEST™ Gateway™ Vector Kit

V803001, pMIB/V5-His Vector Kit

V79020, pcDNA™3.1 (+) Mammalian Expression Vector

V102520, pcDNA™6/TR vector Mammalian Expression Vector

V103320, pcDNA™5/TO Mammalian Expression Vector

V17320, pPIC3.5K Pichia Vector

V17520, pPIC9K Pichia Vector

V26020, pVAX1 Vector

V35120, pRSET A, B, & C Bacterial Expression Vectors

V37006, Vivid Colors™ pLenti6.3/V5-GW/EmGFP Expression Control Vector

V47020, pSCREEN-iT™/lacZ-DEST Gateway™ Vector Kit

V53220, pBudCE4.1 Mammalian Expression Vector

V49610, pLenti6/V5-DEST™ Gateway™ Vector

V49220, pAd/BLOCK-iT™-DEST RNAi Gateway Vector

V53406, pLenti7.3/V5-DEST™ Gateway™ Vector Kit

V600520, pOG44 Flp-Recombinase Expression Vector

V80020, pcDNA™3.1/myc-His A, B, & C Mammalian Expression Vectors

V602020, pEF5/FRT/V5-DEST™ Gateway™ Vector

V652020, pcDNA™5/FRT/TO Vector Kit

V86020, pcDNA™3.1/Zeo (+) Mammalian Expression Vector

V96004, pEXP4-DEST Vector Kit

V825120, pYES2/CT Yeast Expression Vector

V96001, pEXP1-DEST Vector Kit

KIT0312J, Arcturus™ Paradise™ Plus stain, slide jars & slides

K0871, GeneJET Stabilized and Fresh Whole Blood RNA Kit

K157004, mRNA Catcher™PLUS Buffers

K182301, PureLink™ Genomic Digestion Buffer

K210003, PureLink™ HiPure Plasmid Miniprep Kit

K210002, PureLink™ HiPure Plasmid Miniprep Kit

K210011, PureLink™ Quick Plasmid Miniprep Kit

K210010, PureLink™ Quick Plasmid Miniprep Kit

K210020S, PureLink™ HiPure Plasmid Midi/Maxiprep Precipitators

K210027, PureLink™ HiPure Plasmid FP (Filter and Precipitator) Maxiprep Kit

K210026, PureLink™ HiPure Plasmid FP (Filter and Precipitator) Maxiprep Kit

K220001, PureLink™ Quick Gel Extraction and PCR Purification Combo Kit

K430040, pBAD TOPO™ TA Expression Kit

K430001, pBAD TOPO™ TA Expression Kit

K496000, ViraPower™ Lentiviral Gateway™ Expression Kit

K630203, Champion™ pET302/NT-His and pET303/CT-His Vector Kit

K89020, pIB/V5-His TOPO™ TA Expression Kit

K95001, Ni-NTA Purification System

A14703, Episomal iPSC Reprogramming Vectors

A15020, RiboMinus™ Eukaryote Kit v2

A15027, Low Input RiboMinus™ Eukaryote System v2

A21676, ARES™ Alexa Fluor™ 647 DNA Labeling Kit

A25562, DNA Binding Beads for MagMAX™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra Kit

A25920, MagMAX™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra Kit (with extra proteinase K and DNA binding beads)

A25919, MagMAX™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra Kit (with extra proteinase K and DNA binding beads)

A27828, MagMAX™ mirVana™ Total RNA Isolation Kit

A29825, PrepSEQ™ Lysis Buffer

A29790, PureLink™ Microbiome DNA Purification Kit

A1083708, RiboMinus™ Eukaryote Kit for RNA-Seq

A10467, Gateway™ pENTR™ 11 Dual Selection Vector

K89020, pIB/V5-His TOPO™ TA Expression Kit

J60637.AH, DNAzol™ Reagent

J60637.AD, DNAzol™ Reagent

J60637.AE, DNAzol™ Reagent

J60637.AD, DNAzol™ Reagent

J60637.AE, DNAzol™ Reagent

F32954, FISH Tag™ RNA Red Kit, with Alexa Fluor™ 594 dye

H11001, Mifepristone

A14141, pJTI™ R4 Dest CMV N-EmGFP pA Vector

A15005, pJTI™ R4 EXP CMV-TO EmGFP pA Vector

A27828, MagMAX™ mirVana™ Total RNA Isolation Kit

A29319, MagMAX™ Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit

88293, Pierce™ D-Luciferin, Monopotassium Salt

88292, Pierce™ D-Luciferin, Monopotassium Salt

A13289, GeneArt™ Linear pUC19L Vector for Seamless Cloning

37555, North2South™ Hybridization Stringency Wash Buffer (2X)

37011D, Dynabeads™ SILANE Viral NA Kit

4305890, Wash Solution II, RNA Purification

4305895, Total RNA Lysis Solution, Nucleic Acid Purification

4307281, Total RNA Control (Human)

4318930, PrepMan™ Ultra Sample Preparation Reagent

4413022, MagMAX™-96 DNA Multi-Sample Kit

4413021, MagMAX™-96 DNA Multi-Sample Kit

4426963, TaqMan™ Non-coding RNA Assay

4426961, TaqMan™ Non-coding RNA Assay

4426962, TaqMan™ Non-coding RNA Assay

4426714, PrepSEQ™ Rapid Spin Sample Preparation Kit with Proteinase K

4449080, Stabilized Blood-to-CT™ Nucleic Acid Preparation Kit for qPCR, compatible with Tempus™ Blood RNA Tubes

4452222, PrepSEQ™ 1-2-3 Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit

4342792, Tempus™ Blood RNA Tube

20158, LightShift™ Chemiluminescent RNA EMSA Kit

AM1561, mirVana™ miRNA Isolation Kit, without phenol

AM1839, MagMAX™-96 for Microarrays Total RNA Isolation Kit

AM1830, MagMAX™-96 Total RNA Isolation Kit

AM7970, Human Spleen Total RNA

AM7968, Human Lung Total RNA

AM7023, RNAlater™ Stabilization Solution

AM7836, Promyelocytic Leukemia (HL-60) Total RNA

AM7960, Human Liver Total RNA

AM8504, MagMAX™ Wash Solution 1 Concentrate

AM9071, Ammonium Acetate (5 M), RNase-free

AM9070G, Ammonium Acetate (5 M), RNase-free

AM9775, RNA Rapid Extraction Solution

AM8640, MagMAX™ Wash Solution 2 Concentrate

AM9422, Guanidine Thiocyanate

A39005096, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A38994024, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A38994096, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A39003024, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A39003096, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A39005024, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A38996024, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A38996096, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A47156, MagMAX™ Plant DNA Isolation Kit

A32549, MagMAX™ Plant DNA Isolation Kit

A32580, MagMAX™ Plant DNA Isolation Kit

A52606, MagMAX™ Wastewater Ultra Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit

A58151, MagMAX™ Prime Viral/Pathogen Proteinase K

A58152, MagMAX™ Prime Viral/Pathogen Proteinase K Dye

B39, EquiPhi29™ DNA Polymerase Reaction Buffer (10X)

B1370-20, Dithiothreitol, cGMP

B1370-10, Dithiothreitol, cGMP

B1370-100, Dithiothreitol, cGMP

B1370-1, Dithiothreitol, cGMP

B1900-500, Isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), Non-Animal Origin

B1900-100, Isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), Non-Animal Origin

B1900-1, Isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), Non-Animal Origin

B1300-100, Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP HCl), GMP

B1300-10, Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP HCl), GMP

B1300-1, Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP HCl), GMP

A10752030, SuperScript™ One-Cycle cDNA Kit for use with Thermo Scientific™ One-Cycle Assays

MR02, MagJET Separation Rack, 12 x 1.5 mL tube

MR04, MagJET Separation Rack, 4 x 50 mL vial

MR03, MagJET Separation Rack, 96-well plate

K0502, GeneJET Plasmid Miniprep Kit

K0871, GeneJET Stabilized and Fresh Whole Blood RNA Kit

K157004, mRNA Catcher™PLUS Buffers

901525, GeneChip™ WT Terminal Labeling and Controls Kit

901524, GeneChip™ WT Terminal Labeling and Controls Kit

901648, HT WT Terminal Labeling and Controls Kit

901647, HT WT Terminal Labeling and Controls Kit

902275, GeneTitan™ Hybridization Module for miRNA Plates

901911, FlashTag™ Biotin HSR RNA Labeling Kits

901910, FlashTag™ Biotin HSR RNA Labeling Kits

88294, Pierce™ D-Luciferin, Monopotassium Salt

88291, Pierce™ D-Luciferin, Monopotassium Salt

61021, Dynabeads™ mRNA DIRECT™ Micro Purification Kit

88293, Pierce™ D-Luciferin, Monopotassium Salt

88292, Pierce™ D-Luciferin, Monopotassium Salt

900542, GeneChip™ DNA Labeling Reagent, 7.5 mM

900671, GeneChip™ WT Terminal Labeling Kit

900670, GeneChip™ WT Terminal Labeling Kit

63006, Dynabeads™ DNA DIRECT™ Universal Kit

A31233, PureLink™ Expi Endotoxin-Free Giga Plasmid Purification Kit

A33246, MicroSEQ™ ID Ultra Sequencing Clean-up 8-Strips Kit

A35993, MicroSEQ™ ID 16S rDNA 500 Supplemental Library

A36582, MagMAX™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Elution Solution

A36941, Oncomine™ Myeloid Research Assay—Chef Ready

A37304, Aldehyde/Sulfate Latex Beads, 4% w/v, 4 μm

A36580, MagMAX™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Wash I Solution

A36584, KingFisher™ Duo-Ready DNA Ultra 2.0 Prefilled Plates

A39061, MagMAX™ Saliva gDNA Binding Beads

A39063, MagMAX™ Saliva gDNA Lysis/Binding Solution

A39243, pRABBIT IgG IRES-EmGFP Positive Control Vector

A39392, EquiPhi29™ DNA Polymerase

A39390, EquiPhi29™ DNA Polymerase

A39391, EquiPhi29™ DNA Polymerase

A41043, MagMAX™ Total RNA Elution Buffer

A42331, MagMAX™ Microbiome Bead Plate

A42359, MagMAX™ Viral/Pathogen Binding Solution

A42358, MagMAX™ Microbiome Ultra Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit, with bead tubes

A45721, MagMAX™ DNA Ultra 2.0 with Cell and Tissue Extraction Buffer

A47157, MagMAX™ Plant RNA Isolation Kit

A33784, MagMAX™ Plant RNA Isolation Kit

A33899, MagMAX™ Plant RNA Isolation Kit

A48310, MagMAX™ Viral/Pathogen Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit

A42352, MagMAX™ Viral/Pathogen Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit

A47183, Kingfisher™ Ready MagMAX™ Viral/Pathogen II Prefilled Plates

A36578, MagMAX™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Proteinase K

A36716, MagMAX™ Cell-Free Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit

A36581, MagMAX™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Lysis/Binding Solution

A42357, MagMAX™ Microbiome Ultra Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit, with bead plate

A47156, MagMAX™ Plant DNA Isolation Kit

A32549, MagMAX™ Plant DNA Isolation Kit

A32580, MagMAX™ Plant DNA Isolation Kit

A50485, PrepSEQ™ Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Kit

A51770, Oncomine™ Myeloid Research Assay

A36940, Oncomine™ Myeloid Research Assay

A58148, MagMAX™ Prime Viral/Pathogen Elution Buffer

A15026, RiboMinus™ Eukaryote System v2

A13289, GeneArt™ Linear pUC19L Vector for Seamless Cloning

J67270.14, Ethidium Bromide, Molecular Biology Grade, 98%

J67858.AE, Plant Isolate DNA Extraction Kit

K0513, Silica Bead DNA Gel Extraction Kit

K0622, DecaLabel DNA Labeling Kit

K0732, GeneJET RNA Purification Kit

K0731, GeneJET RNA Purification Kit

K102002, T-REx™ Core Kit, with pcDNA™4/TO Vector

K10201, Champion™ pET102 Directional TOPO™ Expression Kit with BL21 Star™ (DE3) One Shot™ Chemically Competent E. coli

HYL250, Fixative-Free Lysing Solution, High-Yield Lyse

K0502, GeneJET Plasmid Miniprep Kit

K0512, Genomic DNA Purification Kit

K0722, GeneJET Genomic DNA Purification Kit

K0721, GeneJET Genomic DNA Purification Kit

K0882, GeneJET FFPE DNA Purification Kit

K0881, GeneJET FFPE DNA Purification Kit

K103002, T-REx™ Core Kit, with pcDNA™4/TO/myc-His© Vector

K0842, GeneJET RNA Cleanup and Concentration Micro Kit

K0841, GeneJET RNA Cleanup and Concentration Micro Kit

K15101, Champion™ pET151 Directional TOPO™ Expression Kit with BL21 Star™ (DE3) One Shot™ Chemically Competent E. coli

K157001, PureLink™ miRNA Isolation Kit

K172001, Spheroplast Kit for Yeast

K173001, Pichia EasyComp™ Transformation Kit

K182002, PureLink™ Genomic DNA Mini Kit

K182000, PureLink™ Genomic DNA Mini Kit

K182001, PureLink™ Genomic DNA Mini Kit

K183001, PureLink™ Genomic Plant DNA Purification Kit

K182104A, PureLink™ Pro 96 Genomic DNA Purification Kit

K210001, PureLink™ HQ Mini Plasmid DNA Purification Kit

K210015, PureLink™ HiPure Plasmid Filter Midiprep Kit

K210014, PureLink™ HiPure Plasmid Filter Midiprep Kit

K210025, PureLink™ Quick Gel Extraction Kit

K210012, PureLink™ Quick Gel Extraction Kit

K210008XP, PureLink™ HiPure Expi Plasmid Megaprep Kit

K211024A, PureLink™ Pro Quick96 Plasmid Purification Kit

K211004A, PureLink™ Pro Quick96 Plasmid Purification Kit

K37001, pBAD/TOPO™ ThioFusion™ Expression Kit

K490040, pcDNA™3.1 Directional TOPO™ Expression Kit

K490001, pcDNA™3.1 Directional TOPO™ Expression Kit

K441001, pTrcHis TOPO™ TA Expression Kit

K498500, ViraPower™ Zeo Lentiviral Support Kit

K499000, ViraPower™ UbC Lentiviral Gateway™ Expression Kit

K513001, DES™-Inducible/Secreted Kit with pCoBlast

K534000, ViraPower™ HiPerform™ Lentiviral FastTiter™ Gateway™ Expression Kit

K601001, Flp-In™ Complete System

K650001, Flp-In™ T-REx™ Core Kit

K630001, Champion™ pET300/NT-DEST and pET301/CT-DEST Gateway™ Vector Kit

K6803, MagicMedia™ E. coli Expression Medium

K85501, Bac-N-Blue™ Transfection Kit

K990060, Expressway™Lumio™ Expression and Detection System, without vector

K990100, Expressway™ Mini Cell-Free Expression System

C10365, Click-iT™ Nascent RNA Capture Kit, for gene expression analysis

C18100, GS115, Pichia pastoris Yeast Strain

C37232, CML Latex Beads, 4% w/v, 0.04 μm

C37231, CML Latex Beads, 4% w/v, 0.02 μm

A39005096, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A38994024, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A38994096, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A39003024, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A39003096, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A39005024, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A38996024, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A38996096, Collibri™ Stranded RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina™ Systems, with human/mouse/rat rRNA depletion kit and UD indexes

A44603, IonCode™ Barcode Adapters, 1153-1536

A52606, MagMAX™ Wastewater Ultra Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit

A58151, MagMAX™ Prime Viral/Pathogen Proteinase K

A58152, MagMAX™ Prime Viral/Pathogen Proteinase K Dye

B1370-20, Dithiothreitol, cGMP

B1370-10, Dithiothreitol, cGMP

B1370-100, Dithiothreitol, cGMP

B1370-1, Dithiothreitol, cGMP

B1900-500, Isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), Non-Animal Origin

B1900-100, Isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), Non-Animal Origin

B1900-1, Isopropyl β-d-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), Non-Animal Origin

B1300-100, Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP HCl), GMP

B1300-10, Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP HCl), GMP

B1300-1, Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP HCl), GMP

AM1560, mirVana™ miRNA Isolation Kit, with phenol

AM1931, RNAqueous™-Micro Total RNA Isolation Kit

AM1830, MagMAX™-96 Total RNA Isolation Kit

AM1926, RiboPure™ RNA Purification Kit, yeast

AM1964, RNaseAlert™ Lab Test Kit

AM2618, UltraPure™ BSA (50 mg/mL)

AM2616, UltraPure™ BSA (50 mg/mL)

AM7023, RNAlater™ Stabilization Solution

AM9690, Plant RNA Isolation Aid

AM7836, Promyelocytic Leukemia (HL-60) Total RNA

AM7960, Human Liver Total RNA

AM8120G, CTP Soln. (10 mM)

AM9344, Formamide (Deionized)

AM9640G, KCl (2 M), RNase-free

AM9785, ElectroZap™ Electrode Decontamination Solution

AMB18365, MagMAX™-96 Viral RNA Isolation Kit

AM1836, MagMAX™-96 Viral RNA Isolation Kit

AM7832, Leukemia (K-562) Total RNA

AM1556, mirVana™ PARIS™ RNA and Native Protein Purification Kit

AM1901, MICROBEnrich™ Kit

AM1626M, MEGAscript™ RNAi Kit with Manual

AM1914, RNAqueous™-4PCR Total RNA Isolation Kit

AM1840, MagMAX™ Total Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit

AM1939, MagMAX™ Viral RNA Isolation Kit

A24231, GeneArt™ Chlamydomonas Protein Expression Vector

A29319, MagMAX™ Cell-Free DNA Isolation Kit

AM1561, mirVana™ miRNA Isolation Kit, without phenol

AM1839, MagMAX™-96 for Microarrays Total RNA Isolation Kit

AM1912, RNAqueous™ Total RNA Isolation Kit

AM7970, Human Spleen Total RNA

AM7968, Human Lung Total RNA

AM9462, IPTG (Dioxane-Free)

AM8504, MagMAX™ Wash Solution 1 Concentrate

AM9775, RNA Rapid Extraction Solution

AM7950, Human Placenta Total RNA

AM8640, MagMAX™ Wash Solution 2 Concentrate

AM9422, Guanidine Thiocyanate

K190001, S.N.A.P.™ Plasmid DNA MiniPrep Kit

K199925, S.N.A.P.™ Gel Purification Kit

K210005, PureLink™ HiPure Plasmid Midiprep Kit

K210004, PureLink™ HiPure Plasmid Midiprep Kit

K2828, MagJET NGS Cleanup and Size Selection Kit

K2822, MagJET NGS Cleanup and Size Selection Kit

K2821, MagJET NGS Cleanup and Size Selection Kit

K2823, MagJET NGS Cleanup and Size Selection Kit

K480040, pcDNA™3.1/V5-His TOPO™ TA Expression Kit

K480001, pcDNA™3.1/V5-His TOPO™ TA Expression Kit

K0832, GeneJET Gel Extraction and DNA Cleanup Micro Kit

K0831, GeneJET Gel Extraction and DNA Cleanup Micro Kit

K106001, GeneSwitch™ Mammalian Expression Kit, complete kit

K495000, ViraPower™ Lentiviral Directional TOPO™ Expression Kit

K512001, DES™-Inducible Kit with pCoBlast

A35899, FastVac™ Vacuum Manifold

A37955, AutoLys M Tube Racks

A37954, AutoLys M Tube Locking Lid

A37956, AutoLys M TubeLifter

A38738, AutoLys M Tubes and Caps

A55329, Thermo Scientific™ PCR Strip Cutting Tool

A56895, Thermo Scientific™ Lysis Caps, Domed

A58327P, KingFisher™ Flex 96 Deep-well Head for PrepSEQ Chemistry

A58326P, Pharma Analytics KingFisher™ Flex 96 Deep-Well Tip Combs

A58353BP, Pharma Analytics KingFisher™ Apex 96 Deep-Well Tip Combs, Barcoded

A55332, Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 5 Strip Plate Tray

4311758, 6100/6700 Splash Guards

4323693, FLTR, Inlet Bottle Bottom 1/8in 10 μm UHMWPE

97002141, Consumables for KingFisher™ mL Systems

97002111, Consumables for KingFisher™ mL Systems

97002121, Consumables for KingFisher™ mL Systems

97003540, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 deep-well format

97002570, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 deep-well format

95040450, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 deep-well format

95040460, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 deep-well format

97002534, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 deep-well format

97002820, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 deep-well format

97003500, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 deep-well format

97003520, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 deep-well format

97003530, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 deep-well format

95040450B, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 deep-well format

97002534B, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 deep-well format

95040460B, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 deep-well format

97002820B, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 deep-well format

24073180, Replacement Parts for KingFisher™ mL Systems

11273100, Replacement Parts for KingFisher™ mL Systems

24075420, KingFisher™ Flex 96 heating block

4472784, Pharma MagMax™ Express-96 Tip Combs for PCR Head

492025, DynaMag™-PCR Magnet

5189009, BindIt™ Software, With CD only

N12462, KingFisher™ Duo Prime 24 Deep Well Heating Block

N12460, KingFisher™ Duo Prime 24 Deep Well Heating Block

N12459, KingFisher™ Duo Prime 24 Deep Well Heating Block

N12461, KingFisher™ Duo Prime 24 Deep Well Heating Block

N21447, KingFisher Apex Accessories

24075970, KingFisher Apex Accessories

24079910, KingFisher Apex Accessories

24079920, KingFisher Apex Accessories

24079930, KingFisher Apex Accessories

24079940, KingFisher Apex Accessories

24075910, KingFisher Apex Accessories

24075920, KingFisher Apex Accessories

24075930, KingFisher Apex Accessories

24075940, KingFisher Apex Accessories

24075950, KingFisher Apex Accessories

24075960, KingFisher Apex Accessories

N21445, KingFisher Apex Accessories

N21446, KingFisher Apex Accessories

24075440, KingFisher™ Flex 24 Deep Well heating block

24074440, KingFisher™ Flex 24 Deep Well head

24075430, KingFisher™ Flex Deep Well heating block

A33256, MicroSEQ™ ID Ultra Sequencing Clean-up 8-Strips Refill Kit

A56898, SureTect™ Tools Starter Pack

97002084, KingFisher™ Systems Consumables

97002070, KingFisher™ Systems Consumables

97002080, KingFisher™ Systems Consumables

97002560, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 standard and PCR formats

97002540, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 standard and PCR formats

97002524, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 standard and PCR formats

97002514, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 standard and PCR formats

97002524B, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 standard and PCR formats

97002540B, KingFisher™ Plastics for 96 standard and PCR formats

97003510, KingFisher™ Plastics for 24 deep-well format

97002580, KingFisher™ Plastics for 24 deep-well format

95040470, KingFisher™ Plastics for 24 deep-well format

95040480, KingFisher™ Plastics for 24 deep-well format

97002610, KingFisher™ Plastics for 24 deep-well format

97002620, KingFisher™ Plastics for 24 deep-well format

95040470B, KingFisher™ Plastics for 24 deep-well format

97002610B, KingFisher™ Plastics for 24 deep-well format

95040480B, KingFisher™ Plastics for 24 deep-well format

97002620B, KingFisher™ Plastics for 24 deep-well format

A42360, MagMAX™ Viral/Pathogen Wash Solution

A42364, MagMAX™ Viral/Pathogen Elution Buffer

A38261, AutoLys M Tube Pliers

A55333, Applied Biosystems™ SimpliAmp™ Strip Plate Tray

A55971, Applied Biosystems™ SimpliAmp™ Strip Plate Tray Cover

K210013, PureLink™ Nucleic Acid Purification Rack

IS10102, iPrep™ Cartridge Rack

IS10013, iPrep™ Card: gDNA Tissue

IS10012, iPrep™ Card: gDNA Blood

IS10014, iPrep™ Card: Total RNA

B24079940, KingFisher™ Apex Dx 24 Combi Head

B24079920, KingFisher™ Apex Dx 24 Combi Head

B24079930, KingFisher™ Apex Dx 24 Combi Head

B24079910, KingFisher™ Apex Dx 24 Combi Head

N16640, Barcode Reader for KingFisher™ Duo Prime

K211101, EveryPrep™ Universal Vacuum Manifold

AB0620P, Tubes, 0.2 mL, flat cap, purple

4472908, SYBR™ Select Master Mix

4472903, SYBR™ Select Master Mix

4472918, SYBR™ Select Master Mix

4472919, SYBR™ Select Master Mix

4472920, SYBR™ Select Master Mix

4472913, SYBR™ Select Master Mix

4351372, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay (FAM)

4331182, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay (FAM)

4351368, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay (FAM)

4351370, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay (FAM)

4448892, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay (FAM)

4453320, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay (FAM)

11732088, SuperScript™ III Platinum™ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit

11732020, SuperScript™ III Platinum™ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit

4444965, TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Master Mix for qPCR

4444556, TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Master Mix for qPCR

4444557, TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Master Mix for qPCR

4444963, TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Master Mix for qPCR

4444964, TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Master Mix for qPCR

4444558, TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Master Mix for qPCR

4368708, Power SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

4368577, Power SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

4367659, Power SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

4368706, Power SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

4368702, Power SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

4367660, Power SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

4385612, Fast SYBR™ Green Master Mix

4385610, Fast SYBR™ Green Master Mix

4385616, Fast SYBR™ Green Master Mix

4385617, Fast SYBR™ Green Master Mix

4385618, Fast SYBR™ Green Master Mix

4385614, Fast SYBR™ Green Master Mix

11736051, SuperScript™ III Platinum™ SYBR™ Green One-Step qRT-PCR Kit

11736059, SuperScript™ III Platinum™ SYBR™ Green One-Step qRT-PCR Kit

4364346, SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

4344463, SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

4309155, SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

4364344, SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

4312704, SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

4334973, SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix

11730025, Platinum™ Quantitative PCR SuperMix-UDG

11730017, Platinum™ Quantitative PCR SuperMix-UDG

11781200, EXPRESS One-Step Superscript™ qRT-PCR Kit, universal

1178101K, EXPRESS One-Step Superscript™ qRT-PCR Kit, universal

4326315E, Human ACTB (Beta Actin) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

11790200, EXPRESS One-Step SYBR™ GreenER™ Kit, with premixed ROX

1179001K, EXPRESS One-Step SYBR™ GreenER™ Kit, with premixed ROX

A56284C, TrueMark™ Respiratory I Plus Combo Kit

11760500, SYBR GreenER™ qPCR SuperMix for ABI PRISM™ Instrument

11760100, SYBR GreenER™ qPCR SuperMix for ABI PRISM™ Instrument

11761500, SYBR GreenER™ qPCR SuperMix for iCycler™ Instrument

11761100, SYBR GreenER™ qPCR SuperMix for iCycler™ Instrument

1176102K, SYBR GreenER™ qPCR SuperMix for iCycler™ Instrument

SARP, VetMAX™ Ruminant Abortion Screening Kit Multiplex detection

SBVS50, VetMAX™ Schmallenberg Virus Kit

WNPEXO50, VetMAX™ West Nile Virus Kit

SALMSPP, VetMAX™ S. enterica spp. Kit


TMYCAS50, VetMAX™ M. agalactiae & M. mycoides Kit


11743500, Platinum™ Quantitative PCR SuperMix-UDG w/ROX

11743100, Platinum™ Quantitative PCR SuperMix-UDG w/ROX

11784200, EXPRESS SYBR™ GreenER™ qPCR Supermix, universal

1178401K, EXPRESS SYBR™ GreenER™ qPCR Supermix, universal

12223012, ROX Reference Dye

11762500, SYBR GreenER™ qPCR SuperMix Universal

1176202K, SYBR GreenER™ qPCR SuperMix Universal

11762100, SYBR GreenER™ qPCR SuperMix Universal

402869, TaqMan™ GAPDH Control Reagents (human)

905407, GeneChip™ PrimeView™ Global Gene Expression Profile Assay

905406, GeneChip™ PrimeView™ Global Gene Expression Profile Assay

905402, PrimeView™ 16 Global Gene Expression Profile Assay

4485059, Custom TaqMan™ STX1/STX2 Assay Beads

4485062, Custom TaqMan™ STX2 Assay Beads, ISO

4485068, Custom TaqMan™ Vibrio Multiplex Assay Beads

4488593, TaqMan™ PreAmp Master Mix (cDNA pre-amplification for qPCR)

4391128, TaqMan™ PreAmp Master Mix (cDNA pre-amplification for qPCR)

4466334, TaqMan™ GMO Screening Kit

4485039, TaqMan™ Escherichia coli spp Assay Beads

4485045, TaqMan™ Enterococcus spp Assay Beads

4488847, TaqMan™ OpenArray™ PGx Express Panel, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex

4403328, TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assay, human, RNase P

4403326, TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assay, human, RNase P

4414073, TaqMan™ Array Human Immune Response

4414099, TaqMan™ Array Human Voltage-Gated Ion Channels

4414134, TaqMan™ Array Human Factors for Cardiogenesis

4414089, TaqMan™ Array Human Hedgehog Pathway

4414100, TaqMan™ Array Human WNT Pathway

4414116, TaqMan™ Array Human Cell Cycle Control of Chromosomal Replication

4414102, TaqMan™ Array Human Activation of cAMP-Dependent PKA

4414114, TaqMan™ Array Human cAMP Pathway

4414187, TaqMan™ Array Human Telomere Extension by Telomerase

4414141, TaqMan™ Array Human IGF1R Signaling

4414145, TaqMan™ Array Human IL2 Pathway

4418716, TaqMan™ Array, Human Angiogenesis, Fast 96-well

4440046, TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, with UNG

4440042, TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, with UNG

4440038, TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, with UNG

4440044, TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, with UNG

4440045, TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, with UNG

4440039, TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, with UNG

4440022, Path-ID™ Multiplex One-Step Kit

4428206, Path-ID™ Multiplex One-Step Kit

4428207, Path-ID™ Multiplex One-Step Kit

4441118, Custom Plus TaqMan™ RNA Assay, FAM

4441117, Custom Plus TaqMan™ RNA Assay, FAM

4441114, Custom Plus TaqMan™ RNA Assay, FAM

4444766, Megaplex™ Primer Pools, Rodent Pools Set v3.0

4444281, Megaplex™ RT Primers, Human Pool B v3.0

4444750, Megaplex™ Primer Pools, Human Pools Set v3.0

4448492, Custom TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay, VIC primer-limited

4448488, Custom TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay, VIC primer-limited

4448487, Custom TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay, VIC primer-limited

4448513, Custom Plus TaqMan™ RNA Assay, VIC primer-limited

4448511, Custom Plus TaqMan™ RNA Assay, VIC primer-limited

4448512, Custom Plus TaqMan™ RNA Assay, VIC primer-limited

4460626, MycoSEQ™ Mycoplasma Detection Kit, with PrepSeq™ sample preparation

4460623, MycoSEQ™ Mycoplasma Detection Kit, with PrepSeq™ sample preparation

A39178, TaqMan™ Respiratory Tract Microbiota Amplification Control

A39180, TaqMan™ Universal Extraction Control Organism

A39179, TaqMan™ Universal RNA Spike In/Reverse Transcription (Xeno) Control

A39235, VetMAX™ MastiType Micro4 Kit

A39899, TrueMark™ OpenArray™ Vaginal Microbiota Comprehensive Plate

A39900, TrueMark™ OpenArray™ Urinary Tract Microbiota Comprehensive Plate

A41238, TaqMan™ Array Respiratory Tract Microbiota Comprehensive Card

A45522, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative Vero DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A41797, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative Vero DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A46113, PowerTrack™ SYBR Green Master Mix for qPCR

A30872, TaqPath™ ProAmp™ Master Mix

A30866, TaqPath™ ProAmp™ Master Mix

A30871, TaqPath™ ProAmp™ Master Mix

A30867, TaqPath™ ProAmp™ Master Mix


A39176, TaqMan™ Universal DNA Spike-In Control (5X)

A39420, TaqMan™ Microbe Assay Type 1, Small

A40292, VetMAX™ MastiType Micro4 Combo Kit

A40290, VetMAX™ MastiType Multi Combo Kit

A44177, TaqMan™ Liquid Biopsy dPCR Assay

A47194, PureQuant CD4+ T Cell Assay

A49044, TrueMark™ Respiratory Panel 2.0, OpenArray™ plate

A47196, PureQuant B Cell Assay

A50486, TaqCheck™ SARS-CoV-2 Control Dilution Buffer

A50460, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative Plasmid DNA - Kanamycin Resistance Gene Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A50337, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative Plasmid DNA - Kanamycin Resistance Gene Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A51087, T. foetus Controls TAMUC

A52083, TaqMan™ Microbe Detection Assay, pooled

A51970, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative E1A DNA Fragment Length Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A51969, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative E1A DNA Fragment Length Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A52576, VetMAX™ PRRSV 3.0 Reagents

A52490, Absolute Q™ DNA Digital PCR Master Mix (5X)

A52702, TaqPath™ BactoPure™ Microbial Detection Master Mix

A52699, TaqPath™ BactoPure™ Microbial Detection Master Mix

A52701, TaqPath™ BactoPure™ Microbial Detection Master Mix

A52700, TaqPath™ BactoPure™ Microbial Detection Master Mix

A52732, QuantStudio™ Absolute Q™ Digital PCR Starter Kit

A52730, QuantStudio™ Absolute Q™ Isolation Buffer

A53170, VetMAX™ PRRSV 3.0 Controls

A55146, Absolute Q™ 1-step RT-dPCR Master Mix (4X)

A55325, Absolute Q™ Custom FAM Copy Number dPCR assay

A55698, TrueMark™ Amplification Control I (5 x 107 copies/μL)

A55241, Absolute Q™ dPCR SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance Kit

A56842, SureTect™ Listeria species PCR Assay

A56845, SureTect™ Cronobacter species PCR assay

A56846, RapidFinder Salmonella species, Typhimurium and Enteritidis Multiplex PCR Kit

A56839, SureTect™ Staphylococcus aureus PCR Assay

A56901, TaqMan™ QSY2 Probe, 50,000 pmol

4482777, TaqMan™ QSY2 Probe, 50,000 pmol

4482778, TaqMan™ QSY2 Probe, 50,000 pmol

4482779, TaqMan™ QSY2 Probe, 50,000 pmol

A56899, TaqMan™ QSY2 Probe, 50,000 pmol

A56900, TaqMan™ QSY2 Probe, 50,000 pmol

A58035, TrueMark™ Enteric Bacterial Select Panel I Combo Kit

A58079, TrueMark™ Enteric Viral Select Panel Combo Kit

A58077, TrueMark™ Enteric Parasitic Select Panel Combo Kit

A37610, TaqMan™ PGx Express Panel, 384-well plate

A48569, TaqMan™ SCID/SMA Plus Assay

A48566, TaqMan™ SCID/SMA Plus Assay

A48567, TaqMan™ SCID/SMA Plus Assay

A48568, TaqMan™ SCID/SMA Plus Assay

A51086, T. foetus Reagents TAMUC

A53735, Absolute Q™ Custom VIC dPCR Assays

A53736, Absolute Q™ Viral Titer dPCR Assays

A55852, resDNASEQ™ dPCR E1A DNA Fragment Length Kit

A56835, SureTect™ Campylobacter jejuni, C. coli and C. lari PCR Assay

A57083, TrueMark™ STI Select Panel Combo Kit

A58142, TrueMark™ Enteric Viral Select Amplfication Control

A58076, TrueMark™ Enteric Bacterial Select Panel II Combo Kit

A58139, TrueMark™ Enteric Bacterial Select Amplfication Control II

A59289, SureTect™ Brettanomyces spp. and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Multiplex PCR Assay

A59317, ViralSEQ™ dPCR Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit

A59364, ViralSEQ™ dPCR AAV Titer Kit

A65255, VetMAX™ PRRSV EU High Concentration Controls

A25576, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Assay

A26359, QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR Master Mix v2

A26358, QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR Master Mix v2

A28527, TaqPath™ 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix

A28526, TaqPath™ 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix

A28525, TaqPath™ 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix


C14081SMP, TaqMan™ 2.5X Lyo-Ready qPCR Master Mix, with excipient

C14081B001, TaqMan™ 2.5X Lyo-Ready qPCR Master Mix, with excipient

C14081B002, TaqMan™ 2.5X Lyo-Ready qPCR Master Mix, with excipient

APVP50, VetMAX™ Avian Metapneumovirus Kit

401970, TaqMan™ DNA Template Reagents

4308329, TaqMan™ Ribosomal RNA Control Reagents

4310879E, Human RPLP0 (Large Ribosomal Protein) Endogenous Control (VIC™/TAMRA™ probe, primer limited)

4310884E, Human GAPD (GAPDH) Endogenous Control (VIC™/TAMRA™ probe, primer limited)

4319413E, Eukaryotic 18S rRNA Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4327693, TaqMan™ GMO Maize 35S Detection Kit, with protocol

4333761T, Human RPLPO (Large Ribosomal Protein) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4333761F, Human RPLPO (Large Ribosomal Protein) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4352338E, Rat GAPD (GAPDH) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4352339E, Mouse GAPD (GAPDH) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4352930E, Eukaryotic 18S rRNA Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4333760T, Eukaryotic 18S rRNA Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4333760F, Eukaryotic 18S rRNA Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4310883E, Human PPIA (Cyclophilin A) Endogenous Control (VIC™/TAMRA™ probe, primer limited)

4310890E, Human HPRT1 (HGPRT) Endogenous Control (VIC™/TAMRA™ probe, primer limited)

4310892E, Human TFRC (CD71) (Transferrin Receptor) Endogenous Control (VIC™/TAMRA™ probe, primer limited)

4310881E, Human ACTB (Beta Actin) Endogenous Control (VIC™/TAMRA™ probe, primer limited)

4310893E, Eukaryotic 18S rRNA Endogenous Control (VIC™/TAMRA™ probe, primer limited)

4316831, TaqMan™ RNase P Detection Reagents Kit

4326319E, Human B2M (Beta-2-Microglobulin) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4326318E, Human PGK1 (Phosphoglycerate Kinase 1) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4351384, TaqMan™ SNP Genotyping Assay, mouse

4351382, TaqMan™ SNP Genotyping Assay, mouse

4351380, TaqMan™ SNP Genotyping Assay, mouse

4352341E, Mouse ACTB (Actin, Beta) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4352407, TaqMan™ Fast Reagent Starter Kit

4352933E, Mouse ACTB (Actin, Beta) Endogenous Control (FAM™ Dye/MGB probe, Non-Primer Limited)

4352935E, Human ACTB (Beta Actin) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4333762T, Human ACTB (Beta Actin) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4333762F, Human ACTB (Beta Actin) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4359652, Precision Plate Holder for Plates, for 7500 Fast System

4364340, TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix

4304437, TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix

4364338, TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix

4305719, TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix

4318157, TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix

4326708, TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix

4378706, TaqMan™ Array Rat Phosphodiesterase Panel

4378713, Human Alzheimer's Array

4382423, TaqMan™ Brucella spp Detection Kit

4384267, TaqMan™ PreAmp Master Mix Kit

4326320E, Human GUSB (Beta Glucuronidase) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4326323E, Human TFRC (CD71) (Transferrin Receptor) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4370074, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Master Mix

4369542, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Master Mix

4370048, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Master Mix

4369514, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Master Mix

4369510, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Master Mix

4369016, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Master Mix

4378709, TaqMan™ Array Rat GPCR Panel

4379961, TaqMan™ Array Human Nuclear Receptors Panel

4396840, TaqMan™ Array Human Endogenous Control

4400293, TaqMan™ Copy Number Assay

4400291, TaqMan™ Copy Number Assay

4400292, TaqMan™ Copy Number Assay

4403311, TaqMan™ GTXpress™ Master Mix

4401892, TaqMan™ GTXpress™ Master Mix

4401890, TaqMan™ GTXpress™ Master Mix

4401857, TaqMan™ GTXpress™ Master Mix

4405471, TaqMan™ Protein Expression Assay Kit (hICAM1)

4406874, VetMAX™ NDV Reagents

4406875, TaqMan™ Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) and Xeno™ RNA Controls

4414074, TaqMan™ Array Human Inflammation

4414077, TaqMan™ Array Human Stem Cell Pluripotency

4414099, TaqMan™ Array Human Voltage-Gated Ion Channels

4414117, TaqMan™ Array Human Cellular Apoptosis Pathway

4414137, TaqMan™ Array Human GPCR Pathway

4414097, TaqMan™ Array Human TGFB Pathway

4414110, TaqMan™ Array Human BMP Pathway

4414134, TaqMan™ Array Human Factors for Cardiogenesis

4414138, TaqMan™ Array Human Guidance & Growth Cone Motility

4414154, TaqMan™ Array Human Interferon Pathway

4414181, TaqMan™ Array Human Pathogenesis of ALS

4414157, TaqMan™ Array Human Growth Factors

4310883E, Human PPIA (Cyclophilin A) Endogenous Control (VIC™/TAMRA™ probe, primer limited)

4310890E, Human HPRT1 (HGPRT) Endogenous Control (VIC™/TAMRA™ probe, primer limited)

4310884E, Human GAPD (GAPDH) Endogenous Control (VIC™/TAMRA™ probe, primer limited)

4319413E, Eukaryotic 18S rRNA Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4326319E, Human B2M (Beta-2-Microglobulin) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4327693, TaqMan™ GMO Maize 35S Detection Kit, with protocol

4326318E, Human PGK1 (Phosphoglycerate Kinase 1) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4333767T, Human GUSB (Beta Glucuronidase) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4333767F, Human GUSB (Beta Glucuronidase) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4351384, TaqMan™ SNP Genotyping Assay, mouse

4351382, TaqMan™ SNP Genotyping Assay, mouse

4351380, TaqMan™ SNP Genotyping Assay, mouse

4352338E, Rat GAPD (GAPDH) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4352339E, Mouse GAPD (GAPDH) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4352930E, Eukaryotic 18S rRNA Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4333760T, Eukaryotic 18S rRNA Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4333760F, Eukaryotic 18S rRNA Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4359652, Precision Plate Holder for Plates, for 7500 Fast System

4364340, TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix

4304437, TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix

4364338, TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix

4305719, TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix

4318157, TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix

4326708, TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix

CHLP50, VetMAX™ Chlamydophila spp.Kit

CFP50, VetMAX™ C. fetus Kit

CHLPEXO50, VetMAX™ Chlamydophila spp. Exogenous IPC Kit

A31746, TaqMan™ Arbovirus Triplex Kit (ZIKV/DENV/CHIKV), 0.2 mL

A31812, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human B 96-well Plates, standard

A31876, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human A 96-well Plates, fast

A31877, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human B 96-well Plates, fast

A32913, TaqMan™ Vaginal Microbiota Amplification Control

A32040, TaqMan™ Vaginal Microbiota Amplification Control

A34642, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human Endogenous Controls 96-well Plate, standard

A34715, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human B Card

A34643, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human Endogenous Controls 96-well Plate, fast

A35751, VetMAX™ PRRSV EU & NA 2.0 Kit

BTV1GIAH50, VetMAX™ BTV1 IAH Typing Kit

BTV8GIAH50, VetMAX™ BTV8 IAH Typing Kit

C14081SMP, TaqMan™ 2.5X Lyo-Ready qPCR Master Mix, with excipient

C14081B001, TaqMan™ 2.5X Lyo-Ready qPCR Master Mix, with excipient

C14081B002, TaqMan™ 2.5X Lyo-Ready qPCR Master Mix, with excipient

BHV450, VetMAX™ BHV Type 4 Kit

BTV4GIAH50, VetMAX™ BTV4 IAH Typing Kit


C14031SMP, TaqMan™ 2.5X Lyo-Ready 1-step qPCR Master Mix, with excipient

C14031B001, TaqMan™ 2.5X Lyo-Ready 1-step qPCR Master Mix, with excipient

C14031B002, TaqMan™ 2.5X Lyo-Ready 1-step qPCR Master Mix, with excipient

F415XL, DyNAmo Flash SYBR Green qPCR Kit

F415L, DyNAmo Flash SYBR Green qPCR Kit

F416XL, DyNAmo ColorFlash SYBR Green qPCR Kit

F416L, DyNAmo ColorFlash SYBR Green qPCR Kit

F410XL, DyNAmo HS SYBR Green qPCR Kit

F410L, DyNAmo HS SYBR Green qPCR Kit

FQPAQ, VetMAX™ C. burnetii Absolute Quant Kit

FQPE, VetMAX™ C. burnetii Feces Kit

APVP50, VetMAX™ Avian Metapneumovirus Kit

A50486, TaqCheck™ SARS-CoV-2 Control Dilution Buffer

A50496, ViralSEQ™ Quantitative Sf-Rhabdovirus Kit with PrepSEQ™ Nucleic Acid Sample Prep Kit

A50484, ViralSEQ™ Quantitative Sf-Rhabdovirus Kit with PrepSEQ™ Nucleic Acid Sample Prep Kit

A53736, Absolute Q™ Viral Titer dPCR Assays

A56842, SureTect™ Listeria species PCR Assay

A56845, SureTect™ Cronobacter species PCR assay

A56848, SureCount™ Salmonella Species, Typhimurium and Enteritidis Multiplex PCR Kit

A57306, VetMAX™ Fast Multiplex Mastermix, with ROX

A57081, VetMAX™ Fast Multiplex Mastermix, with ROX

A57305, VetMAX™ Fast Multiplex Mastermix, with ROX

A57083, TrueMark™ STI Select Panel Combo Kit

A59802, VetMAX™ African Swine Fever Virus MGF360-CD2V DIVA Reagents

AB1159A, ABsolute QPCR Mix, SYBR Green, no ROX

AB1158B, ABsolute QPCR Mix, SYBR Green, no ROX

AB1285B, ABsolute QPCR Capillary Mix, SYBR Green

AB1283B, ABsolute QPCR Capillary Mix

AB4106C, Verso 1-step RT-qPCR Kit, SYBR Green, low ROX

AB4106A, Verso 1-step RT-qPCR Kit, SYBR Green, low ROX

AB4105C, Verso 1-step RT-qPCR Kit, SYBR Green, ROX

AB4105A, Verso 1-step RT-qPCR Kit, SYBR Green, ROX

AB4102C, Verso 1-step RT-qPCR Mix, low ROX

AB4102A, Verso 1-step RT-qPCR Mix, low ROX

AB4101C, Verso 1-step RT-qPCR Mix, ROX

AB4101A, Verso 1-step RT-qPCR Mix, ROX

AB4139A, ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix, ROX

AB4138B, ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix, ROX

AB4104C, Verso 1-step RT-qPCR Kit, SYBR Green, with separate ROX vial

AB4104A, Verso 1-step RT-qPCR Kit, SYBR Green, with separate ROX vial

AB4167A, ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix, SYBR Green, with separate ROX vial

AB4166B, ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix, SYBR Green, with separate ROX vial

AB4100C, Verso 1-step RT-qPCR Kit, with separate ROX vial

AB4100A, Verso 1-step RT-qPCR Kit, with separate ROX vial

A30872, TaqPath™ ProAmp™ Master Mix

A30866, TaqPath™ ProAmp™ Master Mix

A30871, TaqPath™ ProAmp™ Master Mix

A30867, TaqPath™ ProAmp™ Master Mix

A34642, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human Endogenous Controls 96-well Plate, standard

A34715, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human B Card

A34643, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human Endogenous Controls 96-well Plate, fast

A34717, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human Serum/Plasma Card

A37610, TaqMan™ PGx Express Panel, 384-well plate

A39180, TaqMan™ Universal Extraction Control Organism

A39179, TaqMan™ Universal RNA Spike In/Reverse Transcription (Xeno) Control

A39235, VetMAX™ MastiType Micro4 Kit

A39176, TaqMan™ Universal DNA Spike-In Control (5X)

A39899, TrueMark™ OpenArray™ Vaginal Microbiota Comprehensive Plate

A39900, TrueMark™ OpenArray™ Urinary Tract Microbiota Comprehensive Plate

A41238, TaqMan™ Array Respiratory Tract Microbiota Comprehensive Card

A46113, PowerTrack™ SYBR Green Master Mix for qPCR

A35751, VetMAX™ PRRSV EU & NA 2.0 Kit

A39178, TaqMan™ Respiratory Tract Microbiota Amplification Control

A39420, TaqMan™ Microbe Assay Type 1, Small

A40292, VetMAX™ MastiType Micro4 Combo Kit

A40290, VetMAX™ MastiType Multi Combo Kit

A44177, TaqMan™ Liquid Biopsy dPCR Assay

A45522, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative Vero DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A41797, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative Vero DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A47194, PureQuant CD4+ T Cell Assay

A48569, TaqMan™ SCID/SMA Plus Assay

A48566, TaqMan™ SCID/SMA Plus Assay

A48567, TaqMan™ SCID/SMA Plus Assay

A48568, TaqMan™ SCID/SMA Plus Assay

A49044, TrueMark™ Respiratory Panel 2.0, OpenArray™ plate

A50460, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative Plasmid DNA - Kanamycin Resistance Gene Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A50337, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative Plasmid DNA - Kanamycin Resistance Gene Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A51086, T. foetus Reagents TAMUC

A51087, T. foetus Controls TAMUC

A51970, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative E1A DNA Fragment Length Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A51969, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative E1A DNA Fragment Length Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A52576, VetMAX™ PRRSV 3.0 Reagents

A52490, Absolute Q™ DNA Digital PCR Master Mix (5X)

A52702, TaqPath™ BactoPure™ Microbial Detection Master Mix

A52699, TaqPath™ BactoPure™ Microbial Detection Master Mix

A52701, TaqPath™ BactoPure™ Microbial Detection Master Mix

A52700, TaqPath™ BactoPure™ Microbial Detection Master Mix

A52730, QuantStudio™ Absolute Q™ Isolation Buffer

A53170, VetMAX™ PRRSV 3.0 Controls

A53736, Absolute Q™ Viral Titer dPCR Assays

A55146, Absolute Q™ 1-step RT-dPCR Master Mix (4X)

A55325, Absolute Q™ Custom FAM Copy Number dPCR assay

A55698, TrueMark™ Amplification Control I (5 x 107 copies/μL)

A55241, Absolute Q™ dPCR SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Surveillance Kit

A55852, resDNASEQ™ dPCR E1A DNA Fragment Length Kit

A56835, SureTect™ Campylobacter jejuni, C. coli and C. lari PCR Assay

A56842, SureTect™ Listeria species PCR Assay

A56845, SureTect™ Cronobacter species PCR assay

A56846, RapidFinder Salmonella species, Typhimurium and Enteritidis Multiplex PCR Kit

A56839, SureTect™ Staphylococcus aureus PCR Assay

A58142, TrueMark™ Enteric Viral Select Amplfication Control

A59394, VetMAX™ African Swine Fever Virus I177L DIVA Controls

A59802, VetMAX™ African Swine Fever Virus MGF360-CD2V DIVA Reagents

A59289, SureTect™ Brettanomyces spp. and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Multiplex PCR Assay

A59317, ViralSEQ™ dPCR Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit

A59364, ViralSEQ™ dPCR AAV Titer Kit

A59318, ViralSEQ™ dPCR Lentivirus Proviral Titer Kit

A59366, resDNASEQ™ dPCR CHO DNA Kit


A47196, PureQuant B Cell Assay

A50384, TrueMark™ Xeno Control, kanamycin resistance

A50486, TaqCheck™ SARS-CoV-2 Control Dilution Buffer

A50496, ViralSEQ™ Quantitative Sf-Rhabdovirus Kit with PrepSEQ™ Nucleic Acid Sample Prep Kit

A50484, ViralSEQ™ Quantitative Sf-Rhabdovirus Kit with PrepSEQ™ Nucleic Acid Sample Prep Kit

A52083, TaqMan™ Microbe Detection Assay, pooled

A52732, QuantStudio™ Absolute Q™ Digital PCR Starter Kit

A53735, Absolute Q™ Custom VIC dPCR Assays

A56848, SureCount™ Salmonella Species, Typhimurium and Enteritidis Multiplex PCR Kit

A56901, TaqMan™ QSY2 Probe, 50,000 pmol

4482777, TaqMan™ QSY2 Probe, 50,000 pmol

4482778, TaqMan™ QSY2 Probe, 50,000 pmol

4482779, TaqMan™ QSY2 Probe, 50,000 pmol

A56899, TaqMan™ QSY2 Probe, 50,000 pmol

A56900, TaqMan™ QSY2 Probe, 50,000 pmol

A57083, TrueMark™ STI Select Panel Combo Kit

A58035, TrueMark™ Enteric Bacterial Select Panel I Combo Kit

A58079, TrueMark™ Enteric Viral Select Panel Combo Kit

A58077, TrueMark™ Enteric Parasitic Select Panel Combo Kit

A59392, VetMAX™ African Swine Fever Virus I177L DIVA Reagents

A65255, VetMAX™ PRRSV EU High Concentration Controls

A15579, RapidFinder™ Quant Equine Set

A15872, TaqMan™ hPSC Scorecard™ Kit, 384-well

A15871, TaqMan™ hPSC Scorecard™ Kit, Fast 96-well

A15870, TaqMan™ hPSC Scorecard™ Panel, 384-well

A25576, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Assay

A28527, TaqPath™ 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix

A28526, TaqPath™ 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix

A28525, TaqPath™ 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix

A29349, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Control Kit

905407, GeneChip™ PrimeView™ Global Gene Expression Profile Assay

905406, GeneChip™ PrimeView™ Global Gene Expression Profile Assay

905402, PrimeView™ 16 Global Gene Expression Profile Assay

K0233, Maxima Probe/ROX qPCR Master Mix (2X)

K0231, Maxima Probe/ROX qPCR Master Mix (2X)

K0232, Maxima Probe/ROX qPCR Master Mix (2X)

K0253, Maxima SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (2X), with separate ROX vial

K0251, Maxima SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (2X), with separate ROX vial

K0252, Maxima SYBR Green qPCR Master Mix (2X), with separate ROX vial

K0354, Luminaris Color Probe qPCR Master Mix

K0353, Luminaris Color Probe qPCR Master Mix

K0351, Luminaris Color Probe qPCR Master Mix

K0352, Luminaris Color Probe qPCR Master Mix

K0344, Luminaris Color Probe qPCR Master Mix, low ROX

K0341, Luminaris Color Probe qPCR Master Mix, low ROX

K0342, Luminaris Color Probe qPCR Master Mix, low ROX

K0343, Luminaris Color Probe qPCR Master Mix, low ROX

APVP50, VetMAX™ Avian Metapneumovirus Kit

AM1005M, AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Reagents with manual

4387424M, AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Reagents with manual

4387391M, AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Reagents with manual

LAWP50, VetMAX™ L. intracellularis Kit

MPBO50, VetMAX™ M. bovis Kit


WNPEXO50, VetMAX™ West Nile Virus Kit

TMYCAS50, VetMAX™ M. agalactiae & M. mycoides Kit


SALMSPP, VetMAX™ S. enterica spp. Kit

SARP, VetMAX™ Ruminant Abortion Screening Kit Multiplex detection

SBVS50, VetMAX™ Schmallenberg Virus Kit

QPCV, VetMAX™ Porcine PCV2 Quant Kit

PIFP50, VetMAX™ FIP Dual IPC Kit

PMTP50, VetMAX™ P. multocida Toxinogenic Kit

K0223, Maxima SYBR Green/ROX qPCR Master Mix (2X)

K0221, Maxima SYBR Green/ROX qPCR Master Mix (2X)

K0222, Maxima SYBR Green/ROX qPCR Master Mix (2X)

11745500, SuperScript™ III Platinum™ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit w/ROX

11745100, SuperScript™ III Platinum™ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit w/ROX

11780200, EXPRESS One-Step SYBR™ GreenER™ Kit, universal

1178001K, EXPRESS One-Step SYBR™ GreenER™ Kit, universal

11785200, EXPRESS qPCR Supermix, universal

1178501K, EXPRESS qPCR Supermix, universal

11791200, EXPRESS One-Step Superscript™ qRT-PCR Kit, with premixed ROX

1179101K, EXPRESS One-Step Superscript™ qRT-PCR Kit, with premixed ROX

11733046, Platinum™ SYBR™ Green qPCR SuperMix-UDG

11733038, Platinum™ SYBR™ Green qPCR SuperMix-UDG

11794200, EXPRESS SYBR™ GreenER™ qPCR Supermix, with premixed ROX

1179401K, EXPRESS SYBR™ GreenER™ qPCR Supermix, with premixed ROX

11795200, EXPRESS qPCR Supermix, with premixed ROX

1179501K, EXPRESS qPCR Supermix, with premixed ROX

18054015, Uracil DNA Glycosylase

5555536, TaqMan™ Fast Virus 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix for qPCR (No ROX)

5555532, TaqMan™ Fast Virus 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix for qPCR (No ROX)

5555534, TaqMan™ Fast Virus 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix for qPCR (No ROX)

4485261, VetMAX™-Gold AIV Detection Kit

4410126, MeltDoctor™ HRM Positive Control Kit

4414075, TaqMan™ Array Human Phosphodiesterase

4414109, TaqMan™ Array Human Cell Surface Markers

4414149, TaqMan™ Array Human IL6 Pathway

4414155, TaqMan™ Array Human Intracellular Calcium Signaling

4414186, TaqMan™ Array Human T-Cell Receptor and CD3 Complex

4440418, Custom TaqMan™ Small RNA Assay

4398987, Custom TaqMan™ Small RNA Assay

4398988, Custom TaqMan™ Small RNA Assay

4398989, Custom TaqMan™ Small RNA Assay

4444292, Megaplex™ RT Primers, Rodent Pool B v3.0

4444436, TaqMan™ Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix for qPCR

4444434, TaqMan™ Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix for qPCR

4444432, TaqMan™ Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix for qPCR

4444749, Megaplex™ Primer Pools, Human Pools B v3.0

4462164, TaqMan™ OpenArray™ Real-Time PCR Master Mix

4462159, TaqMan™ OpenArray™ Real-Time PCR Master Mix

4465807, TaqMan™ Mutation Detection Assay with castPCR™ Technology

4465804, TaqMan™ Mutation Detection Assay with castPCR™ Technology

4469620, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex OpenArray™ Practice Kit

4469606, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex OpenArray™ Human miRNA Starter Kit

4485044, Custom TaqMan™ Bacteriodes spp Assay Beads

4485060, Custom TaqMan™ EAE Assay Beads, ISO

4485061, Custom TaqMan™ STX1 Assay Beads, ISO

4485074, TaqMan™ Verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli VT1/VT2 Multiplex Assay Beads, HPA

4485715, TaqMan™ RNase P Assay, ABY™ dye/QSY™ probe, primer-limited

4444747, Megaplex™ PreAmp Primers, Rodent Pool Set v3.0

4466335, TaqMan™ Roundup Ready Soya Quantification Kit

4467538, TaqMan™ Mutation Detection IPC Reagent Kit

4485034, TaqMan™ Cronobacter sakazakii Assay Beads

4485046, TaqMan™ Oncorhynchus keta Assay Beads

4485713, TaqMan™ GAPDH Assay, JUN™ dye/QSY™ probe, primer-limited

4485712, TaqMan™ GAPDH Assay, JUN™ dye/QSY™ probe

4486959, VetMAX™ Mycoplasma Gallisepticum/Synoviae Reagent

4488676, TaqMan™ Fast Environmental Master Mix Beads

4485714, TaqMan™ RNase P Assay, ABY™ dye/QSY™ probe

4486295, TaqMan™ Multiplex Master Mix

4461881, TaqMan™ Multiplex Master Mix

4461882, TaqMan™ Multiplex Master Mix

4461884, TaqMan™ Multiplex Master Mix

4484262, TaqMan™ Multiplex Master Mix

4484263, TaqMan™ Multiplex Master Mix

4403316, TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assay, human, TERT

4403315, TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assay, human, TERT

4403081, TaqMan™ Sample-to-SNP™ Kit (200 mL sample prep, 10 mL PCR)

4414162, TaqMan™ Array Human NGF Pathway

4414086, TaqMan™ Array Human Diabetes

4414124, TaqMan™ Array Human Cytokine Network

4414131, TaqMan™ Array Human eNOS Signaling

4414140, TaqMan™ Array Human Huntington Disease Pathway

4414151, TaqMan™ Array Human ILK Signaling

4414175, TaqMan™ Array Human Cholera Infection

4418734, TaqMan™ Array, Human Hedgehog, Fast 96-well

4440049, TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, no UNG

4440043, TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, no UNG

4440040, TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, no UNG

4440047, TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, no UNG

4440048, TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, no UNG

4440041, TaqMan™ Universal Master Mix II, no UNG

4440888, TaqMan™ MicroRNA Assay

4427975, TaqMan™ MicroRNA Assay

4440887, TaqMan™ MicroRNA Assay

4440886, TaqMan™ MicroRNA Assay

4440885, TaqMan™ MicroRNA Assay

4442137, Path-ID™ Multiplex One-Step RT-PCR Kit

4442136, Path-ID™ Multiplex One-Step RT-PCR Kit

4442135, Path-ID™ Multiplex One-Step RT-PCR Kit

4444308, Megaplex™ PreAmp Primers, Rodent Pool B v3.0

4444746, Megaplex™ RT Primers, Rodent Pool Set v3.0

4448549, TaqMan™ Protein Assays Oligo Probe Kit

4448510, Custom TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay, VIC

4448508, Custom TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay, VIC

4448509, Custom TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay, VIC

4453745, TaqMan™ Protein Assays Open Kit

4460366, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative E. coli DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

4458435, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative E. coli DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

4462263, Protein Thermal Shift™ Starter Kit

4469602, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex OpenArray™ Block RNase P Kit

4471227, TaqMan™ OpenArray™ Loading Plate, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex

4472954, SYBR™ Select Master Mix for CFX

4472937, SYBR™ Select Master Mix for CFX

4472942, SYBR™ Select Master Mix for CFX

4472952, SYBR™ Select Master Mix for CFX

4472953, SYBR™ Select Master Mix for CFX

4473088, TaqMan™ miRNA ABC Purification Kit - Human Panel B

4476886, RapidFinder™ STEC Screening Assay

4476901, RapidFinder™ STEC Confirmation Assay

4482910, Quantifiler™ Trio DNA Quantification Kit


D401009, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

A101013, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

A201013, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

A301013, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

A501013, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

D101001, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

D201001, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

D211001, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

D301001, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

D311001, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

BTVNS3, VetMAX™ BTV NS3 All Genotypes Kit

BTVEUG, VetMAX™ European BTV Typing Kit

A31747, TaqMan™ Arbovirus Triplex Kit (ZIKV/DENV/CHIKV), 0.1 mL

A31813, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human Serum/Plasma 96-well Plates, standard

4310886E, Human B2M (Beta-2-Microglobulin) Endogenous Control (VIC™/TAMRA™ probe, primer limited)

4310891E, Human TBP (TATA-box binding Protein) Endogenous Control (VIC™/TAMRA™ probe, primer limited)

4316844, TaqMan™ RNase P Control Reagents Kit

4310888E, Human GUSB (Beta Glucuronidase) Endogenous Control (VIC™/TAMRA™ probe, primer limited)

4326316E, Human PPIA (Cyclophilin A) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4326322E, Human TBP (TATA-box binding Protein) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4327689, TaqMan™ GMO Detection Kits Quick Reference Card

4332079, Custom TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay, FAM

4331348, Custom TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay, FAM

4332078, Custom TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay, FAM

4351379, TaqMan™ SNP Genotyping Assay, human

4351374, TaqMan™ SNP Genotyping Assay, human

4351376, TaqMan™ SNP Genotyping Assay, human

4352340E, Rat ACTB (actin, beta) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4352405, TaqMan™ Reagents Starter Kit

4352931E, Rat ACTB (actin, beta) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4359513, AmpFLSTR™ Yfiler™ PCR Amplification Kit

4326317E, Human GAPD (GAPDH) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4327687, TaqMan™ GMO Detection Kits User's Guide

4382490, TaqMan™ Francisella tularensis Detection Kit

4385363, TaqMan™ Array Mouse Stem Cell Pluripotency Panel

4388644, Path-ID™ qPCR Master Mix

4388643, Path-ID™ qPCR Master Mix

4400088, TaqMan™ Protein Assays Fast Master Mix (2X)

4401090, Megaplex™ Primer Pools, Rodent Pools A

4403316, TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assay, human, TERT

4403315, TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assay, human, TERT

4405543, VetMAX™ AIV Reagents

4414075, TaqMan™ Array Human Phosphodiesterase

4414108, TaqMan™ Array Human Nuclear Receptors

4414090, TaqMan™ Array Human Hypoxia

4414083, TaqMan™ Array Human Androgens

4414121, TaqMan™ Array Human Colorectal Cancer Metastasis

4414133, TaqMan™ Array Human Extracellular Matrix & Adhesion Molecules

4414146, TaqMan™ Array Human AHR Pathway

4414087, TaqMan™ Array Human Estrogens

4414118, TaqMan™ Array Human Drug Transporters

4414162, TaqMan™ Array Human NGF Pathway

4414159, TaqMan™ Array Human Melatonin Signaling

4414182, TaqMan™ Array Human Signaling in Gap Junctions

4414095, TaqMan™ Array Human NFKB Pathway

4414109, TaqMan™ Array Human Cell Surface Markers

4414124, TaqMan™ Array Human Cytokine Network

4414131, TaqMan™ Array Human eNOS Signaling

4414140, TaqMan™ Array Human Huntington Disease Pathway

4414149, TaqMan™ Array Human IL6 Pathway

4414155, TaqMan™ Array Human Intracellular Calcium Signaling

4414168, TaqMan™ Array Human p53 Signaling

4414189, TaqMan™ Array Human TNF Superfamily Pathway

4415330, VetMAX™-Plus Multiplex One Step RT-PCR Kit

4415327, VetMAX™-Plus qPCR Master Mix

4418718, TaqMan™ Array, Human Immune, Fast 96-well

4418747, TaqMan™ Array, Human Activation of cAMP-Dependent PKA, Fast 96-well

4418764, TaqMan™ Array, Human Antioxidant Mechanisms, Fast 96-well

4418832, TaqMan™ Array, Human Telomere Extension by Telomerase, Fast 96-well

4426700, TaqMan™ Array Human Endogenous Controls Plate, Fast 96-well

4427014, TaqMan™ Pri-miRNA Assay

4427012, TaqMan™ Pri-miRNA Assay

4427013, TaqMan™ Pri-miRNA Assay

4378701, TaqMan™ Array Human Apoptosis Panel

4382486, TaqMan™ Bacillus anthracis Detection Kit

4414071, TaqMan™ Array Human Angiogenesis

4413713, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative CHO DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

4402085, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative CHO DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

4414070, TaqMan™ Array Human Alzheimer's Disease

4414072, TaqMan™ Array Human Apoptosis

4414106, TaqMan™ Array Human Apoptotic Pathways Triggered by HIV1

4414101, TaqMan™ Array Human 14-3-3 Induced Intracellular Signaling

4414130, TaqMan™ Array Human Signal Transduction Pathways

4414152, TaqMan™ Array Human iNOS Signaling

4414086, TaqMan™ Array Human Diabetes

4414112, TaqMan™ Array Human Breast Cancer Regulation by Stathmin1

4414120, TaqMan™ Array Human Complement Pathway

4414127, TaqMan™ Array Human DNA Methylation & Transcriptional Repression

4414135, TaqMan™ Array Human FAS Signaling

4414147, TaqMan™ Array Human IL3 Pathway

4414170, TaqMan™ Array Human Patho Rheumatoid Arthritis

4414183, TaqMan™ Array Human NFAT & Cardiac Hypertrophy

4414198, TaqMan™ Array Human Ubiquitin-Proteasome Dependent Proteolysis

4415328, VetMAX™-Plus One-Step RT-PCR Kit

4418734, TaqMan™ Array, Human Hedgehog, Fast 96-well

4418806, TaqMan™ Array, Human Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer, Fast 96-well

4444308, Megaplex™ PreAmp Primers, Rodent Pool B v3.0

4444747, Megaplex™ PreAmp Primers, Rodent Pool Set v3.0

4444752, Megaplex™ Primer Pools, Rodent Pools B v3.0

4448486, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay, VIC primer-limited

4448484, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay, VIC primer-limited

4448485, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Assay, VIC primer-limited

4448549, TaqMan™ Protein Assays Oligo Probe Kit

4453745, TaqMan™ Protein Assays Open Kit

4458369, TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assay, mouse, Tert

4458368, TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assay, mouse, Tert

4458367, TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assay, mouse, Tfrc

4458366, TaqMan™ Copy Number Reference Assay, mouse, Tfrc

4460364, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative NS0 DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

4458441, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative NS0 DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

4462263, Protein Thermal Shift™ Starter Kit

401846, TaqMan™ β-Actin Detection Reagents

18054015, Uracil DNA Glycosylase

5555536, TaqMan™ Fast Virus 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix for qPCR (No ROX)

5555532, TaqMan™ Fast Virus 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix for qPCR (No ROX)

5555534, TaqMan™ Fast Virus 1-Step Multiplex Master Mix for qPCR (No ROX)

956126, TaqMan™ SARS-CoV-2, Flu A/B, RSV RNA Control

956127, TaqCheck™ SARS-CoV-2 Control

905400, GeneChip™ PrimeView™ Global Gene Expression Profile Assay

4308323, TaqMan™ Exogenous Internal Positive Control Reagents

4308321, TaqMan™ Exogenous Internal Positive Control Reagents

4316034, TaqMan™ MGB Probe

4316032, TaqMan™ MGB Probe

4316033, TaqMan™ MGB Probe

4326321E, Human HPRT1 (HGPRT) Endogenous Control (VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited)

4327692, TaqMan™ GMO Soy 35S Detection Kit, with protocol

4326314E, Human RPLPO (Large Ribosomal Protein) Endogenous Control, VIC™/MGB probe, primer limited

4333765T, Human PGK1 (Phosphoglycerate Kinase 1) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB Probe, non-primer limited)

4333765F, Human PGK1 (Phosphoglycerate Kinase 1) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB Probe, non-primer limited)

4333768T, Human HPRT1 (HGPRT) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4333768F, Human HPRT1 (HGPRT) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4333763T, Human PPIA (Cyclophilin A) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4333763F, Human PPIA (Cyclophilin A) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4333770T, Human TFRC (CD71) (Transferrin Receptor) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4333770F, Human TFRC (CD71) (Transferrin Receptor) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4352932E, Mouse GAPD (GAPDH) Endogenous Control (FAM™/MGB probe, non-primer limited)

4366597, TaqMan™ MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit

4366596, TaqMan™ MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit

4367784, TaqMan™ Array Human Protein Kinase Panel

4367846, TaqMan™ Fast Universal PCR Master Mix (2X), no AmpErase™ UNG

4366072, TaqMan™ Fast Universal PCR Master Mix (2X), no AmpErase™ UNG

4352042, TaqMan™ Fast Universal PCR Master Mix (2X), no AmpErase™ UNG

4366073, TaqMan™ Fast Universal PCR Master Mix (2X), no AmpErase™ UNG

4364103, TaqMan™ Fast Universal PCR Master Mix (2X), no AmpErase™ UNG

4378703, TaqMan™ Array Mouse GPCR Panel

4378710, TaqMan™ Array Human Angiogenesis Panel

4378700, TaqMan™ Array Human ABC Transporter Panel

4378704, TaqMan™ Array Rat Endogenous Control Panel

4378707, TaqMan™ Array Human Inflammation Panel

4385344, TaqMan™ Array Human Stem Cell Pluripotency Panel

4388644M, Path-ID™ qPCR Master Mix with Manual

4388643M, Path-ID™ qPCR Master Mix with Manual

4391178, Power SYBR™ Green RNA-to-CT™ 1-Step Kit

4389986, Power SYBR™ Green RNA-to-CT™ 1-Step Kit

4399203, Megaplex™ PreAmp Primers, Rodent Pool A

RRC50, VetMAX™ Ruminant Rotavirus & Coronavirus Kit

MMAP, VetMAX™ Avian M. gallisepticum & M. synoviae Kit

MPTSA, VetMAX™ M. paratuberculosis 2.0 Kit

MTBC, VetMAX™ M. tuberculosis Complex PCR Kit


K0262, Maxima Probe qPCR Master Mix (2X), with separate ROX vial

K0261, Maxima Probe qPCR Master Mix (2X), with separate ROX vial

A24395, RapidFinder™ Sheep ID Kit

A24394, RapidFinder™ Turkey ID Kit

A24396, RapidFinder™ Ruminant ID Kit

A24397, RapidFinder™ Poultry ID Kit

A28809, VetMAX™ African Swine Fever Virus Detection Kit

A29767, VetMAX™ Xeno™ Internal Positive Control - VIC™ Assay

A29765, VetMAX™ Xeno™ Internal Positive Control - VIC™ Assay

A16248, TaqPath™ qPCR Master Mix, CG

A16245, TaqPath™ qPCR Master Mix, CG

A15298, TaqPath™ qPCR Master Mix, CG

A16247, TaqPath™ qPCR Master Mix, CG

4485261, VetMAX™-Gold AIV Detection Kit

4485713, TaqMan™ GAPDH Assay, JUN™ dye/QSY™ probe, primer-limited

4485714, TaqMan™ RNase P Assay, ABY™ dye/QSY™ probe

956127, TaqCheck™ SARS-CoV-2 Control

PPRP50, VetMAX™ Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus Kit

PPVP50, VetMAX™ Porcine Parvovirus Kit


A31747, TaqMan™ Arbovirus Triplex Kit (ZIKV/DENV/CHIKV), 0.1 mL

A31813, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human Serum/Plasma 96-well Plates, standard

A31810, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human A and B 96-well Plates, standard

A31875, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human A and B 96-well Plates, fast

A32087, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex OpenArray™ Vaginal Microbiota Starter Kit

A32086, TrueMark™ OpenArray™ Vaginal Microbiota Training Plate

A34714, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human A Card

A52079, TaqMan™ Antibiotic Resistance Assay, pooled

A56450, SureTect™ Salmonella Infantis PCR Assay

A72710, Absolute Q™ Universal DNA Digital PCR Master Mix (5X)

AB1139A, ABsolute QPCR Mix, ROX

AB1138B, ABsolute QPCR Mix, ROX

AB1163A, ABsolute QPCR Mix, SYBR Green, ROX

AB1162B, ABsolute QPCR Mix, SYBR Green, ROX

AB4137A, ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix, with separate ROX vial

AB4136B, ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix, with separate ROX vial

AB4319A, ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix, low ROX

AB4318B, ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix, low ROX

AB4163A, ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix, SYBR Green, ROX

AB4162B, ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix, SYBR Green, ROX

BHYO50, VetMAX™ B. hyodysenteriae Kit

A55699, TrueMark™ Amplification Control I (1 x 105 copies/μL)

AB1319A, ABsolute QPCR Mix, low ROX

AB1318B, ABsolute QPCR Mix, low ROX

AB4323A, ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix, SYBR Green, low ROX

AB4322B, ABsolute Blue QPCR Mix, SYBR Green, low ROX

BTVNS3, VetMAX™ BTV NS3 All Genotypes Kit

BTVEUG, VetMAX™ European BTV Typing Kit

D401009, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

A101013, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

A201013, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

A301013, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

A501013, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

D101001, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

D201001, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

D211001, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

D301001, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

D311001, qualyfast™ Legionella PCR and DNA Extraction Kits

INFAPSWINE, VetMAX™ Swine Influenza A-09 Kit

905400, GeneChip™ PrimeView™ Global Gene Expression Profile Assay

956126, TaqMan™ SARS-CoV-2, Flu A/B, RSV RNA Control

A30874, TaqPath™ ProAmp™ Multiplex Master Mix

A30869, TaqPath™ ProAmp™ Multiplex Master Mix

A30873, TaqPath™ ProAmp™ Multiplex Master Mix

A30870, TaqPath™ ProAmp™ Multiplex Master Mix

A31811, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human A 96-well Plates, standard

A31805, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human A and B Cards

A31878, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human Serum/Plasma 96-well Plates, fast

A39236, VetMAX™ MastiType Myco8 Kit

A40291, VetMAX™ MastiType Myco8 Combo Kit

A41237, TrueMark™ OpenArray™ Respiratory Tract Microbiota Plate

A41332, TaqMan™ Microbe Assay Type 2, Small

A44941, Detection Enhancer, for real-time PCR

A44811, Detection Enhancer, for real-time PCR

A44810, Detection Enhancer, for real-time PCR

A47197, PureQuant CD3+ T Cell Assay

A47195, PureQuant Monocyte Assay

A47405, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative Sf9 and Baculovirus DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A46066, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative Sf9 and Baculovirus DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A46565, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative HEK293 DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A46014, resDNASEQ™ Quantitative HEK293 DNA Kit with PrepSEQ™ Residual DNA Sample Preparation Kit

A31287, Quantifiler™ Automation Enhancer

A36555, Ion AmpliSeq™ Transcriptome Mouse Gene Expression Kit

A36553, Ion AmpliSeq™ Transcriptome Mouse Gene Expression Kit

A36554, Ion AmpliSeq™ Transcriptome Mouse Gene Expression Kit

A39174, TaqMan™ Urinary Tract Microbiota Amplification Control

A39227, VetMAX™ MastiType Multi Kit

A40490, TaqMan™ Arbovirus Triplex Control Kit (ZIKV/DENV/CHIKV)

A41333, TaqMan™ Microbe Assay Type 3, Small

A44360, TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Master Mix for qPCR, no UNG

A48101, TrueMark™ Respiratory Panel 2.0 Amplification Control

A47929, TaqMan™ SCID/SMA Assay

A47927, TaqMan™ SCID/SMA Assay

A47928, TaqMan™ SCID/SMA Assay

A49049, TrueMark™ Respiratory Panel 2.0 PreAmp Primers

A50136, TaqMan™ Antibiotic Resistance Assay

A50383, TrueMark™ Comprehensive Microbiota Control

A50382, TrueMark™ Comprehensive Microbiota Control

A52706, TaqPath™ BactoPure™ Microbial Detection Master Mix, no Rox

A52703, TaqPath™ BactoPure™ Microbial Detection Master Mix, no Rox

A52705, TaqPath™ BactoPure™ Microbial Detection Master Mix, no Rox

A52704, TaqPath™ BactoPure™ Microbial Detection Master Mix, no Rox

A53732, Absolute Q™ Liquid Biopsy dPCR Assays

A53733, Absolute Q™ Custom FAM/VIC Genotyping dPCR Assay

A53734, Absolute Q™ Custom FAM dPCR Assays

A55165, Absolute Q™ MAP16 Plate Kit and 1-Step RT-dPCR Master Mix

A56291C, TrueMark™ STI Plus Combo Kit

A56840, SureTect™ Escherichia coli STEC Identification PCR Assay

A56837, SureTect ™ Vibrio cholerae, V parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus PCR Assay

A56844, SureTect™ Escherichia coli O157:H7 PCR Assay

A56838, SureTect™ Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR Assay

A56847, RapidFinder™ Salmonella species, Typhimurium and Enteritidis Multiplex Flex Kit

A56843, SureTect™ Listeria monocytogenes PCR Assay

A57449, VetMAX™ Rotavirus A/B/C Reagents

A57926, MycoSEQ™ Plus Mycoplasma Detection Kit with PrepSEQ™ Express Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit

A55124, MycoSEQ™ Plus Mycoplasma Detection Kit with PrepSEQ™ Express Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit

A57925, MycoSEQ™ Plus Mycoplasma Detection Kit with PrepSEQ™ Express Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit

A58078, TrueMark™ Enteric Norovirus Select Panel Combo Kit

A58141, TrueMark™ Enteric Norovirus Select Amplfication Control

A58049, TrueMark™ Enteric Bacterial Select Amplfication Control I

A59319, resDNASEQ™ dPCR Sf9 and Baculovirus DNA Kit

A59365, resDNASEQ™ dPCR HEK293 DNA Kit

A59803, VetMAX™ African Swine Fever Virus MGF360-CD2V DIVA Controls

A24392, RapidFinder™ Pork ID Kit

A30064, TaqMan™ RNase P Assay, VIC™ dye/QSY™ probe

K0243, Maxima SYBR Green/Fluorescein qPCR Master Mix (2X)

K0241, Maxima SYBR Green/Fluorescein qPCR Master Mix (2X)

K0242, Maxima SYBR Green/Fluorescein qPCR Master Mix (2X)

K0263, Maxima Probe qPCR Master Mix (2X), with separate ROX vial

K0394, Luminaris Color HiGreen qPCR Master Mix

K0393, Luminaris Color HiGreen qPCR Master Mix

K0391, Luminaris Color HiGreen qPCR Master Mix

K0392, Luminaris Color HiGreen qPCR Master Mix

K0964, Luminaris HiGreen qPCR Master Mix, high ROX

K0963, Luminaris HiGreen qPCR Master Mix, high ROX

K0954, Luminaris Probe qPCR Master Mix

K0951, Luminaris Probe qPCR Master Mix

K0952, Luminaris Probe qPCR Master Mix

K0953, Luminaris Probe qPCR Master Mix

K0334, Luminaris Color Probe qPCR Master Mix, high ROX

K0331, Luminaris Color Probe qPCR Master Mix, high ROX

K0332, Luminaris Color Probe qPCR Master Mix, high ROX

K0333, Luminaris Color Probe qPCR Master Mix, high ROX

K0944, Luminaris Probe qPCR Master Mix, low ROX

K0941, Luminaris Probe qPCR Master Mix, low ROX

K0942, Luminaris Probe qPCR Master Mix, low ROX

K0943, Luminaris Probe qPCR Master Mix, low ROX

K0994, Luminaris HiGreen qPCR Master Mix

K0992, Luminaris HiGreen qPCR Master Mix

K0991, Luminaris HiGreen qPCR Master Mix

K0993, Luminaris HiGreen qPCR Master Mix

A39175, TaqMan™ Universal DNA Spike-In Control

A47702, TaqMan™ SARS-CoV-2, Flu A/B, RSV RT-PCR Assay Kit

A50137, TaqMan™ Microbe Detection Assay

A57017, resDNASEQ™ dPCR E. coli DNA Kit

A57186, SteriSEQ™ Rapid Sterility Testing Kit

A57185, SteriSEQ™ Rapid Sterility Testing Kit

A57451, VetMAX™ Rotavirus A/B/C Controls

A58140, TrueMark™ Enteric Parasitic Select Amplfication Control

A58787, Quantifiler™ Trio Automated DNA Quantification Kit

A59526, TrueMark™ SARS-CoV-2, Flu A, Flu B, RSV Select Panel

A65256, VetMAX™ PRRSV NA High Concentration Controls

A52598, ViralSEQ™ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit with PrepSEQ™ Nucleic Acid Sample Prep Kit

A52597, ViralSEQ™ Lentivirus Physical Titer Kit with PrepSEQ™ Nucleic Acid Sample Prep Kit

AB1133A, ABsolute QPCR Mix, no ROX

AB1132B, ABsolute QPCR Mix, no ROX

A16248, TaqPath™ qPCR Master Mix, CG

A16245, TaqPath™ qPCR Master Mix, CG

A15298, TaqPath™ qPCR Master Mix, CG

A16247, TaqPath™ qPCR Master Mix, CG

A24395, RapidFinder™ Sheep ID Kit

A30064, TaqMan™ RNase P Assay, VIC™ dye/QSY™ probe

4368814, High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit

4368813, High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit

4374966, High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit

4374967, High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit

18080051, SuperScript™ III First-Strand Synthesis System

N8080234, TaqMan™ Reverse Transcription Reagents

4304134, TaqMan™ Reverse Transcription Reagents

18091200, SuperScript™ IV First-Strand Synthesis System

18091050, SuperScript™ IV First-Strand Synthesis System

18091150, SuperScript™ IV First-Strand Synthesis System

18091300, SuperScript™ IV First-Strand Synthesis System

18090200, SuperScript™ IV Reverse Transcriptase

18090010, SuperScript™ IV Reverse Transcriptase

18090050, SuperScript™ IV Reverse Transcriptase

12574018, SuperScript™ III One-Step RT-PCR System with Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase

12574026, SuperScript™ III One-Step RT-PCR System with Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase

11766500, SuperScript™ IV VILO™ Master Mix with ezDNase™ Enzyme

11756050, SuperScript™ IV VILO™ Master Mix with ezDNase™ Enzyme

11756500, SuperScript™ IV VILO™ Master Mix with ezDNase™ Enzyme

11766050, SuperScript™ IV VILO™ Master Mix with ezDNase™ Enzyme

EP0752, Maxima H Minus Reverse Transcriptase (200 U/μL)

EP0751, Maxima H Minus Reverse Transcriptase (200 U/μL)

EP0753, Maxima H Minus Reverse Transcriptase (200 U/μL)

K1621, RevertAid First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit

11752250, SuperScript™ III First-Strand Synthesis SuperMix for qRT-PCR

11752050, SuperScript™ III First-Strand Synthesis SuperMix for qRT-PCR

11754250, SuperScript™ VILO™ cDNA Synthesis Kit

11754050, SuperScript™ VILO™ cDNA Synthesis Kit

10928042, SuperScript™ One-Step RT-PCR System with Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase

A48571, Second Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit

A48570, Second Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit

11750350, SuperScript™ IV CellsDirect™ cDNA Synthesis Kit

11750150, SuperScript™ IV CellsDirect™ cDNA Synthesis Kit

11750550, SuperScript™ IV CellsDirect™ Lysis Reagents

11917020, SuperScript™ Double-Stranded cDNA Synthesis Kit

11917010, SuperScript™ Double-Stranded cDNA Synthesis Kit

18080093, SuperScript™ III Reverse Transcriptase

18080044, SuperScript™ III Reverse Transcriptase

18080085, SuperScript™ III Reverse Transcriptase

18064071, SuperScript™ II Reverse Transcriptase

18064022, SuperScript™ II Reverse Transcriptase

18064014, SuperScript™ II Reverse Transcriptase

4388950, High-Capacity RNA-to-cDNA™ Kit

4387406, High-Capacity RNA-to-cDNA™ Kit

4311235, MultiScribe™ Reverse Transcriptase

EP0442, RevertAid Reverse Transcriptase (200 U/μL)

EP0441, RevertAid Reverse Transcriptase (200 U/μL)

AB1453B, Verso cDNA Synthesis Kit

AB1453A, Verso cDNA Synthesis Kit

A65425, SuperScript™ IV Template Switching RT Master Mix

A65423, SuperScript™ IV Template Switching RT Master Mix

A65424, SuperScript™ IV Template Switching RT Master Mix

A58671, TaqPath™ DuraPlex™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, no ROX™

A58669, TaqPath™ DuraPlex™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, no ROX™

A58670, TaqPath™ DuraPlex™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, no ROX™

A58668, TaqPath™ DuraPlex™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix

A58666, TaqPath™ DuraPlex™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix

A58667, TaqPath™ DuraPlex™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix

K1651, Maxima H Minus First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit, with dsDNase

K1652, Maxima H Minus First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit, with dsDNase

K1681, Maxima H Minus First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit, with dsDNase

K1691, RevertAid RT Reverse Transcription Kit

18080300, SuperScript™ III CellsDirect™ cDNA Synthesis Kit

18080200, SuperScript™ III CellsDirect™ cDNA Synthesis Kit

18080400, SuperScript™ III First-Strand Synthesis SuperMix

11755500, SuperScript™ VILO™ Master Mix

11755050, SuperScript™ VILO™ Master Mix

11755250, SuperScript™ VILO™ Master Mix

12597500, SuperScript IV UniPrime One-Step RT-PCR System

12596025, SuperScript IV UniPrime One-Step RT-PCR System

12597025, SuperScript IV UniPrime One-Step RT-PCR System

12596100, SuperScript IV UniPrime One-Step RT-PCR System

12597100, SuperScript IV UniPrime One-Step RT-PCR System

12596500, SuperScript IV UniPrime One-Step RT-PCR System

12595100, SuperScript™ IV One-Step RT-PCR System with ezDNase™

12594025, SuperScript™ IV One-Step RT-PCR System with ezDNase™

12594100, SuperScript™ IV One-Step RT-PCR System with ezDNase™

12595025, SuperScript™ IV One-Step RT-PCR System with ezDNase™

12574035, SuperScript™ III One-Step RT-PCR System with Platinum™ Taq High Fidelity DNA Polymerase

12574030, SuperScript™ III One-Step RT-PCR System with Platinum™ Taq High Fidelity DNA Polymerase

11752480, SuperScript™ IV Single Cell/Low Input cDNA PreAmp Kit

11752048, SuperScript™ IV Single Cell/Low Input cDNA PreAmp Kit

11752096, SuperScript™ IV Single Cell/Low Input cDNA PreAmp Kit

11752192, SuperScript™ IV Single Cell/Low Input cDNA PreAmp Kit

11752384, SuperScript™ IV Single Cell/Low Input cDNA PreAmp Kit

11904018, SuperScript™ First-Strand Synthesis System for RT-PCR

28025021, M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase (200 U/μL)

28025013, M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase (200 U/μL)

EP0743, Maxima Reverse Transcriptase (200 U/μL)

EP0741, Maxima Reverse Transcriptase (200 U/μL)

EP0742, Maxima Reverse Transcriptase (200 U/μL)

EP0452, RevertAid H Minus Reverse Transcriptase (200 U/μL)

EP0451, RevertAid H Minus Reverse Transcriptase (200 U/μL)

EP212B6B003, Lyo-ready SuperScript™ III Flash Reverse Transcriptase (60 U/μL)

EP212B6B001, Lyo-ready SuperScript™ III Flash Reverse Transcriptase (60 U/μL)

EP212B6B002, Lyo-ready SuperScript™ III Flash Reverse Transcriptase (60 U/μL)

AB1454LDB, Verso 1-Step RT-PCR Kit ReddyMix, with ThermoPrime Taq

K1632, RevertAid H Minus First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit

K1631, RevertAid H Minus First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit

K1672, Maxima First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-qPCR, with dsDNase

K1641, Maxima First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-qPCR, with dsDNase

K1642, Maxima First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-qPCR, with dsDNase

K1671, Maxima First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-qPCR, with dsDNase

K2563, Maxima H Minus Double-Stranded cDNA Synthesis Kit

K2562, Maxima H Minus Double-Stranded cDNA Synthesis Kit

K2561, Maxima H Minus Double-Stranded cDNA Synthesis Kit

M1682, Maxima™ H Minus cDNA Synthesis Master Mix, with dsDNase

M1661, Maxima™ H Minus cDNA Synthesis Master Mix, with dsDNase

M1662, Maxima™ H Minus cDNA Synthesis Master Mix, with dsDNase

M1681, Maxima™ H Minus cDNA Synthesis Master Mix, with dsDNase

R1362, Maxima First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit Reaction Mix (5X)

EP0131, SP6 RNA Polymerase (20 U/μL)

AM2718, T7 RNA Polymerase-Plus™ Enzyme Mix (200 U/μL)

A42271, LentiArray™ Human Cell Cycle CRISPR Library

12935146, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA Luciferase Reporter Control

12935145, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA GFP Reporter Control

12935112, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA Negative Control Med GC Duplex #2

12935200, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA Negative Control Lo GC

12935113, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA Negative Control Med GC Duplex #3

AM2030, Poly(A) Polymerase (cloned) 2 U/μL

12935400, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA Negative Control Hi GC

12935148, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA β-Lactamase Reporter Control

12935110, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA Negative Control Lo GC Duplex #2

4459405, Ambion™ In Vivo Negative Control #1 siRNA

4457287, Ambion™ In Vivo Negative Control #1 siRNA

4457289, Ambion™ In Vivo Negative Control #1 siRNA

4464065, mirVana™ miRNA Mimic, miR-1 Positive Control

4464062, mirVana™ miRNA Mimic, miR-1 Positive Control

4464063, mirVana™ miRNA Mimic, miR-1 Positive Control

4464064, mirVana™ miRNA Mimic, miR-1 Positive Control

4464081, Ambion™ mirVana™ miRNA Inhibitor, let-7c positive control

4464080, Ambion™ mirVana™ miRNA Inhibitor, let-7c positive control

4456740, ERCC RNA Spike-In Mix

4459407, Ambion™ In Vivo GAPDH Positive Control siRNA

4457291, Ambion™ In Vivo GAPDH Positive Control siRNA

4457288, Ambion™ In Vivo GAPDH Positive Control siRNA

4464061, mirVana™ miRNA Mimic, Negative Control #1

4464058, mirVana™ miRNA Mimic, Negative Control #1

4464059, mirVana™ miRNA Mimic, Negative Control #1

4464060, mirVana™ miRNA Mimic, Negative Control #1

4397923, Silencer™ Select Human Genome siRNA Extension Set V4

4397922, Silencer™ Select Human Druggable Genome siRNA Library V4

4397920, Silencer™ Select Human Druggable Genome siRNA Library V4

4455877, Silencer™ Select MALAT1 Positive Control siRNA

4392431, Anti-miR™ hsa-let-7c miRNA Inhibitor Positive Control

4397927, Silencer™ Select Human Extended Druggable Genome siRNA Library V4

4397916, Silencer™ Select Human GPCR siRNA Library V4

4404025, Silencer™ GAPDH Positive Control siRNA, in vivo ready

4390850, Silencer™ Select GAPDH Positive Control siRNA

4390849, Silencer™ Select GAPDH Positive Control siRNA

4397926, Silencer™ Select Human Genome siRNA Library V4

4397914, Silencer™ Select Human Nuclear Hormone Receptor siRNA Library V4

4397924, Silencer™ Select Human Druggable Genome siRNA Extension Set V4

4397921, Silencer™ Select Human Druggable Genome siRNA Extension Set V4

A31948, LentiArray™ Human Druggable CRISPR Library

A32327, LentiArray™ CRISPR Negative Control Lentivirus, human, non-targeting

A32830, LentiArray™ CRISPR Positive Control Lentivirus, human HPRT, with GFP

A32060, LentiArray™ CRISPR Positive Control Lentivirus, human HPRT, with GFP

EP011T1, TheraPure™ T7 RNA Polymerase

EP0133, SP6 RNA Polymerase, HC (≥100 U/μL)

EP0112, T7 RNA Polymerase (20 U/μL)

EP0111, T7 RNA Polymerase (20 U/μL)

EP0101, T3 RNA Polymerase (20 U/μL)

EP0103, T3 RNA Polymerase, HC (≥100 U/μL)

EP011SKB011, TheraPure™ GMP T7 RNA Polymerase, 200 U/μL

EP011SKB008, TheraPure™ GMP T7 RNA Polymerase, 200 U/μL

EP011SKB003, TheraPure™ GMP T7 RNA Polymerase, 200 U/μL

EP011SKB004, TheraPure™ GMP T7 RNA Polymerase, 200 U/μL

EP011SKB006, TheraPure™ GMP T7 RNA Polymerase, 200 U/μL

A30085, Silencer™ Select Human Epigenetics siRNA Library

A30089, Silencer™ Select Human DNA Damage Response siRNA Library

A30137, Silencer™ Human Cell Cycle Regulation siRNA Library

A30149, Silencer™ Select Human Long Non-coding RNA (lncRNA) siRNA Library (384 well)

A30148, Silencer™ Select Human Long Non-coding RNA (lncRNA) siRNA Library (384 well)

A42234, LentiArray™ Human Kinase CRISPR Library

A42267, LentiArray™ Human Phosphatase CRISPR Library

A42273, LentiArray™ Human Transcription Factor CRISPR Library

A42275, LentiArray™ Human Apoptosis CRISPR Library

A42281, LentiArray™ Human DNA Damage Response CRISPR Library

AM17150, Pre-miR™ hsa-miR-1 miRNA Precursor Postive Control

AM17111, Pre-miR™ miRNA Precursor Molecules—Negative Control #2

AM17121, FAM3™ Dye-Labeled Pre-miR Negative Control #1

AM17110, Pre-miR™ miRNA Precursor Negative Control #1

AM4642, Silencer™ Negative Control No. 5 siRNA

AM17010, Anti-miR™ miRNA Inhibitor Negative Control #1

AM2030, Poly(A) Polymerase (cloned) 2 U/μL

AM4629, Silencer™ Firefly Luciferase (GL2 + GL3) siRNA

AM4632, Silencer™ GAPDH siRNA (human, mouse, rat)

AM4624, Silencer™ GAPDH siRNA (human, mouse, rat)

AM4631, Silencer™ GAPDH siRNA (human, mouse, rat)

AM4633, Silencer™ GAPDH siRNA (human)

AM4605, Silencer™ GAPDH siRNA (human)

AM4636, Silencer™ Negative Control No. 1 siRNA

AM4611, Silencer™ Negative Control No. 1 siRNA

AM4635, Silencer™ Negative Control No. 1 siRNA

A42268, LentiArray™ Human Cancer Biology CRISPR Library

A42274, LentiArray™ Human Nuclear Hormone Receptor CRISPR Library

A42272, LentiArray™ Human Membrane Trafficking CRISPR Library

A42280, LentiArray™ Human Tumor Suppressor CRISPR Library

A30079, Silencer™ Human Kinase siRNA Library

A30084, Silencer™ Human Ion Channel siRNA Library

A30086, Silencer™ Human Epigenetics siRNA Library

A30087, Silencer™ Select Human Transcription Factor siRNA Library

A30096, Silencer™ Human Apoptosis siRNA Library

A30136, Silencer™ Select Human Cell Cycle Regulation siRNA Library

A30141, Silencer™ Human Ubiquitin siRNA Library

A30143, Silencer™ Human Cancer Genome siRNA Library

A30146, Silencer™ Select Human Tumor Suppressor siRNA Library

A30080, Silencer™ Human Phosphatase siRNA Library

A30082, Silencer™ Human GPCR siRNA Library

A30081, Silencer™ Human Protease siRNA Library

QS0639, Universal Human Reference RNA

AM4641, Silencer™ Negative Control No. 4 siRNA

AM17011, Cy3™ Dye-Labeled Anti-miR™ Negative Control #1

18033100, T7 RNA Polymerase

18033019, T7 RNA Polymerase

12935100, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA Negative Control Kit

12935114, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA Negative Control Hi GC Duplex #2

12935111, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA Negative Control Lo GC Duplex #3

12935140, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA GAPDH Positive Control (human)

12935115, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA Negative Control Hi GC Duplex #3

12935300, Stealth RNAi™ siRNA Negative Control, Med GC

4459408, Ambion™ In Vivo Factor VII Positive Control siRNA

4457292, Ambion™ In Vivo Factor VII Positive Control siRNA

4397918, Silencer™ Select Human Kinase siRNA Library V4

4456739, ERCC ExFold RNA Spike-In Mixes

4464079, mirVana™ miRNA Inhibitor, Negative Control #1

4464076, mirVana™ miRNA Inhibitor, Negative Control #1

4464077, mirVana™ miRNA Inhibitor, Negative Control #1

4464078, mirVana™ miRNA Inhibitor, Negative Control #1

4473087, TaqMan™ miRNA ABC Purification Kit - Human Panel A

EP0113, T7 RNA Polymerase, HC (200 U/μL)

EP011SKB008C, TheraPure™ GMP T7 RNA Polymerase (200 U/μL)

EP168AF, Poly(A) Polymerase (5 U/μL)

EP0111AF, Poly(A) Polymerase (5 U/μL)

A31949, LentiArray™ Human Whole Genome CRISPR Library

A32184, LentiArray™ Human Druggable CRISPR Library, Glycerol

A32831, LentiArray™ CRISPR Negative Control Lentivirus, human, non-targeting, with GFP

A32063, LentiArray™ CRISPR Negative Control Lentivirus, human, non-targeting, with GFP

A30138, Silencer™ Select Human Membrane Trafficking siRNA Library

A30140, Silencer™ Select Human Ubiquitin siRNA Library

A30144, Silencer™ Select Human Cell Surface siRNA Library

A30145, Silencer™ Human Cell Surface siRNA Library

A30147, Silencer™ Human Tumor Suppressor siRNA Library

A34716, TaqMan™ Advanced miRNA Human Endogenous Controls Card

A42279, LentiArray™ Human Protease CRISPR Library

A42277, LentiArray™ Human Ion Channel CRISPR Library

A42270, LentiArray™ Human Ubiquitin CRISPR Library

A42276, LentiArray™ Human Drug Transporter CRISPR Library

A42282, LentiArray™ Human GPCR CRISPR Library

A42269, LentiArray™ Human Epigenetics CRISPR Library

A42278, LentiArray™ Human Cell Surface CRISPR Library

A30090, Silencer™ Human DNA Damage Response siRNA Library

A30135, Silencer™ Human Drug Transporter siRNA Library

A30133, Silencer™ Select Human Drug Transporter siRNA Library

A30139, Silencer™ Human Membrane Trafficking siRNA Library

A30142, Silencer™ Select Human Cancer Genome siRNA Library

4390844, Silencer™ Select Negative Control No. 1 siRNA

4390843, Silencer™ Select Negative Control No. 1 siRNA

4397915, Silencer™ Select Human Ion Channel siRNA Library V4

4397917, Silencer™ Select Human Protease siRNA Library V4

4404020, Silencer™ Select Negative Control No. 1 siRNA, in vivo ready

4390847, Silencer™ Select Negative Control No. 2 siRNA

4390846, Silencer™ Select Negative Control No. 2 siRNA

4404021, Silencer™ Negative Control No. 1 siRNA

A30090, Silencer™ Human DNA Damage Response siRNA Library

A30095, Silencer™ Select Human Apoptosis siRNA Library

A30138, Silencer™ Select Human Membrane Trafficking siRNA Library

A30140, Silencer™ Select Human Ubiquitin siRNA Library

A30144, Silencer™ Select Human Cell Surface siRNA Library

A30145, Silencer™ Human Cell Surface siRNA Library

A30147, Silencer™ Human Tumor Suppressor siRNA Library

AM17012, FAM™ Dye-Labeled Anti-miR™ Negative Control #1

AM4620, Silencer™ FAM-labeled Negative Control No. 1 siRNA

AM4637, Silencer™ Negative Control No. 2 siRNA

AM4613, Silencer™ Negative Control No. 2 siRNA

AM4615, Silencer™ Negative Control No. 3 siRNA

AM4649, Silencer™ Cy™3-labeled GAPDH siRNA (human, mouse, rat)

AM4639, Silencer™ KIF11 (Eg5) siRNA (human, mouse, rat)

A30083, Silencer™ Human Nuclear Hormone Receptor siRNA Library

A30088, Silencer™ Human Transcription Factor siRNA Library

A30092, Silencer™ Select Human Drug Targets siRNA Library (96 well)

A30091, Silencer™ Select Human Drug Targets siRNA Library (96 well)

A30094, Silencer™ Human Drug Targets siRNA Library (96-well)

A30093, Silencer™ Human Drug Targets siRNA Library (96-well)

A30135, Silencer™ Human Drug Transporter siRNA Library

A30133, Silencer™ Select Human Drug Transporter siRNA Library

A30139, Silencer™ Human Membrane Trafficking siRNA Library

A30142, Silencer™ Select Human Cancer Genome siRNA Library

AM17120, Cy3™ Dye-Labeled Pre-miR Negative Control #1

AM4650, Silencer™ FAM-labeled GAPDH siRNA (human, mouse, rat)

K0172, PCR Master Mix (2X)

K0171, PCR Master Mix (2X)

10572014, PCR SuperMix

EP1703, DreamTaq™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase

EP1701, DreamTaq™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase

EP1702, DreamTaq™ Hot Start DNA Polymerase

11304011, Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase, high fidelity

11304029, Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase, high fidelity

11304102, Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase, high fidelity

12368250, Platinum™ SuperFi II PCR Master Mix

12368010, Platinum™ SuperFi II PCR Master Mix

12368050, Platinum™ SuperFi II PCR Master Mix

14001014, Platinum™ II Hot-Start Green PCR Master Mix (2X)

14001012, Platinum™ II Hot-Start Green PCR Master Mix (2X)

14001013, Platinum™ II Hot-Start Green PCR Master Mix (2X)

13001013, Platinum™ Green Hot Start PCR Master Mix (2X)

13001012, Platinum™ Green Hot Start PCR Master Mix (2X)

13001014, Platinum™ Green Hot Start PCR Master Mix (2X)

K0701, GeneJET PCR Purification Kit

10966083, Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase

10966018, Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase

10966026, Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase

10966034, Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase

14966100, Platinum™ II Taq Hot-Start DNA Polymerase

14966001, Platinum™ II Taq Hot-Start DNA Polymerase

14966005, Platinum™ II Taq Hot-Start DNA Polymerase

14966025, Platinum™ II Taq Hot-Start DNA Polymerase

F130WH, Phire Plant Direct PCR Kit (without sampling tools)

EP0282, Taq DNA Polymerase, native, without BSA (5 U/μL)

4390941, AmpliTaq Gold™ Fast PCR Master Mix

4390937, AmpliTaq Gold™ Fast PCR Master Mix

4390939, AmpliTaq Gold™ Fast PCR Master Mix

15966025, Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase, DNA-free

15966005, Platinum™ Taq DNA Polymerase, DNA-free

F125S, Phire Hot Start II PCR Master Mix

F125L, Phire Hot Start II PCR Master Mix

16122012, Max Bacterial Enhancement Reagent

18067017, Taq DNA Polymerase PCR Buffer (10X)

18090050B, SuperScript™ IV RT Reaction Buffer

14000013, Platinum™ II Hot-Start PCR Master Mix (2X)

14000014, Platinum™ II Hot-Start PCR Master Mix (2X)

AM1729, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Cells-to-CT™ Kit

4399002, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Cells-to-CT™ Kit

AM1728, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Cells-to-CT™ Kit

AM2614, BSA, acetylated (20 mg/mL)

AM8723, Cells-to-cDNA™ II Cell Lysis Buffer (10 ml Bottle)

12346094, AccuPrime™ Taq DNA Polymerase, high fidelity

12346086, AccuPrime™ Taq DNA Polymerase, high fidelity

12358250, Platinum™ SuperFi™ PCR Master Mix

12358010, Platinum™ SuperFi™ PCR Master Mix

12358050, Platinum™ SuperFi™ PCR Master Mix

12356005, SuperFi™ Green Buffer

12361250, Platinum™ SuperFi II DNA Polymerase

12361010, Platinum™ SuperFi II DNA Polymerase

12361050, Platinum™ SuperFi II DNA Polymerase

11739010, CellsDirect Resuspension & Lysis Buffers includes 10 ml Resuspension Buffer & 1 ml Lysis Buffer

11753500, CellsDirect™ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit

11753100, CellsDirect™ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit

12344032, AccuPrime™ Pfx DNA Polymerase

12344024, AccuPrime™ Pfx DNA Polymerase

12351250, Platinum™ SuperFi™ DNA Polymerase

12351010, Platinum™ SuperFi™ DNA Polymerase

12351050, Platinum™ SuperFi™ DNA Polymerase

12355005, SuperFi™ Buffer

12532024, Platinum™ PCR SuperMix High Fidelity

12532016, Platinum™ PCR SuperMix High Fidelity

11448032, Platinum™ GenoType Tsp DNA Polymerase

11448024, Platinum™ GenoType Tsp DNA Polymerase

11495017, PCRX Enhancer System

10342178, Taq DNA Polymerase, recombinant

10342053, Taq DNA Polymerase, recombinant

10342020, Taq DNA Polymerase, recombinant

10342046, Taq DNA Polymerase, recombinant

18057018, M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase Buffer

4485063, TaqMan™ STEC O103 & O145 Assay Beads, MLG

4478601, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex OpenArray™ Calibration Kit

4485066, TaqMan™ STEC STX & EAE Assay Beads, MLG

4402955, Power SYBR™ Green Cells-to-CT™ Kit

4402953, Power SYBR™ Green Cells-to-CT™ Kit

4402954, Power SYBR™ Green Cells-to-CT™ Kit

4458235, Single Cell Lysis Kit

4463348, PrepFiler™ and PrepFiler™ BTA Forensic DNA Extraction Kits User Guide

4464270, Platinum™ Multiplex PCR Master Mix

4464268, Platinum™ Multiplex PCR Master Mix

4464269, Platinum™ Multiplex PCR Master Mix

4482815, GlobalFiler™ PCR Amplification Kit

4476135, GlobalFiler™ PCR Amplification Kit

4402959, SYBR™ Green Cells-to-CT™ Control Kit

4458237, Single Cell-to-CT™ qRT-PCR Kit

4458236, Single Cell-to-CT™ qRT-PCR Kit

4387299, TaqMan™ PreAmp Cells-to-CT™ Kit

4382397, Fast MicroSEQ™ D2 Fungal rDNA PCR Kit

4398848, AmpliTaq™ 360 Buffer, 25 mM MgCl2 and 360 GC Enhancer

4398898, AmpliTaq Gold™ 360 DNA Polymerase

4398813, AmpliTaq Gold™ 360 DNA Polymerase

4398823, AmpliTaq Gold™ 360 DNA Polymerase

4398833, AmpliTaq Gold™ 360 DNA Polymerase

4398892, AmpliTaq Gold™ 360 DNA Polymerase

4398894, AmpliTaq Gold™ 360 DNA Polymerase

4398896, AmpliTaq Gold™ 360 DNA Polymerase

4391848, TaqMan™ MicroRNA Cells-to-CT™ Kit

4398897, AmpliTaq™ 360 DNA Polymerase

4398818, AmpliTaq™ 360 DNA Polymerase

4398828, AmpliTaq™ 360 DNA Polymerase

4398895, AmpliTaq™ 360 DNA Polymerase

4331467, Chemistry Guide, 3730/3730xl DNA Analyzer

4330202, Linkage Mapping Set v2.5 User Guide

4349153, MicroSEQ™ D2 rDNA Fungal PCR Kit

4303189, 310 GeneScan™ Reference Guide

4317588, 310 Genetic Analyzer Manual for Windows™

4317742, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Gold Buffer and MgCl2

4311806, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Gold Buffer and MgCl2

4311816, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Gold Buffer and MgCl2

4311820, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Gold Buffer and MgCl2

4311818, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Gold Buffer and MgCl2

4323163, SNaPshot™ Multiplex Kit

4323159, SNaPshot™ Multiplex Kit

4323151, SNaPshot™ Multiplex Kit

4323161, SNaPshot™ Multiplex Kit

4349153, MicroSEQ™ D2 rDNA Fungal PCR Kit

B38, Taq Buffer (10X), with KCl

B55, Taq Buffer (10X), without detergent

A35381, SYBR™ Green Fast Advanced Cells-to-CT™ Kit

A35379, SYBR™ Green Fast Advanced Cells-to-CT™ Kit

F532S, Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with GC Buffer

F532L, Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with GC Buffer

F539L, Phusion Green GC Buffer Pack

F553S, Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Kit

F553L, Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Kit

EP0072, Taq DNA Polymerase, native, with BSA (5 U/μL)

EP0404, Taq DNA Polymerase, recombinant (1 U/μL)

EP0406, Taq DNA Polymerase, recombinant (5 U/μL)

EP0401, Taq DNA Polymerase, recombinant (5 U/μL)

EP0402, Taq DNA Polymerase, recombinant (5 U/μL)

EP0405, Taq DNA Polymerase, recombinant (5 U/μL)

EP1714, DreamTaq™ Hot Start Green DNA Polymerase

EP1711, DreamTaq™ Hot Start Green DNA Polymerase

EP1712, DreamTaq™ Hot Start Green DNA Polymerase

EP1713, DreamTaq™ Hot Start Green DNA Polymerase

F124S, Phire Green Hot Start II DNA Polymerase

F124L, Phire Green Hot Start II DNA Polymerase

F547S, Phusion Blood Direct PCR Kit

F547L, Phusion Blood Direct PCR Kit

F750, MuA Transposase

F140WH, Phire Animal Tissue Direct PCR Kit (without sampling tools)

F175S, Phusion Blood Direct PCR Master Mix

F175L, Phusion Blood Direct PCR Master Mix

F160S, Phire Plant Direct PCR Master Mix

F160L, Phire Plant Direct PCR Master Mix

F530N, Phusion™ High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase & dNTP Mix (10 mM each)

F525L, Phire Reaction Buffer, detergent-free

F533S, Phusion U Hot Start PCR Master Mix

F533L, Phusion U Hot Start PCR Master Mix

F534S, Phusion Green High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (2 U/μL)

F534L, Phusion Green High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (2 U/μL)

F750C, MuA Transposase (concentrated)

F701, Mutation Generation System Kit

F520L, Phusion HF Buffer Pack, detergent-free

F565S, Phusion Hot Start II High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix

F565L, Phusion Hot Start II High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix

F530S, Phusion™ High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (2 U/μL)

F530L, Phusion™ High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (2 U/μL)

F-530XL, Phusion™ High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (2 U/μL)

F566S, Phusion Green Hot Start II High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix

F566L, Phusion Green Hot Start II High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix

F702, Template Generation System II Kit

CS32250, ChargeSwitch™-Pro PCR Clean-Up Kit

CS32050, ChargeSwitch™-Pro PCR Clean-Up Kit

A65672, CLA IdentiFiler™ Plus PCR Amplification Kit

AB0359, MgCl2 (magnesium chloride) (25 mM)

A57988, TaqMan™ Cells-to-CT™ Express Kit

A57985, TaqMan™ Cells-to-CT™ Express Kit

A57986, TaqMan™ Cells-to-CT™ Express Kit

A57987, TaqMan™ Cells-to-CT™ Express Kit

AB0301B, ThermoPrime Taq DNA Polymerase, with 10X buffer and separate vial of 25 mM MgCl2

A39110, Cells-to-CT™ Bulk Fast Advanced RT Reagents

A44661, CLA IdentiFiler™ Direct PCR Amplification Kit

A44662, CLA GlobalFiler™ PCR Amplification Kit

AM7155M, RNA Control 250 with Manual

AM7155, RNA Control 250 with Manual

AM8723, Cells-to-cDNA™ II Cell Lysis Buffer (10 ml Bottle)

AM1717, QuantumRNA™ Classic II 18S Internal Standard

AM2614, BSA, acetylated (20 mg/mL)

AM8728, Cells-to-Signal™ Lysis Buffer (10 ml Bottle)

A44647200, Platinum™ Direct PCR Universal Master Mix

A65909, CLA GlobalFiler™ PCR Amplification Kit

A65908, CLA IdentiFiler™ Direct PCR Amplification Kit

A21178, GeneArt™ CRISPR Nuclease Vector with OFP Reporter Kit (with competent cells)

A21175, GeneArt™ CRISPR Nuclease Vector with CD4 Enrichment Kit

A25601, Cells-to-CT™ 1-Step Power SYBR™ Green Kit

A25599, Cells-to-CT™ 1-Step Power SYBR™ Green Kit

A25600, Cells-to-CT™ 1-Step Power SYBR™ Green Kit

A25605, Cells-to-CT™ 1-Step TaqMan™ Kit

A25603, Cells-to-CT™ 1-Step TaqMan™ Kit

A25602, Cells-to-CT™ 1-Step TaqMan™ Kit

K1082, DreamTaq Green PCR Master Mix (2X)

K1081, DreamTaq Green PCR Master Mix (2X)

K310250, PureLink™ PCR Micro Kit

K310050, PureLink™ PCR Micro Kit

B21250.36, Guanidine thiocyanate, 99%

B21250.22, Guanidine thiocyanate, 99%

B21250.0E, Guanidine thiocyanate, 99%

B21250.22, Guanidine thiocyanate, 99%

B21250.0E, Guanidine thiocyanate, 99%

A1051003, SequalPrep™ Wash Buffer

N8080186, AmpliTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer II

N8080161, AmpliTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer II

N8080172, AmpliTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer II

N8080153, AmpliTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer II

N8080156, AmpliTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer II

N8080129, GeneAmp™ 10X PCR Buffer

N8080006, GeneAmp™ 10X PCR Buffer

N8080157, AmpliTaq™ DNA Polymerase, LD (Low DNA) with Buffer I

N8080096, AmpErase™ Uracil N-Glycosylase (UNG)

N8080158, AmpliTaq™ DNA Polymerase, LD (Low DNA) with Buffer II

N8080259, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer II and MgCl2

N8080241, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer II and MgCl2

N8080247, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer II and MgCl2

N8080245, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer II and MgCl2

N8080249, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer II and MgCl2

N8080185, AmpliTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer I

N8080160, AmpliTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer I

N8080171, AmpliTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer I

N8080152, AmpliTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer I

N8080155, AmpliTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer I

AM1729, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Cells-to-CT™ Kit

4399002, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Cells-to-CT™ Kit

AM1728, TaqMan™ Gene Expression Cells-to-CT™ Kit

F537S, Phusion Green Hot Start II High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (2 U/μL)

F537L, Phusion Green Hot Start II High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase (2 U/μL)

F548S, Phusion Flash High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix

F548L, Phusion Flash High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix

K310002, PureLink™ PCR Purification Kit

K310001, PureLink™ PCR Purification Kit

K310005, PureLink™ PCR Purification Binding Buffer B2

12344040, AccuPrime™ Pfx SuperMix

11966034, Platinum™ Taq Green Hot Start DNA Polymerase

13000014, Platinum™ Hot Start PCR Master Mix (2X)

13000012, Platinum™ Hot Start PCR Master Mix (2X)

13000013, Platinum™ Hot Start PCR Master Mix (2X)

12337024, AccuPrime™ GC-Rich DNA Polymerase

12337016, AccuPrime™ GC-Rich DNA Polymerase

12339024, AccuPrime™ Taq DNA Polymerase System

12339016, AccuPrime™ Taq DNA Polymerase System

12369250, Platinum™ SuperFi II Green PCR Master Mix

12369010, Platinum™ SuperFi II Green PCR Master Mix

12369050, Platinum™ SuperFi II Green PCR Master Mix

11754500, CellsDirect™ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit with ROX, for ABI 7000, 7300, 7700, and 7900(HT) instruments

11754100, CellsDirect™ One-Step qRT-PCR Kit with ROX, for ABI 7000, 7300, 7700, and 7900(HT) instruments

4463349, PrepFiler™ Automated Forensic DNA Extraction Kit User Guide

4485065, TaqMan™ STEC O45 & O121 Beads, MLG

4370489, Fast MicroSEQ™ 500 16S rDNA PCR Kit

4402960, Cells-to-CT™ Stop Solution

4467831, AmpFLSTR™ Identifiler™ Direct PCR Amplification Kit

4408580, AmpFLSTR™ Identifiler™ Direct PCR Amplification Kit

4476609, GlobalFiler™ Express PCR Amplification Kit

4474665, GlobalFiler™ Express PCR Amplification Kit

4480442, Ion AmpliSeq™ Library Kit 2.0

4475345, Ion AmpliSeq™ Library Kit 2.0

4480441, Ion AmpliSeq™ Library Kit 2.0

4485064, TaqMan™ STEC O26 & O111 Assay Beads, MLG

4338857, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase, LD (Low DNA) with Gold Buffer and MgCl2

4338856, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase, LD (Low DNA) with Gold Buffer and MgCl2

433941000, Guanidine thiocyanate, 99+%, for molecular biology

4348228, MicroSEQ™ 500 16S rDNA PCR Kit

4349155, MicroSEQ™ Full Gene 16S rDNA PCR Kit

4359187, GeneAmp™ Fast PCR Master Mix (2X), without protocol

4379874, GeneAmp™ 10X PCR Gold Buffer & MgCl2

4306898, GeneAmp™ 10X PCR Gold Buffer & MgCl2

4386995, TaqMan™ Cells-to-CT™ Control Kit

4391852C, Cells-to-CT Bulk RT Reagents

4402957, Fast SYBR™ Green Cells-to-CT™ Kit

4402956, Fast SYBR™ Green Cells-to-CT™ Kit

18038240, Taq DNA Polymerase, native

18038018, Taq DNA Polymerase, native

18038042, Taq DNA Polymerase, native

18038067, Taq DNA Polymerase, native

14000012, Platinum™ II Hot-Start PCR Master Mix (2X)

611520010, Saline-sodium Citrate, 20x Solution

903558, 310 Genetic Analyzer Site Preparation and Safety Guide

A21174, GeneArt™ CRISPR Nuclease Vector with OFP Reporter Kit

A21177, GeneArt™ CRISPR Nuclease Vector with CD4 Enrichment Kit (with competent cells)

4379876, GeneAmp™ 10X PCR Buffer I, (2 x 75 mL)

4398901, AmpliTaq Gold™ 360 Master Mix

4398876, AmpliTaq Gold™ 360 Master Mix

4398881, AmpliTaq Gold™ 360 Master Mix

4398886, AmpliTaq Gold™ 360 Master Mix

4398853, AmpliTaq Gold™ 360 Buffer Kit

4399003, TaqMan™ Fast Cells-to-CT™ Kit

14966123, Platinum™ II Green PCR Buffer (5X)

AM1716, QuantumRNA™ Classic 18S Internal Standard

A10498, SequalPrep™ Long PCR Kit with dNTPs

A1051001, SequalPrep™ Normalization Plate Kit, 96-well

K9022, DreamTaq™ Hot Start Green PCR Master Mix

K9021, DreamTaq™ Hot Start Green PCR Master Mix

N8080258, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer I

N8080240, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer I

N8080244, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer I

N8080246, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer I

N8080248, AmpliTaq Gold™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer I

N8080130, GeneAmp™ 10X PCR Buffer II & MgCl2

N8080010, GeneAmp™ 10X PCR Buffer II & MgCl2

4379878, GeneAmp™ 10X PCR Buffer II & MgCl2

A31021, PCR Master Mix Starter Pack

A47624, CLA IdentiFiler™ Plus PCR Amplification Kit

A35378, TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Cells-to-CT™ Kit

A35374, TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Cells-to-CT™ Kit

A35377, TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Cells-to-CT™ Kit

A44660, CLA IdentiFiler™ Plus PCR Amplification Kit

A42362, MagMAX™ Viral/Pathogen Binding Beads

A43565, GlobalFiler™ IQC PCR Amplification Kit

A57989, TaqMan™ Cells-to-CT™ Express Lysis Reagents

F549N, Phusion™ Hot Start II DNA Polymerase & dNTP Mix (10 mM each)

EP0714, DreamTaq Green DNA Polymerase (5 U/μL)

EP0711, DreamTaq Green DNA Polymerase (5 U/μL)

EP0712, DreamTaq Green DNA Polymerase (5 U/μL)

EP0713, DreamTaq Green DNA Polymerase (5 U/μL)

F126S, Phire Green Hot Start II PCR Master Mix

F126L, Phire Green Hot Start II PCR Master Mix

F527L, Phire Green Reaction Buffer

F556S, Phusion U Green Hot Start DNA Polymerase

F556L, Phusion U Green Hot Start DNA Polymerase

F531S, Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with HF Buffer

F531L, Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with HF Buffer

F538L, Phusion Green HF Buffer Pack

F541, Phusion Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit

F564S, Phusion U Green Multiplex PCR Master Mix

F631XL, Phusion™ Plus PCR Master Mix

F631L, Phusion™ Plus PCR Master Mix

F631S, Phusion™ Plus PCR Master Mix

F524L, Phire Reaction Buffer

F555S, Phusion U Hot Start DNA Polymerase

F555L, Phusion U Hot Start DNA Polymerase

F562S, Phusion U Multiplex PCR Master Mix

F562L, Phusion U Multiplex PCR Master Mix

F549N, Phusion™ Hot Start II DNA Polymerase & dNTP Mix (10 mM each)

F630XL, Phusion™ Plus DNA Polymerase

F630L, Phusion™ Plus DNA Polymerase

F630S, Phusion™ Plus DNA Polymerase

F632XL, Phusion™ Plus Green PCR Master Mix

F632L, Phusion™ Plus Green PCR Master Mix

F632S, Phusion™ Plus Green PCR Master Mix

F122S, Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase

F122L, Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase

F521L, Phusion GC Buffer Pack, detergent-free

F549XL, Phusion™ Hot Start II DNA Polymerase (2 U/μL)

F549L, Phusion™ Hot Start II DNA Polymerase (2 U/μL)

F549S, Phusion™ Hot Start II DNA Polymerase (2 U/μL)

F564L, Phusion U Green Multiplex PCR Master Mix

CS1200010, ChargeSwitch™ PCR Clean-Up Kit

CS12000, ChargeSwitch™ PCR Clean-Up Kit

J60561.AP, SSC (20X), RNAse free

J60561.AK, SSC (20X), RNAse free

J60561.AK, SSC (20X), RNAse free

J60839.K7, SSC buffer (20X)

J60839.K2, SSC buffer (20X)

J60839.K3, SSC buffer (20X)

J60839.K2, SSC buffer (20X)

J60839.K3, SSC buffer (20X)

903558, 310 Genetic Analyzer Site Preparation and Safety Guide

A35378, TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Cells-to-CT™ Kit

A35374, TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Cells-to-CT™ Kit

A35377, TaqMan™ Fast Advanced Cells-to-CT™ Kit

A44660, CLA IdentiFiler™ Plus PCR Amplification Kit

A47624, CLA IdentiFiler™ Plus PCR Amplification Kit

A42362, MagMAX™ Viral/Pathogen Binding Beads

K1072, DreamTaq PCR Master Mix (2X)

K1071, DreamTaq PCR Master Mix (2X)

K9012, DreamTaq™ Hot Start PCR Master Mix

K9011, DreamTaq™ Hot Start PCR Master Mix

K9022, DreamTaq™ Hot Start Green PCR Master Mix

K9021, DreamTaq™ Hot Start Green PCR Master Mix

A57989, TaqMan™ Cells-to-CT™ Express Lysis Reagents

AM1716, QuantumRNA™ Classic 18S Internal Standard

AM1718, QuantumRNA™ Universal 18S Internal Standard

AM1723, Cells-to-cDNA™ II Kit

AM1722, Cells-to-cDNA™ II Kit

A48141, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 96 well

A47397, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 96 well

A48768, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 96 well

A48769, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 96 well

A47398, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 96 well

A48770, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 96 well

A48771, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 96 well

A47396, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 96 well

A48766, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 96 well

A48767, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 96 well

A24811, SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler

A35422, SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler

A37834, MiniAmp™ Thermal Cycler

A38080, MiniAmp™ Thermal Cycler

A38081, MiniAmp™ Thermal Cycler

4484073, ProFlex™ 3 x 32-well PCR System

A30754, ProFlex™ 3 x 32-well PCR System

4484075, ProFlex™ 96-well PCR System

A30755, ProFlex™ 96-well PCR System

A28574, QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, desktop

4375305, Veriti™ Thermal Cycler, 96-well Fast

A27925, Veriti™ Thermal Cycler, 96-well Fast

A27924, Veriti™ Thermal Cycler, 96-well Fast

A27926, Veriti™ Thermal Cycler, 96-well Fast

4452300, Veriti™ Dx 96-well Thermal Cycler, 0.2 mL

A34322, QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System for Human Identification, 96-well, 0.2 mL, desktop

A40393, QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, MiniAmp™ Plus Thermal Cycler, and 96-Well Plates Package

A33976, Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC) Block Module, 384 well

4453537, ViiA™ 7 Real-Time PCR System with TaqMan™ Array Block

4485688, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, laptop

4471050, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System, 96-well block, laptop

4471134, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System, 384-well block, desktop

4485699, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System, 96-well Fast, laptop

4485696, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System, array card, desktop

4485701, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System, 384-well, desktop

4413964, Veriti™ Thermal Cycler, OQ/IPV User-Performed Test Procedures

4471081, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System, 384-well block, laptop

4471088, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System, Fast 96-well block, desktop

4471089, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System, Array Card block, desktop

4472379, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System, OpenArray™ block, laptop

4471085, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System, Array Card block, laptop

4471080, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System, Fast 96-well block, laptop

4480299, QuantStudio™ Dx Real-Time PCR Instrument with 96-well fast block

4485690, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, desktop

4485691, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System, 384-well, laptop

4485692, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, desktop

4472054, HRM Software Module for QuantStudio™ 12K Flex System

4485698, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System, 96-well Fast, laptop

4453534, ViiA™ 7 Real-Time PCR System with 96-Well Block

4365464, 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System, laptop, QST

4377355, 7500 Fast System SDS 21 CFR Part 11 Module

4329002, 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System with 384-Well Block Module and Automation Accessory

4351107, 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System, desktop

4351104, 7500 Real-Time PCR System, laptop

4365463, 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System, tower, QST

4366605, 7500 Real-Time PCR System for Human Identification with Dell Notebook D520

4366604, 7500 Real-Time PCR System for Human Identification with Dell Desktop GX620

4377354, 7500 System SDS 21 CFR Part 11 Module

4399679, Computer RAM Upgrade Kit, laptop D510/D520

4309924, Single-Channel 60-well Temperature Verification Kit for PCR 9700 System, 0.5 mL

A30757, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x 384-well

A31671, Pharmaceutical Analytics QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL, laptop

A31666, Pharmaceutical Analytics QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL, laptop

A31676, Pharmaceutical Analytics QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 384-well

A31669, Pharmaceutical Analytics QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, desktop

A31674, Pharmaceutical Analytics QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, laptop

A31673, Pharmaceutical Analytics QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL

A31670, Pharmaceutical Analytics QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL

A31678, Pharmaceutical Analytics QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 384-well, desktop

A28566, QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL, laptop

A28598, QuantStudio™ 3D Extended Arm WiFi Adapter

A30229, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x 384-well

4484077, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x 384-well

A30163, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x 384-well

A30164, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x 384-well

A27933, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x flat

A27932, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x flat

A27931, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x flat

A27939, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x 96-well

A27938, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x 96-well

A27937, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x 96-well

A28140, QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 384-well

A50328, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 384-well

A48140, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 384-well

A47399, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 384-well

A50327, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 384-well

A31664, Pharmaceutical Analytics QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL

A41193, SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler + Plastics Package, EnduraPlates

A41192, SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler + Plastics Package, EnduraPlates

A43168, QuantStudio™ 6 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 384-well, laptop

A43165, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System, TaqMan™ Array Card

A43181, QuantStudio™ 6 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL, desktop

A43186, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System, TaqMan™ Array Card, desktop

A38077, MiniAmp™ Plus Thermal Cycler REX Extended Warranty Package

A37835, MiniAmp™ Plus Thermal Cycler REX Extended Warranty Package

A38076, MiniAmp™ Plus Thermal Cycler REX Extended Warranty Package

A40427, QuantStudio™ 1 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, laptop

A41183, ProFlex™ PCR System + Plastics Package, 3 x 32-well, TriFlex plates

A41182, ProFlex™ PCR System + Plastics Package, 3 x 32-well, TriFlex plates

A41199, Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC) + Plastics Package, 96-well, full-skirt EnduraPlates

A41198, Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC) + Plastics Package, 96-well, full-skirt EnduraPlates

A41195, MiniAmp™ Thermal Cycler + Plastics Package, TriFlex plates

A41194, MiniAmp™ Thermal Cycler + Plastics Package, TriFlex plates

A43163, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL

A43180, QuantStudio™ 6 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, desktop

A43166, QuantStudio™ 6 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, laptop

A44556, QuantStudio™ 6 Pro Real-Time PCR System, AB Assurance extended warranty, SmartStart, 96-well, 0.2 mL

A47327, QuantStudio™ 5 Dx Real-Time PCR System, desktop

A50328, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 384-well

A48140, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 384-well

A47399, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 384-well

A50327, VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 384-well

A52127, HID VeritiPro™ Thermal Cycler, 96 well, 0.2 mL

A53289, RapidFinder™ Analysis Software v3.0

A57609, QuantStudio™ Absolute Q™ AutoRun Digital PCR Suite, dual configuration system

A57751, VeritiPro™ Dx Thermal Cycler, 96 well, IQ-OQ

A28598, QuantStudio™ 3D Extended Arm WiFi Adapter

A28572, QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, desktop

A43169, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, laptop

A52864, QuantStudio™ Absolute Q™ Digital PCR System, desktop

A27933, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x flat

A27932, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x flat

A27931, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x flat

A28137, QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL

A28566, QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL, laptop

A28567, QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, laptop

A27930, SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler Extended Warranty Package

A27936, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 96-well

A27934, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 96-well

A27935, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 96-well

A27939, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x 96-well

A27938, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x 96-well

A27937, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x 96-well

A28138, QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL

A28140, QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 384-well

A28571, QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL, desktop

A28986, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 3 x 32-well

A28980, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 3 x 32-well

A28985, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 3 x 32-well

A29513, High Resolution Melt (HRM) App

A28139, QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL

4471090, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System, OpenArray™ block, Accufill™ System

4472103, DigitalSuite™ Software

4472380, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System, OpenArray™ block, desktop

4484177, Ion Chef™ Instrument

4485694, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System, 384-well, desktop

4485695, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System, 384-well, laptop

4485700, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System, array card, laptop

4329001, 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System with 384-Well Block Module

4332266, System 9700 Networking Software Expansion Kit

4351405, 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System with Fast 96-Well Block Module

4351106, 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System, laptop

4453536, ViiA™ 7 Real-Time PCR System with 384-Well Block

4471087, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System, 96-well block, desktop

4485689, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, laptop

4485693, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex Real-Time PCR System, 96-well Fast, desktop

4489085, QuantStudio™ 3D Local Appliance/Server

4485697, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System, 96-well Fast, desktop

4399678, Computer RAM Upgrade Kit, laptop D600/D505

4452299, Veriti™ Dx 96-well Fast Thermal Cycler, 0.1 mL

4453535, ViiA™ 7 Real-Time PCR System with Fast 96-Well Block

4452301, Veriti™ Dx 384-well Thermal Cycler

4426824, OpenArray™ Plate Adaptor for Dual Flat Block GeneAmp™ PCR System 9700

4426825, OpenArray™ Plate Compression Pad for Dual Flat Block GeneAmp™ PCR System 9700

A51190, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Dx Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, laptop

A53267, QuantStudio™ Absolute Q™ Digital PCR System, desktop, extended warranty, Smart Start

A31665, Pharmaceutical Analytics QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL

A31667, Pharmaceutical Analytics QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, laptop

A31672, Pharmaceutical Analytics QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL, desktop

A33920, GenEx Enterprise Software

A33918, GenEx Enterprise Software

A33919, GenEx Enterprise Software

A33923, GenEx Professional Software

A33921, GenEx Professional Software

A33922, GenEx Professional Software

A36964, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty + Plastics Package, ABRC, 2 x 384-well

A36963, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty + Plastics Package, ABRC, 2 x 384-well

A36962, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty + Plastics Package, ABRC, 2 x 96-well

A36961, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty + Plastics Package, ABRC, 2 x 96-well

A41187, ProFlex™ PCR System + Plastics Package, 2x384-well, EnduraPlates

A41200, Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC) + Plastics Package, 384-well, EnduraPlates

A43161, QuantStudio™ 6 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 384-well

A43162, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL

A43167, QuantStudio™ 6 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL, laptop

A43160, QuantStudio™ 6 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL

A43183, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, desktop

A43172, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System, TaqMan™ Array Card, laptop

A43184, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL, desktop

A30758, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x flat

4484078, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 2 x flat

A33979, Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC), 384 well, laptop, 10-cm cable

A33977, Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC), 384 well, laptop, 10-cm cable

A33978, Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC), 384 well, laptop, 10-cm cable

A34321, QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System for Human Identification, 96-well, 0.2 mL, laptop

A33982, Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC), 384 well, 10-cm cable

A33980, Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC), 384 well, 10-cm cable

A33981, Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC), 384 well, 10-cm cable

A36970, SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler Extended Warranty + Plastics Package, ABRC

A36969, SimpliAmp™ Thermal Cycler Extended Warranty + Plastics Package, ABRC

A36958, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty + Plastics Package, ABRC, 3x32-well

A36396, ProFlex™ PCR System Extended Warranty + Plastics Package, ABRC, 3x32-well

A40479, QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, MiniAmp™ Plus Thermal Cycler, and Qubit Fluorometer Package

A41185, ProFlex™ PCR System + Plastics Package, 1 x 96-well, 8-tube strips

A41184, ProFlex™ PCR System + Plastics Package, 1 x 96-well, 8-tube strips

A43164, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 384-well

A43159, QuantStudio™ 6 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL

A43171, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 384-well, laptop

A44557, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System Extended Warranty Package, 96-well, 0.2 mL

A51188, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Dx Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL

A51227, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Dx Real-time PCR System, 384-well, laptop

A57608, QuantStudio™ Absolute Q™ AutoRun dPCR Suite, single configuration system

A57752, VeritiPro™ Dx Thermal Cycler, 96 well, IQ-OQ, Extended Care

A30150, High Resolution Melt Software v3.2

A29881, High Resolution Melt Software v3.2

4399678, Computer RAM Upgrade Kit, laptop D600/D505

4452299, Veriti™ Dx 96-well Fast Thermal Cycler, 0.1 mL

4453535, ViiA™ 7 Real-Time PCR System with Fast 96-Well Block

4452301, Veriti™ Dx 384-well Thermal Cycler

4426824, OpenArray™ Plate Adaptor for Dual Flat Block GeneAmp™ PCR System 9700

4426825, OpenArray™ Plate Compression Pad for Dual Flat Block GeneAmp™ PCR System 9700

4329001, 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System with 384-Well Block Module

4351405, 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR System with Fast 96-Well Block Module

4351106, 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System, laptop

4332266, System 9700 Networking Software Expansion Kit

4351105, 7500 Real-Time PCR System, desktop

A43182, QuantStudio™ 6 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 384-well, desktop

A43185, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Real-Time PCR System, 384-well, desktop

A51192, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Dx Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, desktop

A51225, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Dx Real-time PCR System, 384-well

A51229, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Dx Real-time PCR System, 384-well, desktop

A28136, QuantStudio™ 3 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL

A28568, QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL, laptop

A28569, QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.2 mL, laptop

A28575, QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 384-well, desktop

A28573, QuantStudio™ 5 Real-Time PCR System, 96-well, 0.1 mL, desktop

A24629, Windows™ 7 OS Upgrade Kit for StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System

A24637, Windows™ 7 OS Upgrade Kit for StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System

4432656, RNaseP Verification Plate, Fast 96-well

4432364, Region of Interest (ROI) and Background Plates, 96-well

4432638, ROI & Background Calibration Kit, Fast 96-well

4317939, Single-Channel 96-well Temperature Verification Kit for PCR 9700 and 2720 Systems, 0.2 mL

A26341, QuantStudio™ 5 10-Dye Spectral Calibration Kit, 384-well

4484072, ProFlex™ 2 x 384-well Sample Block

4483638, ProFlex™ 2 x 384-well Sample Block

4483637, ProFlex™ 2 x 384-well Sample Block

4484071, ProFlex™ 2 x 384-well Sample Block

4484074, ProFlex™ 2 x 384-well Sample Block

A24735, JUN™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate for Multiplex qPCR, Fast 96-well

A50600, Spectral Calibration Plate, Alexa Fluor™ 647, 384 well

4432271, FAM™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 384-well

4350584, TaqMan™ RNase P Instrument Verification Plate for 7300/7500 Systems, 96-well

A48592, AccuSEQ™ Real-Time PCR Detection Software v3.1, USB

4486395, HRM Software Module for QuantStudio™ 6 and 7 Systems

4432278, VIC™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 384-well

4425562, MeltDoctor™ HRM Calibration Standard (20X)

201301, 4 in. Muffin Fan (115V)

4432302, NED™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 384-well

4486414, QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR Tilt Base for GeneAmp™ PCR System 9700

4432563, Calibration Kit, Fast 96-well

4453544, ViiA™ 7, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex and QuantStudio™ 12k Flex System Block Upgrade Kit, Fast, 96 well

4453545, ViiA™ 7, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex and QuantStudio™ 12k Flex System Block Upgrade Kit, 384 well

4466038, Protein Thermal Shift™ Software v1.4

4466037, Protein Thermal Shift™ Software v1.4

4482221, OpenArray™ 384-well Sample Plates, Black

4425559, MeltDoctor™ HRM Calibration Plate, 384-well

4432470, Calibration Install Kit, 384-well

4457328, MUSTANG PURPLE™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate for Multiplex qPCR, Fast 96-well

4458107, OpenArray™ AccuFill™ System Tips

4457246, OpenArray™ AccuFill™ System Tips

4471086, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System with AccuFill, OpenArray™ block, laptop

4486400, 21 CFR Part 11 Software Module for QuantStudio™ 6 and 7 Systems

4371433, StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System Spectral Calibration Kit (48 well)

4432290, SYBR™ Green Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 384-well

4432370, Normalization Plates with FAM™/ROX™ and VIC™/ROX™ dyes, 96-well

4432296, TAMRA™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 384-well

4432320, Region of Interest (ROI) and Background Plates, 384-well

4432420, NED™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4432557, Calibration Install Kit, Fast 96-well

4432607, VIC™ Dye Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4432488, Standard Calibration Install Kit, 96-well

4453551, ViiA™ 7 System Automation Accessory Robot (100-240 V)

4457334, MUSTANG PURPLE™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate for Multiplex qPCR, 384-well

4461591, ABY™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 96-well

4371439, TaqMan™ RNase P Instrument Verification Plate, Fast 48-well

4432334, VIC™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 96-well

4432340, ROX™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 96-well

4432389, FAM™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4432408, SYBR™ Green Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4432314, ViiA™ 7 Array Card Spectral Calibration Kit

4330251, Tool, 5/16 HEX 6 in. L W/T-handle

4351151, 7500 Real Time PCR Systems Spectral Calibration Kit II

4349182, 7300 Real Time PCR Systems Spectral Calibration Kit

4351402, 7900HT System Fast 96-Well Block Upgrade Kit

4371435, StepOnePlus™ Real-Time PCR System Spectral Calibration Kit (96 well)

4379635, 7300 System SDS v1.4 Upgrade Kit with RQ Study

4379633, 7300 System SDS v1.4 Software Upgrade Kit

4393565, VeritiLink™ Remote Management Software

4308354, Single-Channel Dual 384-well Temperature Verification Kit for PCR 9700 System, 0.02 mL

4316733, Fuse (5 x 20 mm 12.5A 250V) for 7000, 7300, 7500, & 7500 Fast Systems

4319086, Single-Channel 96-well Temperature Verification Probe for PCR 9700 and 2720 Systems, 0.2 mL

4323977, Sequence Detection Systems Spectral Calibration Kit, 384-well

4328260, Premium USB Type A-B Cable, 3 meters (for 7500 & 7500 Fast Systems)

4329012, 7900HT TaqMan™ Array Upgrade

A26333, QuantStudio™ 3/5 Spectral Calibration Plate 3 (TAMRA™, NED™, Cy™5 dyes), 96-well, 0.2 mL

A26336, QuantStudio™ 3/5 Spectral Calibration Plate 1 (FAM™, VIC™, ROX™, SYBR™ dyes), 96-well, 0.1 mL

A26342, QuantStudio™ 3/5 10-Dye Spectral Calibration Kit, 96-well, 0.1 mL

201301, 4 in. Muffin Fan (115V)

A31485, Connector Cable for Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC), 10-cm

A31482, Connector Cable for Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC), 10-cm

A31483, Connector Cable for Automated Thermal Cycler (ATC), 10-cm

4371433, StepOne™ Real-Time PCR System Spectral Calibration Kit (48 well)

4432563, Calibration Kit, Fast 96-well

4457334, MUSTANG PURPLE™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate for Multiplex qPCR, 384-well

4457328, MUSTANG PURPLE™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate for Multiplex qPCR, Fast 96-well

4466038, Protein Thermal Shift™ Software v1.4

4466037, Protein Thermal Shift™ Software v1.4

4453544, ViiA™ 7, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex and QuantStudio™ 12k Flex System Block Upgrade Kit, Fast, 96 well

4458107, OpenArray™ AccuFill™ System Tips

4457246, OpenArray™ AccuFill™ System Tips

4486414, QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR Tilt Base for GeneAmp™ PCR System 9700

4371439, TaqMan™ RNase P Instrument Verification Plate, Fast 48-well

4393565, VeritiLink™ Remote Management Software

4432290, SYBR™ Green Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 384-well

4432334, VIC™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 96-well

4432340, ROX™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 96-well

4432389, FAM™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4432408, SYBR™ Green Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4432314, ViiA™ 7 Array Card Spectral Calibration Kit

4432488, Standard Calibration Install Kit, 96-well

4432370, Normalization Plates with FAM™/ROX™ and VIC™/ROX™ dyes, 96-well

4432296, TAMRA™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 384-well

4432320, Region of Interest (ROI) and Background Plates, 384-well

4432302, NED™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 384-well

4432557, Calibration Install Kit, Fast 96-well

4432607, VIC™ Dye Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4425559, MeltDoctor™ HRM Calibration Plate, 384-well

4432420, NED™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4432470, Calibration Install Kit, 384-well

4453551, ViiA™ 7 System Automation Accessory Robot (100-240 V)

4453545, ViiA™ 7, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex, QuantStudio™ 7 Flex and QuantStudio™ 12k Flex System Block Upgrade Kit, 384 well

4461591, ABY™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 96-well

4471086, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Real-Time PCR System with AccuFill, OpenArray™ block, laptop

4482221, OpenArray™ 384-well Sample Plates, Black

4486400, 21 CFR Part 11 Software Module for QuantStudio™ 6 and 7 Systems

4432250, Array Card Calibration Install Kit

4432396, VIC™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4432614, ROX™ Dye Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4455280, TaqMan™ RNase P Instrument Verification Plate for ViiA™ 7 System, 384-well

4461593, JUN™ Spectral Calibration Plate, 96-well

4406947, OpenArray™ 384-well Sample Plates

4432265, ViiA™ 7 Array Card RNaseP Verification Kit

4432402, ROX™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4432414, TAMRA™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4453723, 21 CFR Part 11 Software Module for ViiA™ 7 System

4461599, MUSTANG PURPLE™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 96-well

4471067, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex OpenArray™ Block Upgrade Kit (with Accufill™ System)

4471021, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex Accufill System

4472053, 21 CFR Part 11 Software Module for QuantStudio™ 12K Flex System

A33044, ATC Semi-skirted Adaptor

A33045, ATC Full-skirted Adaptor

A57611, QuantStudio™ Absolute Q™ AutoRun Digital PCR Suite, dual configuration upgrade

A43782, Random Access Storage Option for the Orbitor™ RS2 Microplate Mover for QuantStudio™ Real-time PCR Systems

A45956, QuantStudio™ Pro Block Upgrade Kit, TaqMan™ Array Card

A43780, Orbitor™ RS2 Microplate Mover for QuantStudio™ Real-time PCR Systems

A45953, QuantStudio™ Pro Block Upgrade Kit, 96-well, 0.2 mL

A46400, AccuSEQ™ Real-Time PCR Detection Software, version 2.1.2, seat license

A50598, Spectral Calibration Plate, Alexa Fluor™ 647, 96 well

4432308, FAM™/ROX™ and VIC™/ROX™ Dye Normalization Plates, 384-well

4432346, SYBR™ Green Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 96-well

4432382, TaqMan™ RNase P Instrument Verification Plate, 96-well (for 0.2 mL block)

4432284, ROX™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 384-well

4432352, TAMRA™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 96-well

4432426, Region of Interest (ROI) and Background Plates, Fast 96-well

4432432, FAM™/ROX™ and VIC™/ROX™ Dye Normalization Plates, Fast 96-well

4432250, Array Card Calibration Install Kit

4432402, ROX™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4432414, TAMRA™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4432600, FAM™ Dye Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4432614, ROX™ Dye Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4432632, TAMRA™ Dye Calibration Plate, Fast 96-well

4453546, ViiA™ 7 System Block Upgrade Kit, TaqMan™ Array

4453723, 21 CFR Part 11 Software Module for ViiA™ 7 System

4455280, TaqMan™ RNase P Instrument Verification Plate for ViiA™ 7 System, 384-well

4461599, MUSTANG PURPLE™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 96-well

4305822, SDS Spectral Calibration Kit

4323306, TaqMan™ RNase P Instrument Verification Plate for 7900HT System, 384-well

4349180, 7500 Real Time PCR Systems Spectral Calibration Kit I

4367033, Precision Plate Holder for 0.2 mL Tubes & Strips (for 7300 & 7500 Systems)

A24738, ABY™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate for Multiplex qPCR, 96-well

A24945, QuantStudio™ 12K Flex OpenArray™ Plate Press 2.0

A24898, QuantStudio™ 3D Digital PCR Tilt Base for ProFlex™ Thermal Cycler

A26335, QuantStudio™ 5 Spectral Calibration Plate 2 (ABY™, JUN™, MUSTANG PURPLE™, NED™, and Cy™5 dyes), 384-well

A26340, QuantStudio™ 3/5 Spectral Calibration Plate 3 (TAMRA™, NED™, Cy™5 dyes), 96-well, 0.1 mL

A26343, QuantStudio™ 3/5 10-Dye Spectral Calibration Kit, 96-well, 0.2 mL

A26774, High-Power USB Wi-Fi Module

A51233, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Dx Block Upgrade Kit, 384-well, IVD

A26331, QuantStudio™ 3/5 Spectral Calibration Plate 1 (FAM™, VIC™, ROX™, SYBR™ dyes), 96-well, 0.2 mL

A33044, ATC Semi-skirted Adaptor

A33045, ATC Full-skirted Adaptor

A43782, Random Access Storage Option for the Orbitor™ RS2 Microplate Mover for QuantStudio™ Real-time PCR Systems

A43780, Orbitor™ RS2 Microplate Mover for QuantStudio™ Real-time PCR Systems

A45956, QuantStudio™ Pro Block Upgrade Kit, TaqMan™ Array Card

A46400, AccuSEQ™ Real-Time PCR Detection Software, version 2.1.2, seat license

A50598, Spectral Calibration Plate, Alexa Fluor™ 647, 96 well

A57611, QuantStudio™ Absolute Q™ AutoRun Digital PCR Suite, dual configuration upgrade

A57612, QuantStudio™ Absolute Q™ AutoRun Digital PCR Suite, single to dual configuration upgrade

A45953, QuantStudio™ Pro Block Upgrade Kit, 96-well, 0.2 mL

A50551, Spectral Calibration Plate with Alexa 647 Dye, 96-well

A52523, QuantStudio™ 7 Pro Dx 10-dye Spectral Calibration Kit, 384-well, IVD

A58642, AccuSEQ™ Real-Time PCR Detection Software v2.2

A58644, AccuSEQ™ Real-Time PCR Detection Software v2.2, seat license

A24664, HID Real-Time PCR Analysis Software v1.2

A24612, HID Real-Time PCR Analysis Software v1.2

A24737, JUN™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate for Multiplex qPCR, 96-well

A26334, QuantStudio™ 5 Spectral Calibration Plate 1 (FAM™, VIC™, ROX™, TAMRA™, and SYBR™ dyes), 384-well

A26337, QuantStudio™ 3/5 Spectral Calibration Plate 2 (ABY™, JUN™, MUSTANG PURPLE™ dyes), 96-well, 0.1 mL

A30065, TaqMan™ RNase P Assay, VIC™ dye/QSY™ probe, primer-limited

FD0774, FastDigest SspI 

FD1014, FastDigest BpiI 

FD0054, FastDigest BamHI 

FD0084, FastDigest BglII 

FD0584, FastDigest NdeI 

FD0663, FastDigest SmaI 

FD0685, FastDigest XbaI 

FD1254, FastDigest BcuI 

FD1704, FastDigest DpnI 

EO0381, RiboLock RNase Inhibitor (40 U/µL) 

EN0521, DNase I, RNase-free (1 U/µL) 

EN0531, RNase A, DNase and protease-free (10 mg/mL) 

ER1011, BpiI (BbsI) (10 U/µL) 

EL0016, T4 DNA Ligase, LC (1 U/µL) 

EL0013, T4 DNA Ligase, HC (30 U/µL) 

15524010, UltraPure™ TEMED 

34577 , SuperSignal™ West Pico PLUS Chemiluminescent Substrate 

IB24002, iBlot™ 2 Transfer Stacks, PVDF, mini 

26619 , PageRuler™ Plus Prestained Protein Ladder, 10 to 250 kDa 

26625 , Spectra™ Multicolor High Range Protein Ladder 

26614 , PageRuler™ Unstained Protein Ladder 

26616 , PageRuler™ Prestained Protein Ladder, 10 to 180 kDa 

26617 , PageRuler™ Prestained Protein Ladder, 10 to 180 kDa 

26620 , PageRuler™ Plus Prestained Protein Ladder, 10 to 250 kDa 

44985 , Pierce™ Fab Preparation Kit 

46-2012-80, CD201 (EPCR) Monoclonal Antibody (eBio1560 (1560)), PerCP-eFluor 710, eBioscience™ 

A11006, Goat anti-Rat IgG (H+L) Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 488 

89883 , Zeba™ Spin Desalting Columns, 7K MWCO, 0.5 mL 

89890 , Zeba™ Spin Desalting Columns, 7K MWCO, 2 mL 

66456 , Slide-A-Lyzer™ Dialysis Cassettes, gamma-irradiated, 10K MWCO, 30 mL 

88245 , SnakeSkin™ Dialysis Tubing, 10K MWCO, 35 mm 

88244 , SnakeSkin™ Dialysis Tubing, 3.5K MWCO, 35 mm 

68700 , SnakeSkin™ Dialysis Tubing, 7K MWCO, 22 mm 

23225 , Pierce™ BCA Protein Assay Kit 

90111 , TMT10plex™ Isobaric Label Reagent Set, 3 x 0.8mg 

88322 , Pierce™ LTQ ESI Positive Ion Calibration Solution 

R0861, DTT (dithiothreitol) 

C10608, CellLight™ Plasma Membrane-RFP, BacMam 2.0 

12587010 , B-27™ Supplement (50X), minus vitamin A 

17502048 , N-2 Supplement (100X) 

17504044 , B-27™ Supplement (50X), serum free 

11550043 , Ham's F-10 Nutrient Mix 

11360070 , Sodium Pyruvate (100 mM) 

25080094 , Sodium Bicarbonate 7.5% solution 

11415064 , Leibovitz's L-15 Medium 

25030081 , L-Glutamine (200 mM) 

35050061 , GlutaMAX™ Supplement 

25030149 , L-Glutamine (200 mM) 

C11960500CP, BASIC DMEM, High Glucose, no Glutamine 

12100046 , DMEM, powder, high glucose 

11960044 , DMEM, high glucose, no glutamine 

11965126 , DMEM, high glucose 

10566016 , DMEM, high glucose, GlutaMAX™ Supplement 

10829018 , KnockOut™ DMEM 

11965092 , DMEM, high glucose 

11965118 , DMEM, high glucose 

11995065 , DMEM, high glucose, pyruvate 

11995073 , DMEM, high glucose, pyruvate 

12430062 , DMEM, high glucose, HEPES 

10564011 , DMEM, high glucose, GlutaMAX™ Supplement, HEPES 

C11885500CP, BASIC DMEM, Low Glucose, Pyruvate 

10565018 , DMEM/F-12, GlutaMAX™ supplement 

11330032 , DMEM/F-12, HEPES 

11330057 , DMEM/F-12, HEPES 

21127022 , Ham's F-12K (Kaighn's) Medium 

21127030 , Ham's F-12K (Kaighn's) Medium 

11765054 , Ham's F-12 Nutrient Mix 

12440053 , IMDM 

12440061 , IMDM 

16600082 , McCoy's 5A (Modified) Medium 

12330031 , McCoy's 5A (Modified) Medium, HEPES 

12561049 , MEM α, no nucleosides 

11095080 , MEM 

11140050 , MEM Non-Essential Amino Acids Solution (100X) 

12561056 , MEM α, no nucleosides 

11058021 , Opti-MEM™ I Reduced Serum Medium, no phenol red 

31985062 , Opti-MEM™ I Reduced Serum Medium 

31985070 , Opti-MEM™ I Reduced Serum Medium 

11875085 , RPMI 1640 Medium 

22400105 , RPMI 1640 Medium, HEPES 

11875093 , Gibco RPMI 1640 Medium 

11875119 , Gibco RPMI 1640 Medium 

22400089 , RPMI 1640 Medium, HEPES 

21870084 , RPMI 1640 Medium, no glutamine 

21870076 , RPMI 1640 Medium, no glutamine 

72400120 , RPMI 1640 Medium, GlutaMAX™ Supplement, HEPES 

11150059 , Medium 199, Earle's Salts 

14190144 , DPBS, no calcium, no magnesium 

14025092 , HBSS, calcium, magnesium, no phenol red 

15630080 , HEPES (1 M) 

10010023 , PBS, pH 7.4 

15250061 , Trypan Blue Solution, 0.4% 

10687010 , Hygromycin B (50 mg/mL) 

10378016 , Penicillin-Streptomycin-Glutamine (100X) 

15140122 , Penicillin-Streptomycin (10,000 U/mL) 

15240096 , Antibiotic-Antimycotic (100X) 

10131035 , Geneticin™ Selective Antibiotic (G418 Sulfate) (50 mg/mL) 

12338026 , FreeStyle™ 293 Expression Medium 

21720024 , Schneider's Drosophila Medium 

10486025 , Express Five™ SFM 

10902104 , Sf-900™ II SFM 

12045076 , Hybridoma-SFM 

21103049 , Neurobasal™ Medium 

15230147 , Distilled Water 

13151014 , Cell Dissociation Buffer, enzyme-free, PBS 

15050065 , Trypsin (0.25%), phenol red 

25300054 , Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%), phenol red 

15400054 , Trypsin-EDTA (0.5%), no phenol red 

12604021 , TrypLE™ Express Enzyme (1X), no phenol red 

15050057 , Trypsin (0.25%), phenol red 

25200056 , Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol red 

25200072 , Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol red 

25300062 , Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%), phenol red 

10362100 , Cellfectin™ II Reagent 

11668019 , Lipofectamine™ 2000 Transfection Reagent 

13778150 , Lipofectamine™ RNAiMAX Transfection Reagent 

15338100 , Lipofectamine™ LTX Reagent with PLUS™ Reagent 

10296028 , TRIzol™ LS Reagent 

15596018 , TRIzol™ Reagent 

15596026 , TRIzol™ Reagent 

AM9516, GlycoBlue™ Coprecipitant (15 mg/mL) 

21127030, Ham's F-12K (Kaighn's) Medium

A1896701, FluoroBrite™ DMEM Gibco™

PHG0266, Human FGF-basic (FGF-2/bFGF) (aa 1-155) Recombinant Protein

C11995500CP, DMEM, high glucose, pyruvate Gibco™

A1286001, CTS™ GlutaMAX™-I Supplement Gibco™

12604021, TrypLE™ Express Enzyme (1X), no phenol red

13778150, Lipofectamine™ RNAiMAX Transfection Reagent Invitrogen™

15140148, Penicillin-Streptomycin (10,000 U/mL) Gibco™

15140163, Penicillin-Streptomycin (10,000 U/mL)

11791023, LR Clonase II for BaculoDirect™ Kits Invitrogen™

11791100, Gateway™ LR Clonase™ II Enzyme mix

16050122, Horse Serum, New Zealand origin Gibco™

AM9906, DEPC-Treated Water Invitrogen™

A11013, Goat anti-Human IgG (H+L) Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor™ 488 Invitrogen™

A21206, Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor™ 488

A32723, Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor™ Plus 488 Invitrogen™

A32731, Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor™ Plus 488

A53226, Pierce™ Dilution-Free™ Rapid Gold BCA Protein Assay Thermo Scientific™

89880, Chemiluminescent Nucleic Acid Detection Module Kit Thermo Scientific™

37580, SuperBlock™ (PBS) Blocking Buffer Thermo Scientific™

26634, Spectra™ Multicolor Broad Range Protein Ladder Thermo Scientific™

16159, Pierce™ Gaussia Luciferase Flash Assay Kit Thermo Scientific™

26113, MA(PEG)8 Methyl-PEG-Amine Compound Thermo Scientific™

45-0031-80, CD3e Monoclonal Antibody (145-2C11), PerCP-Cyanine5.5, eBioscience™

720380, ELF5 Polyclonal Antibody

PA528106, VDAC2 Polyclonal Antibody

47-0051-82, CD5 Monoclonal Antibody (53-7.3), APC-eFluor™ 780, eBioscience™

C2927, CellTracker™ Fluorescent Probes

A35534, TrueGuide™ gRNA Modified, custom Invitrogen™

A10235, Alexa Fluor™ 488 Protein Labeling Kit Invitrogen™

STEM00015, Lipofectamine™ Stem Transfection Reagent

L453, Lucifer Yellow CH, Lithium Salt, 25 mg

HC1000S, SureCast™ Gel Handcast Bundle B - Hardware Only Invitrogen™

L7528, LysoTracker™ Red DND-99, special packaging

45-0042-82, CD4 Monoclonal Antibody (RM4-5), PerCP-Cyanine5.5, eBioscience™

A20346, Alexa Fluor™ 555 C2 Maleimide


434302, Streptavidin

47-0454-82, CD45.2 Monoclonal Antibody (104), APC-eFluor™ 780, eBioscience™

C34776, Cholera Toxin Subunit B (Recombinant), Alexa Fluor™ 555 Conjugate

C10444, CellROX™ Green Reagent, for oxidative stress detection

19524016, Biotin-14-dATP Invitrogen™

P36983, ProLong™ Glass Antifade Mountant with NucBlue™ Stain

C10592, CellLight™ Golgi-GFP, BacMam 2.0

45-0037-42, CD3 Monoclonal Antibody (OKT3), PerCP-Cyanine5.5, eBioscience™

C10329, Click-iT™ RNA Alexa Fluor™ 488 Imaging Kit Invitrogen™

C10428, Click-iT™ HPG Alexa Fluor™ 488 Protein Synthesis Assay Kit

M12415, MANT-GTP (2'-(or-3')-O-(N-Methylanthraniloyl) Guanosine 5'-Triphosphate, Trisodium Salt)

13778100, Lipofectamine™ RNAiMAX Transfection Reagent

T2556, Tris-(2-Carboxyethyl)phosphine, Hydrochloride (TCEP) Invitrogen™

46-1273-82, CD127 Monoclonal Antibody (eBioSB/199 (SB/199)), PerCP-eFluor™ 710, eBioscience™

A21271, HuC/HuD Monoclonal Antibody (16A11)

23213, Pierce™ Bovine Gamma Globulin Standard Pre-Diluted Set Thermo Scientific™

A40006, EasyPep™ MS Sample Prep Kits Thermo Scientific™

A39265, EZ-Link™ Sulfo-NHS-LC-Desthiobiotin, No-Weigh™ Format

24600, Pierce™ Silver Stain for Mass Spectrometry Thermo Scientific™

78510, T-PER™ Tissue Protein Extraction Reagent Thermo Scientific™

88845, Pierce™ Protein A Magnetic Beads

23200, Pierce™ Bradford Protein Assay Kit Thermo Scientific™

88805, Pierce™ Crosslink Magnetic IP/Co-IP Kit

89883, Zeba™ Spin Desalting Columns, Plates, and Cartridges, 7K MWCO, 0.5–100 mL

44600, Pierce™ Antibody Clean-up Kit Thermo Scientific™

89874, Mitochondria Isolation Kit for Cultured Cells Thermo Scientific™

20361, Pierce™ High Capacity Streptavidin Agarose Thermo Scientific™

21334, EZ-Link™ Iodoacetyl-PEG2-Biotin Thermo Scientific™

88404, Slide-A-Lyzer™ MINI Dialysis Devices, 10K MWCO

88804, Pierce™ Classic Magnetic IP/Co-IP Kit Thermo Scientific™

90062, TMTsixplex™ Isobaric Label Reagent Set, 2 x 0.8 mg Thermo Scientific™

20423, Pierce™ Protein A/G Plus Agarose Thermo Scientific™

69590, Slide-A-Lyzer™ MINI Dialysis Device, 20K MWCO, 0.1 mL Thermo Scientific™

24562, Pierce™ Glycoprotein Staining Kit Thermo Scientific™

78243, B-PER™ Bacterial Protein Extraction Reagent

53117, Pierce™ Streptavidin Plus UltraLink™ Resin Thermo Scientific™

24590, GelCode™ Blue Stain Reagent Thermo Scientific™

89897, Pierce™ Centrifuge Columns, 5 mL Thermo Scientific™

88221, HisPur™ Ni-NTA Resin

20357, Pierce™ High Capacity Streptavidin Agarose Thermo Scientific™

89901, RIPA Lysis and Extraction Buffer Thermo Scientific™

23235, Micro BCA™ Protein Assay Kit Thermo Scientific™


89882, Zeba™ Spin Desalting Columns, 7K MWCO, 0.5 mL Thermo Scientific™

78609, Pierce™ Protein A/G Magnetic Agarose Beads

88532, Pierce™ Protein Concentrators PES, 100K MWCO, 0.5–100 mL

AB0536, Cap-It Tool (for domed cap strips)

26146, Pierce™ Classic IP Kit Thermo Scientific™

88280, Pierce™ Primary Neuron Isolation Kit Thermo Scientific™

88701, Pierce™ Universal Nuclease for Cell Lysis Thermo Scientific™

77600, Imject™ mcKLH (in PBS)

26181, Pierce™ Anti-HA Agarose

34076, SuperSignal™ West Dura Extended Duration Substrate Thermo Scientific™

10777019, RNaseOUT™ Recombinant Ribonuclease Inhibitor Invitrogen™

C3099, Calcein AM, cell-permeant green and blue dyes Invitrogen™

434311, Streptavidin Invitrogen™

711500, Occludin Polyclonal Antibody

P36982, ProLong™ Glass Antifade Mountant Invitrogen™

53-6503-82, Myosin 4 Monoclonal Antibody (MF20), Alexa Fluor™ 488, eBioscience™

A36006, Amplex™ UltraRed Reagent Invitrogen™

47-0041-82, CD4 Monoclonal Antibody (GK1.5), APC-eFluor™ 780, eBioscience™

46-1702-82, CD170 (Siglec F) Monoclonal Antibody (1RNM44N), PerCP-eFluor™ 710, eBioscience™

48-0031-82, CD3e Monoclonal Antibody (145-2C11), eFluor™ 450, eBioscience™

45-0081-82, CD8a Monoclonal Antibody (53-6.7), PerCP-Cyanine5.5, eBioscience™

47-0441-82, CD44 Monoclonal Antibody (IM7), APC-eFluor™ 780, eBioscience™

P36966, ProLong™ Diamond Antifade Mountant with DAPI

C34551, CellTracker™ Fluorescent Probes

12-0801-81, CD80 (B7-1) Monoclonal Antibody (16-10A1), PE, eBioscience™

PA5102493, SFTPC Polyclonal Antibody

11-4031-81, Rat IgG2b kappa Isotype Control (eB149/10H5), FITC, eBioscience™

Q25029, Qtracker™ 655 Cell Labeling Kit (Trial Size)

12-8813-42, SSEA1 Monoclonal Antibody (eBioMC-480 (MC-480)), PE, eBioscience™

12-5931-81, Ly-6G/Ly-6C Monoclonal Antibody (RB6-8C5), PE, eBioscience™

48-0453-82, CD45.1 Monoclonal Antibody (A20), eFluor™ 450, eBioscience™

MA532154, Lysozyme Recombinant Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody (ST50-02)

S34854, SYTO™ 9 Green Fluorescent Nucleic Acid Stain Invitrogen™

PA557300, TRANK1 Polyclonal Antibody

45-5773-82, FOXP3 Monoclonal Antibody (FJK-16s), PerCP-Cyanine5.5, eBioscience™

R37605, NucBlue™ Live ReadyProbes™ Reagent (Hoechst 33342)

STEM00001, Lipofectamine™ Stem Transfection Reagent

11-0441-82, CD44 Monoclonal Antibody (IM7), FITC, eBioscience™

50-0681-82, CD68 Monoclonal Antibody (FA-11), eFluor™ 660, eBioscience™

47-0112-82, CD11b Monoclonal Antibody (M1/70), APC-eFluor™ 780, eBioscience™

618300, Phosphoserine/threonine/tyrosine Polyclonal Antibody

48-0032-82, CD3 Monoclonal Antibody (17A2), eFluor™ 450, eBioscience™ Invitrogen™

C10582, CellLight™ Actin-GFP, BacMam 2.0

56-5321-82, MHC Class II (I-A/I-E) Monoclonal Antibody (M5/114.15.2), Alexa Fluor™ 700, eBioscience™ Invitrogen™

P36930, ProLong™ Gold Antifade Mountant